2016-04-01 28 views

我想通过指定它的URL类型来找出在Servant API规范中选择服务器处理函数的方法。这与Servant.Util.Links不同 - 我不希望链接为文本形式,而是通过typelevel链接选择处理函数。类型类的servant API类型级别路由 - 如何选择实例(:<|>)?



{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} 

module Gonimo.GetEndpoint where 

import GHC.TypeLits 
import Servant.API 
import Servant.Utils.Links 
import Data.Proxy 
import Servant.Server 

class GetEndpoint api endpoint where 
    getEndpoint :: Proxy m -> Proxy api -> Proxy endpoint -> ServerT api m -> ServerT endpoint m 

instance (GetEndpoint b1 endpoint) => GetEndpoint (b1 :<|> b2) endpoint where 
    getEndpoint pM _ pE (lS :<|> _) = getEndpoint pM (Proxy :: Proxy b1) pE lS 

instance (GetEndpoint b2 endpoint) => GetEndpoint (b1 :<|> b2) endpoint where 
    getEndpoint pM _ pE (_ :<|> lR) = getEndpoint pM (Proxy :: Proxy b1) pE lR 


Duplicate instance declarations: 
    instance forall (k :: BOX) b1 b2 (endpoint :: k). 
      GetEndpoint b1 endpoint => 
      GetEndpoint (b1 :<|> b2) endpoint 
    -- Defined at src/Gonimo/GetEndpoint.hs:22:10 
    instance forall (k :: BOX) b1 b2 (endpoint :: k). 
      GetEndpoint b2 endpoint => 
      GetEndpoint (b1 :<|> b2) endpoint 
    -- Defined at src/Gonimo/GetEndpoint.hs:26:10 

这一点我部分理解 - 但我应该怎么回事挑选右侧或左侧路线:< |>在类型级别?



为防万一现在有人试图找到一个完全可行的解决方案 - 即使是最小的指针,我也会很高兴,所以如果您有任何有用的东西 - 请留下评论:-) 关闭类型家庭也许?约束包?我仍然错过了一个链接,这对我来说是非常新的领域。 – robert


目前尚不清楚你实际上想要完成什么,它与“Servant.Util.Links”实现的有什么不同?无论如何,你的问题是类型选择不考虑实例的上下文,所以没有办法每一个都区分这些实例。相反,你应该计算例如一个布尔值,表示如果端点是在API中,然后'e'是'X:<|> y'如果'e'是'x'或'e'是'y' - 你需要一个类型级别'或'功能。考虑'class GetEndpoint a e(r :: Bool)|一个e - > r'或'类型的家庭GetEndpoint一个e :: Bool'。 – user2407038


谢谢 - 我会研究这些建议! – robert




作为user2407038建议的技巧是使用类型级别布尔 - 它由IsElem计算。这样我们可以将约束条件放入类型参数中,并可以根据我们的bool -yeah的值选择一个实例!


{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds  #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds  #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures  #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies  #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances  #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes  #-} 
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables  #-} 
module Lib where 

import GHC.TypeLits 
import Servant.API hiding (IsElem) 
import Servant.Utils.Links hiding (IsElem, Or) 
import Data.Proxy 
import Servant.Server 
import   GHC.Exts    (Constraint) 
import Network.Wai (Application) 
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT) 


type family Or (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) :: Bool where 
    Or 'False 'False = 'False 
    Or 'False 'True = 'True 
    Or 'True 'False = 'True 
    Or 'True 'True = 'True 

type family And (a :: Bool) (b :: Bool) :: Bool where 
    And 'False 'False = 'False 
    And 'False 'True = 'False 
    And 'True 'False = 'False 
    And 'True 'True = 'True 

type family Not (a :: Bool) :: Bool where 
    Not 'False = 'True 
    Not 'True = 'False 

- 计算我们BOOL:

type family IsElem endpoint api :: Bool where 
    IsElem e (sa :<|> sb)     = Or (IsElem e sa) (IsElem e sb) 
    IsElem (e :> sa) (e :> sb)    = IsElem sa sb 
    IsElem sa (Header sym x :> sb)   = IsElem sa sb 
    IsElem sa (ReqBody y x :> sb)   = IsElem sa sb 
    IsElem (Capture z y :> sa) (Capture x y :> sb) 
              = IsElem sa sb 
    IsElem sa (QueryParam x y :> sb)  = IsElem sa sb 
    IsElem sa (QueryParams x y :> sb)  = IsElem sa sb 
    IsElem sa (QueryFlag x :> sb)   = IsElem sa sb 
    IsElem (Verb m s ct typ) (Verb m s ct' typ) 
              = IsSubList ct ct' 
    IsElem e e        = True 
    IsElem sa sb       = False 

