2012-07-27 60 views


当我测试这个时,标记为NOT BEING EXECUTED的部分未被执行。 该点之前的其他代码工作正常,但在该行之后没有任何反应。

我错过了什么吗?我使用firebug运行Firefox,我可以看到变量(已注册,groupcontracting和第三方)被定义为1或0 ..但它们看起来不可见于'NOT BEING EXECUTED'行之下的代码行。

$(document).ready(function() { 

    $('#restofform').css('display', 'none'); 
    $('#pharmdata').css('display', 'none'); 
    $('#form_bottom').css('display', 'none'); 
    $('#nextsteps').css('display', 'none'); 
    $('#group_status_message').css('display', 'none'); 
    $("#Affiliation").css('display', 'none'); 
    $("#affiliation_note").css('display', 'none'); 
    $("#AffiliationLabel").css('display', 'none'); 
    $("#affilitation").css('display', 'none'); 

    var enrolled; 
    var groupcontracting; 
    var thirdparty; 

    $('#UserNumber').keyup(function check_enrollment() { 

     //get the userid 
     var userid = $('#UserNumber').val(); 
     var input_length = $("#UserNumber").val().length; 

     function populate(frm, data) { 
      $.each(data, function (key, value) { 
       $('[id=' + key + ']', frm).val(value); 

     if (input_length >= 7) { 
      //network enrollment check 
      var enlink = "enrollment_check.php?userid =" + userid; 
      var gpclink = "group_contracting_check.php?userid =" + userid; 
      var bncdlink = "thirdparty_check.php?userid =" + userid; 
      $.getJSON(enlink, function (result) { 

       if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(result)) { 
        //show that the pharmacy is not enrolled 
        $('#enroll_status').addClass('badge badge-inverse'); 
        $('#enroll_status').html('Not Enrolled'); 
        enrolled = '0'; 

       } else if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(result)) { 
        //show that the pharmacy is enrolled 
        $('#enroll_status').addClass('badge badge-success'); 
        enrolled = '1'; 
      // end of network enrollment check 

      // group contracting affiliation check 
      $.getJSON(gpclink, function (gcresult) { 

       if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(gcresult)) { 
        //show that the username is available 
        $('#group_status').addClass('badge badge-success'); 
        $('#group_status').html('Group Affiliated'); 
        groupcontracting = '1'; 

       } else if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(gcresult)) { 
        //show that the username is NOT available 
        groupcontracting = '0'; 
      // end of group contracting check 

      // third party contractual relationship check 
      $.getJSON(bncdlink, function (bdresult) { 

       if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(bdresult)) { 
        //show that the username is available 
        $('#thirdparty_status').addClass('badge badge-success'); 
        $('#thirdparty_status').html('Third Party'); 
        thirdparty = '1'; 

       } else if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(bdresult)) { 
        //show that the username is NOT available 
        thirdparty = '0'; 
      //end of third party check 

      // ***********THIS PART IS NOT BEING EXECUTED ************* 
      // check to see what the variables are set to and display accordingly 

      if ((enrolled == '0') && (groupcontracting == '0') && (thirdparty == '0')) { 

       // set hidden fields 
       //show and hide appropriate parts of forms 
       $('#restofform').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_bottom').css('display', ''); 
       $('#pharmdata').css('display', 'none'); 
       $('#nextsteps').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_continue').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#form_continue').css('display', 'none'); 
       $('#form_enroll').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#form_enroll').css('display', ''); 
       // enable form fields 
       $('#FirstName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#LastName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#EmailAddress').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#HomePhone').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#FaxNumber').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#CompanyName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#Role').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#Comments').attr('disabled', false); 
       //display third party message since the Pharmacy will need to sign with them. 
       $('#steps').append('<li>This would be the third party statement, letting the pharmacy know that the third party will be contacting them.</li>'); 

      } else if ((enrolled == '0') && (groupcontracting == '1') && (thirdparty == '0')) { 

       // set hidden fields 
       //show and hide appropriate parts of forms 
       $('#restofform').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_bottom').css('display', ''); 
       $('#pharmdata').css('display', 'none'); 
       $('#nextsteps').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_continue').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#form_continue').css('display', 'none'); 
       $('#form_enroll').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#form_enroll').css('display', ''); 
       // enable form fields 
       $('#FirstName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#LastName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#EmailAddress').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#HomePhone').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#FaxNumber').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#CompanyName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#Role').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#Comments').attr('disabled', false); 
       //display third party message since the Pharmacy will need to sign with them. 
       $('#steps').append('<li>This would be the third partystatement, letting the pharmacy know that the third party will be contacting them.</li>'); 
       // show message to Pharmacy that they can enroll, but their group contracting entity will enroll them in products 
       $('#steps').append('<li>As a pharmacy currently affiliated with a group contracting entity, you will be able to enroll in the network, but enrollment in the Preferred Network will be handled by your group contracting entity.</li>'); 

