2017-10-07 153 views


full = [7,-1,1,2,-8,1] 
indices = [] 

def sumHelper(listnum, a, z): 
    if a == z: 
     global indices 
     return listnum[a] 
    mid = (a+z)//2 
    return max(sumHelper(listnum,a,mid),sumHelper(listnum,mid+1,z),straddleSum(listnum,a,mid,z)) 

def straddleSum(listnum, a, m, z): 
    right = -(2**31)-1 
    left = -(2**31)-1 
    count = 0 
    for i in range(m,a-1,-1): 
     count = count + listnum[i] 
     if count > left: 
      left = count 

    count = 0 
    for i in range(m+1,z+1): 
     count = count + listnum[i] 
     if count > right: 
      right = count 

    return right + left 

print(sumHelper(full, 0, len(full)-1)) 

任何示例i/p和预期的o/p? – Transhuman


输入:[7,-1,1,2,-8,1] 输出:9 [7 -1 1 2] – catpuccino


嗨@catpuccino,请编辑您的代码,使其更清晰。 strsddleSum中的一些内容:函数的for循环(s)部分或不是。如果他们请妥善缩进代码。在另一个说明中,在sumHelper中,你有全局索引,但是在任何函数中你都没有做任何事情......如果是这样的话,最好把它拉出来。即使你操纵索引,更好的方法是将它作为参数传递给需要它的函数。 –



你只返回一个范围的总和。要获得范围,只需返回总和和范围的元组,而不仅仅是总和:return listnum[a], (a,z)。然后给max一个关键函数,所以它只使用元组中的和来找到最大范围key= lambda x: x[0]

full = [7,-1,1,2,-8,1] 
# full = [-1,-2,-3,-4] 
# full = [1,2,-100,3,4] 
indices = [] 

def sumHelper(listnum, a, z): 
    if a == z: 
     global indices 

     # return sum of range and it's left and right index 
     return listnum[a], (a,z) 
    mid = (a+z)//2 
    return max(sumHelper(listnum,a,mid),sumHelper(listnum,mid+1,z),straddleSum(listnum,a,mid,z), key= lambda x: x[0]) 

def straddleSum(listnum, a, m, z): 
    right = -(2**31)-1 
    left = -(2**31)-1 

    lpos = rpos= None # left and right index of max range 

    count = 0 
    for i in range(m,a-1,-1): 
     count = count + listnum[i] 
     if count > left: 
      left = count 
      lpos = i 

    count = 0 
    for i in range(m+1,z+1): 
     count = count + listnum[i] 
     if count > right: 
      right = count 
      rpos = i 

    # return sum of range and it's left and right index 
    return right + left, (lpos, rpos) 

msum, msumb_range = sumHelper(full, 0, len(full)-1) 