2016-11-21 80 views

我尝试从文件中设计链接列表,但在设置链接列表的第一个节点时存在一些问题。链表的数据结构被示出为下面附加的图片: Data structure of linled list读取文件时发生链接列表问题c


typedef struct nodeScore{ 

    int score; 
    struct nodeScore* nextScore; 


typedef struct nodeName{ 

    char* firstName; 
    char* lastName; 

    nodeScore* nextScore; 
    struct nodeName* nextName; 


还有一个功能可以逐行读取文件中的分数(每行包含'First name','Last name'和最多4'分数'),并返回链表头部:

nodeName* storeFile(const char* fileName, nodeName* nodeN){ 

FILE *pFile = fopen(fileName, "r"); 

char input[512]; 

char* firstName; 
char* lastName; 
int score; 

int line=0; 

nodeName* prevName; 
nodeScore* prevScore; 

while(fgets(input, 512, pFile)){ 

    printf("Line %d now.\n", ++line); 

    nodeName* ptrN = (nodeName*)malloc(sizeof(nodeName));//allocate for new node name. 

    firstName = strtok(input, " ");//first space for first name. 
    ptrN->firstName = firstName; 

    lastName = strtok(NULL, " ");//second space for last name. 
    ptrN->lastName = lastName; 

    if(line == 1){ 
     prevName = ptrN; 
     nodeN = ptrN;//allocate nodeN the return value to the first line, first node of the linked list. 

     prevName->nextName = ptrN; 
     prevName = ptrN; 


    ptrN->nextName = NULL; 
    ptrN->nextScore = NULL; 

    while(score = atoi(strtok(NULL, " \n"))){//store multiple scores until  next char is space or next new line. 

     if(ptrN->nextScore == NULL){//if no link to another score. 
      nodeScore* ptrS = (nodeScore*)malloc(sizeof(nodeScore));//allocate for new score node. 

      ptrN->nextScore = ptrS; 
      ptrS->score = score; 
      ptrS->nextScore = NULL; 
      prevScore = ptrS;//record latest 'tail' of linked list. 

      nodeScore* ptrS = (nodeScore*)malloc(sizeof(nodeScore)); 

      prevScore->nextScore = ptrS; 
      ptrS->score = score; 
      ptrS->nextScore = NULL; 
      prevScore = ptrS;//record latest 'tail' or linked list. 


    }//done the loop for storing multi-scores. 

}//done the loop for reading lines from file. 

return nodeN; 


int main(){ 
    char file1[]={"HW5_26.txt"}; 
    nodeName* n1; 

printf("\nStart reading file '%s' and store it into linked-list.\n\n", file1); 

n1 = storeFile(file1, n1); 

printf("%s", n1->firstName);//try to see who's the first person(1st node, should be Albert Einstein), here is when I'm confused. 

return 0; 



Albert Einstein 52 67 63 
Steve Abrew 90 86 90 93 
David Nagasake 100 85 93 89 
Mike Black 81 87 81 85 
Andrew Dijkstra 90 82 95 87 
Joanne Nguyen 84 80 95 91 
Chris Walljasper 86 100 96 89 
Fred Albert 70 68 
Dennis Dudley 74 79 77 81 
Leo Rice 95 
Fred Flinstone 73 81 78 74 
Frances Dupre 82 76 79 
Dave Light 89 76 91 83 
Hua Tran 91 81 87 94 
Sarah Trapp 83 98 94 93 


#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <string.h> 

[请参阅此讨论,为什么不在'C'中投射'malloc()'和家族的返回值。](http://stackoverflow.com/q/605845/2173917)。 –




firstName = strtok(input, " ");//first space for first name. 
ptrN->firstName = firstName; 





非常感谢你,它的工作原理。我学到了很多,再次感谢。祝你今天愉快! –