type family IsSubList a b :: Bool where 
    IsSubList '[] b   = True 
    IsSubList (x ': xs) y = Elem x y `And` IsSubList xs y 

type family Elem e es :: Bool where 
    Elem x (x ': xs) = True 
    Elem y (x ': xs) = Elem y xs 
    Elem y '[] = False 

type family EnableConstraint (c :: Constraint) (enable :: Bool) :: Constraint where 
    EnableConstraint c 'True = c 
    EnableConstraint c 'False =() 


type family PickLeftRight endpoint api :: Bool where 
    PickLeftRight endpoint (sa :<|> sb) = IsElem endpoint sb 
    PickLeftRight endpoint sa = 'True 


-- | Select a handler from an API by specifying a type level link. 
callHandler :: forall api endpoint. (GetEndpoint api endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint api)) 
      => Proxy api 
      -> ServerT api (ExceptT ServantErr IO) 
      -> Proxy endpoint 
      -> ServerT endpoint (ExceptT ServantErr IO) 
callHandler pA handlers pE = getEndpoint (Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint api)) pM pA pE handlers 
    pM = Proxy :: Proxy (ExceptT ServantErr IO) 


class GetEndpoint api endpoint (chooseRight :: Bool) where 
    getEndpoint :: forall m. Proxy chooseRight -> Proxy m -> Proxy api -> Proxy endpoint -> ServerT api m -> ServerT endpoint m 


-- Left choice 
instance (GetEndpoint b1 endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint b1)) => GetEndpoint (b1 :<|> b2) endpoint 'False where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint (lS :<|> _) = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy b1) pEndpoint lS 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint b1) 


-- Right choice 
instance (GetEndpoint b2 endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint b2)) => GetEndpoint (b1 :<|> b2) endpoint 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint (_ :<|> lR) = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy b2) pEndpoint lR 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint b2) 

其他情况下 - 不相关的到原来的问题,但这里的完整性:

-- Pathpiece 
instance (KnownSymbol sym, GetEndpoint sa endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint sa)) => GetEndpoint (sym :> sa) (sym :> endpoint) 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint server = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy sa) (Proxy :: Proxy endpoint) server 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint sa) 

-- Capture 
instance (KnownSymbol sym, GetEndpoint sa endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint sa)) => GetEndpoint (Capture sym a :> sa) (Capture sym1 a :> endpoint) 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint server a = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy sa) (Proxy :: Proxy endpoint) (server a) 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint sa) 

-- QueryParam 
instance (KnownSymbol sym, GetEndpoint sa endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint sa)) => GetEndpoint (QueryParam sym a :> sa) (QueryParam sym a :> endpoint) 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint server ma = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy sa) (Proxy :: Proxy endpoint) (server ma) 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint sa) 

-- QueryParams 
instance (KnownSymbol sym, GetEndpoint sa endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint sa)) => GetEndpoint (QueryParams sym a :> sa) (QueryParams sym a :> endpoint) 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint server as = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy sa) (Proxy :: Proxy endpoint) (server as) 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint sa) 

-- QueryFlag 
instance (KnownSymbol sym, GetEndpoint sa endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint sa)) => GetEndpoint (QueryFlag sym :> sa) (QueryFlag sym :> endpoint) 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint server f = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy sa) (Proxy :: Proxy endpoint) (server f) 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint sa) 

-- Header 
instance (KnownSymbol sym, GetEndpoint sa endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint sa)) => GetEndpoint (Header sym a :> sa) (Header sym a :> endpoint) 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint server ma = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy sa) (Proxy :: Proxy endpoint) (server ma) 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint sa) 

-- ReqBody 
instance (GetEndpoint sa endpoint (PickLeftRight endpoint sa)) => GetEndpoint (ReqBody ct a :> sa) (ReqBody ct a :> endpoint) 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ pM _ pEndpoint server a = getEndpoint pLeftRight pM (Proxy :: Proxy sa) (Proxy :: Proxy endpoint) (server a) 
    where pLeftRight = Proxy :: Proxy (PickLeftRight endpoint sa) 

-- Verb 
instance GetEndpoint (Verb n s ct a) (Verb n s ct a) 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ _ _ _ server = server 

-- Raw 
instance GetEndpoint Raw Raw 'True where 
    getEndpoint _ _ _ _ server = server 




这是一个非常好的完整答案!您应该将其设置为已接受。顺便说一下,它温暖了我的心,感谢这么多次微小的暗示。 – user2407038


好吧 - 我自己也解决不了这个问题 - 所以你真的把我救了出来;-)将标记为已接受 - 我是新的stackoverflow,不知道这一点。 – robert