2012-08-06 95 views

只想学习Cassandra并试图将RDBMS设计转换为Canssandra。 考虑到我的应用程序正在部署在多个数据中心。Cassandra二级索引


 A) CF : USER 
       1) email_id - primary key 
       2) fullname 
       3) organization - (I didnt create a separate table for organization) 

     B) CF : ORG_USER 

      1) organization - Primary Key 
      2) email_id 

      Here, my intention is to get users belong to an organization. 
      Here, I can make the organization in the user table as secondary index, but heard that, this may hit the performance. 
      Could you please clarify me which is the better approach? 

感谢, Baskar.S



组织可能是一个辅助索引一个很好的候选人,只要基数较低。换句话说,如果组织有很多重复值,请使用辅助索引。如果没有,手动构建索引(就像你在ORG_USER CF中指出的那样)是一个很好的方法。