2010-12-04 51 views

我试图在Visual C++项目中使用Visual Leak Detector 1.9h beta在Visual Studio 2010中当我生成和运行项目中,我得到以下错误:包括VS2010的依赖 - 视觉检漏仪

The program can't start because vld.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fid this problem.

的自述文件附带VLD状态,用于Visual C++ 8和9:

Go to Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> VC++ Directories. Select "Include files" from the "Show Directories For" drop-down menu. Add the include subdirectory from the Visual Leak Detector installation directory. Move it to the bottom of the list. Then select "Library files" from the drop-down menu and add the lib subdirectory from the Visual Leak Detector installation directory. Again, move it to the bottom of the list.

建议的菜单在VS2010中不推荐使用。 什么是VS2010的等价物?


  • 右键单击该项目\性能\配置属性\ C \ C++ \常规\附加包含目录 - >添加“; C:\ Program Files文件(86 )\ Visual Leak Detector \ include“
  • 右键单击项目\ properties \ Configuration Properties \ Linker \ General \ Additional Library Directories - > add”; C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Visual Leak Detector \ lib \ vld .lib“





您需要做的第一件事是找出安装程序放置vld.dll文件的位置。您正在清楚地运行64位操作系统。首先在c:\ windows \ system32中查找,如果找到它,则将其移动到c:\ windows \ syswow64,以便32位程序可以找到该DLL。同时检查安装程序是否与系统环境PATH变量(控制面板+系统,高级)混淆,您可能必须重新启动Visual Studio才能使更改生效。将安装目录添加到此变量将是另一种解决方案。最后一道工作就是将vld.dll复制到build目录中。


你是对的。 VLD安装在PATH环境变量(vld.dll所在的位置)中放置了“C:\ Program Files(x86)\ Visual Leak Detector \ bin”。在我注销后,再次运行完美无缺。 (也许重新启动VS2010就足够了,不确定) – Jonathan 2010-12-04 16:16:39