2016-12-04 99 views




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    <div id="bacon" class="animated"> <p>Bacon ipsum dolor amet ribeye short loin leberkas andouille jerky meatloaf pork spare ribs corned beef. Andouille ham hock ground round, shankle pastrami rump hamburger filet mignon. </p></div> 
    <div id="batfish" class="animated"><p>Batfish warmouth orbicular combtooth blenny; madtom, knifefish handfish rock beauty armorhead frogfish. Cownose ray pupfish pencilfish char fangtooth marblefish longfin dragonfish armored searobin hamlet.</p></div> 
    <div id="tuna" class="animated"><p>Tuna, sculpin squeaker rice eel, lamprey triggerfish mooneye African glass catfish, loach wolf-eel yellowhead jawfish grass carp sea dragon neon tetra. Fingerfish forehead brooder sarcastic fringehead sixgill ray, scaly dragonfish bluntnose minnow.</p></div> 
    <div id="sausage" class="animated"> <p>Sausage ground round sirloin ham hock t-bone tongue strip steak meatloaf landjaeger shankle andouille. Turducken doner brisket, shank salami shoulder kevin filet mignon ball tip chicken.</p> 
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ü希望位置是顶部还是中心? – Niraj



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