2013-04-09 102 views


from tkinter import * 
import random 

# Set up the window 
app = Tk() 
app.title("SUVAT Learning Game") 
menubar = Menu(app) 

def highscorewindow(): 
    app = Tk() 
    app.title("High Scores") 

    # create an area for working 
    large_field = Text(app) 
    large_field.pack(side = 'bottom', pady = 10) 

    # create an area for an answer 
    small_field = Entry(app) 
    small_field.pack(side = 'bottom', pady = 10) 

# create areas for the terms 
# term_entry1 = Entry(app) 
# term_entry1.visible = False 
# term_entry1.pack(side = 'bottom', pady = 10) 
# term_entry1.pi = term_entry1.place_info() 
# term_entry1.place_forget() 
# term_entry2 = Entry(app) 
# term_entry2.visible = False 
# term_entry2.pack(side = 'bottom', pady = 10) 
# term_entry2.pi = term_entry2.place_info() 
# term_entry2.place_forget() 
# term_entry3 = Entry(app) 
# term_entry3.visible = False 
# term_entry3.pack(side = 'bottom', pady = 10) 
# term_entry3.pi = term_entry3.place_info() 
# term_entry3.place_forget() 

def callback(): 

def toggle(): 
    term_entry1.visible = not term_entry1.visible 

# Set up the questions 
questionnumber = random.randint(1, 5) 

choice = IntVar() 

if questionnumber == 1: 
    Question = Label(app, text = "A ball is thrown in the air at 13 metres per second and reaches 15 metres into the air. \n\n Which equation is the correct one to use? \n\n Calculate the speed of the ball at this point.") 
    Question.pack(side = 'top', pady = 32) 

    # create answer 1 radio button 
    Choice1 = Radiobutton(text = "V = (((2*S - U))/t)", variable = choice, value = 1, command = "") 
    Choice1.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 2 radio button 
    Choice2 = Radiobutton(text = "t = (S/((U + V)/2))", variable = choice, value = 2, command = "") 
    Choice2.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 3 radio button 
    Choice3 = Radiobutton(text = "V = (math.sqrt((U*U) + 2*a*S))", variable = choice, value = 3, command = toggle) ####correct 
    Choice3.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

elif questionnumber == 2: 
    Question = Label(app, text = "A truck is travelling at 25 metres per second when the brakes are applied. After 10 seconds, the truck comes to a stop. \n\n Which equation is the correct one to use? \n\n Calculate the deceleration of the truck.") 
    Question.pack(side = 'top', pady = 32) 

    # create answer 1 radio button 
    Choice1 = Radiobutton(text = "a = ((V - U)/t)", variable = choice, value = 1, command = "") ####correct 
    Choice1.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 2 radio button 
    Choice2 = Radiobutton(text = "U = (S/(0.5*a*t))", variable = choice, value = 2, command = "") 
    Choice2.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 3 radio button 
    Choice3 = Radiobutton(text = "a = (S - (V*t)/(-0.5*(t*t)))", variable = choice, value = 3, command = "") 
    Choice3.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

elif questionnumber == 3: 
    Question = Label(app, text = "A tennis ball is thrown in the air. After 20 seconds, the ball reaches its maximum height. \n\n Which equation is the correct one to use? \n\n Calculate the initial speed of the ball.") 
    Question.pack(side = 'top', pady = 32) 

    # create answer 1 radio button 
    Choice1 = Radiobutton(text = "U = (V/a*t)", variable = choice, value = 1, command = "") ####correct 
    Choice1.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 2 radio button 
    Choice2 = Radiobutton(text = "U = (S/(0.5*a*t))", variable = choice, value = 2, command = "") 
    Choice2.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 3 radio button 
    Choice3 = Radiobutton(text = "S = (V*t - 0.5*a*(t*t))", variable = choice, value = 3, command = "") 
    Choice3.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

elif questionnumber == 4: 
    Question = Label(app, text = "A firework travels upwards after being launched with a speed of 20 metres per second. \n\n Which equation is the correct one to use? \n\n Calculate the greatest height reached by the firework.") 
    Question.pack(side = 'top', pady = 32) 

    # create answer 1 radio button 
    Choice1 = Radiobutton(text = "S = (((V*V)-(U*U)/2*a))", variable = choice, value = 1, command = "") ####correct 
    Choice1.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 2 radio button 
    Choice2 = Radiobutton(text = "S = ((U*t) + 0.5*a*(t*t))", variable = choice, value = 2, command = "") 
    Choice2.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 3 radio button 
    Choice3 = Radiobutton(text = "a = (S/(U*t*0.5*(t*t)))", variable = choice, value = 3, command = "") 
    Choice3.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

elif questionnumber == 5: 
    Question = Label(app, text = "A well is 75 metres deep. A pebble is dropped from the top, and hits the bottom with a speed of 12 metres per second. \n\n Which equation is the correct one to use? \n\n Calculate the time the pebble takes to travel from top to bottom.") 
    Question.pack(side = 'top', pady = 32) 

    # create answer 1 radio button 
    Choice1 = Radiobutton(text = "t = (S/((U + V)/2))", variable = choice, value = 1, command = "") 
    Choice1.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 2 radio button 
    Choice2 = Radiobutton(text = "S = ((U*t) + 0.5*a*(t*t))", variable = choice, value = 2, command = "") 
    Choice2.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

    # create answer 3 radio button 
    Choice3 = Radiobutton(text = "t = ((V - U)/a)", variable = choice, value = 3, command = "") ####correct 
    Choice3.pack(side = 'top', padx = 10) 

# create a pulldown menu for scores, and add it to the menu bar 
scoremenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) 
scoremenu.add_command(label="View Highscores", command=highscorewindow) 
scoremenu.add_command(label="Clear Highscores", command=callback) 
scoremenu.add_command(label="New Question", command="") 
scoremenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=app.quit) 
menubar.add_cascade(label="Score Menu", menu=scoremenu) 

# create pulldown menu for help 
helpmenu = Menu(menubar, tearoff=0) 
helpmenu.add_command(label="About", command="") 
menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=helpmenu) 

nextbutton = Button(text = "Next", command = highscorewindow) 
nextbutton.pack(side = 'top', pady = 10) 

# display the menu 



由于提前, 请问


您是否试图编写一个旨在测试各种问题的人的程序? – 2013-04-09 14:49:23


是的,但是稍后会执行程序的其他部分问题。 – WPilcher 2013-04-10 13:56:17


您可能有兴趣查看http://code.activestate.com/recipes/sets/33-quiz-me-25/并在那里修改源代码。您也可以通过发送电子邮件给[email protected]的开发人员获取代码的存档工作版本。 – 2013-04-10 19:28:22







的checkbutton似乎有Radiobutton(master, command = function)



你可能想提一下''grid_remove''也可以使用,它的优点是它记住了项目的位置,所以简单的调用'grid()'就可以使它恢复正常。使用'_forget'方法,你必须确保包含所有合适的选项,以便将它放回原处(这对于打包来说常常意味着你需要包含'before'或'after'属性,因为事情是非常重要的 – 2013-04-09 13:55:31


有没有可能使用上面提到的代码写一点代码,执行grid_remove方法?因为我似乎无法使它工作还有单选按钮。 – WPilcher 2013-04-10 13:55:14