      } else if ((enrolled == '0') && (groupcontracting == '0') && (thirdparty == '1')) { 

       // set hidden fields 
       //show and hide appropriate parts of forms 
       $('#restofform').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_bottom').css('display', ''); 
       $('#pharmdata').css('display', 'none'); 
       $('#nextsteps').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_continue').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#form_continue').css('display', 'none'); 
       $('#form_enroll').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#form_enroll').css('display', ''); 
       // enable form fields 
       $('#FirstName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#LastName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#EmailAddress').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#HomePhone').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#FaxNumber').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#CompanyName').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#Role').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#Comments').attr('disabled', false); 

      } else if ((enrolled == '1') && (groupcontracting == '0') && (thirdparty == '0')) { 

       // set hidden fields 
       //show & populate and hide appropriate parts of forms 
       $('#restofform').css('display', 'none'); 
       $('#pharmdata').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_bottom').css('display', ''); 
       $('#nextsteps').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_continue').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#form_continue').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_enroll').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#form_enroll').css('display', 'none'); 
       populate('#pharmdata', result); // set as the div the fields are in and NOT the form 
       // disable form fields 
       $('#FirstName').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#LastName').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#EmailAddress').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#HomePhone').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#FaxNumber').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#CompanyName').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#Role').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#Comments').attr('disabled', true); 
       // show message to Pharmacy that they should check their info before proceding 
       $('#steps').append('<li>If any of your information needs to be updated, please click <a href="mailto:[email protected]">here</a> to email our network support team.</li>'); 
       //display third partymessage since the Pharmacy will need to sign with them. 
       $('#steps').append('<li>This would be the third party statement, letting the pharmacy know that the third party will be contacting them.</li>'); 

      } else if ((enrolled == '1') && (groupcontracting == '1') && (thirdparty == '0')) { 

       // set hidden fields 
       // show message to Pharmacy that they are good to go and have nothing further to do. 
       $('#group_status_message').html('<p class="content-p">As a pharmacy both currently a Network Member and affiliated with a group contracting entity, no further steps are required. You will be enrolled into the Preferred Network by your group contracting entity.</p>'); 

      } else if ((enrolled == '1') && (groupcontracting == '1') && (thirdparty == '1')) { 

       // set hidden fields 
       // show message to Pharmacy that they are good to go and have nothing further to do. 
       $('#group_status_message').html('<p class="content-p">As a pharmacy both currently a Network Member and affiliated with a group contracting entity, no further steps are required. You will be enrolled into the Preferred Network by your group contracting entity.</p>'); 

      } else if ((enrolled == '1') && (groupcontracting == '0') && (thirdparty == '1')) { 

       // set hidden fields 
       //show & populate and hide appropriate parts of forms 
       $('#restofform').css('display', 'none'); 
       $('#pharmdata').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_bottom').css('display', ''); 
       $('#nextsteps').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_continue').attr('disabled', false); 
       $('#form_continue').css('display', ''); 
       $('#form_enroll').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#form_enroll').css('display', 'none'); 
       populate('#pharmdata', result); // set as the div the fields are in and NOT the form 
       // disable form fields 
       $('#FirstName').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#LastName').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#EmailAddress').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#HomePhone').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#FaxNumber').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#CompanyName').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#Role').attr('disabled', true); 
       $('#Comments').attr('disabled', true); 
       // show message to Pharmacy that they should check their info before proceding 
       $('#steps').append('<li>If any of your information needs to be updated, please click <a href="mailto:[email protected]">here</a> to email our network support team.</li>'); 


    // end of 3rd party contract check 
    // end of all checks 

}); // document.ready() 

您可能想尝试将其切回到一个最小工作示例......我无法相信所有代码都是重现问题所必需的...... – Chris 2012-07-27 16:27:04


是否报告了任何错误? – 2012-07-27 16:28:01


不确定它是否仅仅是将代码粘贴到编辑器中的结果,但是缩进非常糟糕 - 并且弄清楚了什么会变得非常困难 – freefaller 2012-07-27 16:28:24




当JavaScript引擎得到第一个if (...)语句时,$.getJSON方法都没有返回值,所以jQuery很乐意将它评估为“false”并跳过它,就像它应该的那样。


$(document).ajaxStop(function() { 
    // this code will run after all AJAX events have completed 

Blazemonger!谢谢!那就是诀窍。现在都完美了。 对于上面的那些,是的粘贴的代码搞乱了缩进。我非常关注代码缩进。 – 2012-07-27 16:46:31

