2013-02-19 67 views

我喜欢有一个命令行计算器,方便。要求如下:最小打字命令行计算器 - tcsh vs bash

  • 支持所有基本的算术运算符:+, - ,/,*,^为取幂,加括号为分组。
  • 要求最少的打字,我不想调用一个程序与它交互,然后让它退出。
  • 理想情况下,除了表达式本身之外,还应该在命令行中输入一个字符和一个空格。
  • 应该知道如何忽略逗号和美元(或其他货币符号)在数量上 ,让我从网上复制/粘贴,而无需担心 大约有清洁粘贴到计算器之前,每一个数字
  • 要空白宽容的空间存在或缺乏不应导致在保护它从壳表达报价任何错误
  • 没有必要 - 再次最小的打字



alias C 'echo '\''\!*'\'' |tr -d '\'',\042-\047'\'' |bc -l' 


# the basic stuff: 
tcsh> C 1+2 

# dollar signs, multiplication, exponentiation: 
tcsh> C $8 * 1.07^10 

# parentheses, mixed spacing, zero power: 
tcsh> C (2+5)/8 * 2^0 

# commas in numbers, no problem here either: 
tcsh> C 1,250.21 * 1.5 


现在出现这个问题。试图做同样在bash,那里参数别名,不支持我的力量来实现计算器作为外壳的功能,并通过使用“$ @”

function C() { echo "[email protected]" | tr -d ', \042-\047' | bc -l; } 


# works: 
bash$ C 1+2 

# works: 
bash$ C 1*2 

# Spaces around '*' lead to file expansion with everything falling apart: 
bash$ C 1 * 2 
(standard_in) 1: syntax error 
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: P 
(standard_in) 1: illegal character: S 
(standard_in) 1: syntax error 

# Non-leading parentheses seem to work: 
bash$ C 2*(2+1) 

# but leading-parentheses don't: 
bash$ C (2+1)*2 
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `2+1' 




您的前两个需求冲突。如果你想要最小的击键次数,那么你想要反向抛光,所以你甚至不需要圆括号来进行分组。 – 2013-02-19 20:21:51


够公平的。我的意思是最小的,同时仍然保留自然的人类符号:) – arielf 2013-02-19 20:51:53


重新考虑这一点:反向抛光将需要两个数字之间的“推/输入”操作符,所以中缀1 + 2(3个字符)实际上需要的输入类型少于反向抛光: 1 2+(4个字符) - 只是一个例子。 – arielf 2013-02-25 05:56:54



至少防止*的扩展,可以使用“设置-f”(以下某人的blog post

alias C='set -f -B; Cf ' 
function Cf() { echo "[email protected]" | tr -d ', \042-\047' | bc -l; set +f; }; 


$ C 2 * 3 

我下载了bash源文件,看起来非常紧密,似乎括号错误直接发生在命令行解析过程中,在任何命令运行之前o别名被扩展。没有任何标志可以关闭它。 所以不可能从bash脚本执行它。




  1. 找到readline的使用dlsym
  2. 更换的ReadLine用我们自己的函数使用当前栈上的第一个电话找到函数调用的ReadLine(yy_readline_get),然后恢复原来的readline
  3. 修改yy_readline_get调用包装函数
  4. w^ithin包装函数:更换非问题的符号,括号,如果输入与“C”


#include <string.h> 
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdint.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#ifndef __USE_GNU 
#define __USE_GNU 
#ifndef __USE_MISC 
#define __USE_MISC 
#include <dlfcn.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <sys/mman.h> 
#include <errno.h> 

//-----------Assembler helpers---------- 

#if (defined(x86_64) || defined(__x86_64__)) 

    //assembler instructions to read rdp, which we need to read the stack 
#define MOV_EBP_OUT "mov %%rbp, %0" 
    //size of a call instruction 

#define IS64BIT (1) 

     To replace a function with a new one, we use the push-ret trick, pushing the destination address on the stack and let ret jump "back" to it 
     This has the advantage that we can set an additional return address in the same way, if the jump goes to a function 

    This struct corresponds to the following assembler fragment:   
    68  ???? push     <low_dword (address)> 
    C7442404 ???? mov DWORD PTR [rsp+4], <high_dword (address)) 
    C3    ret 
typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) LongJump { 
    char push; unsigned int destinationLow; 
    unsigned int mov_dword_ptr_rsp4; unsigned int destinationHigh; 
    char ret; 
// char nopFiller[16]; 
} LongJump; 

void makeLongJump(void* destination, LongJump* res) { 
    res->push = 0x68; 
    res->destinationLow = (uintptr_t)destination & 0xFFFFFFFF; 
    res->mov_dword_ptr_rsp4 = 0x042444C7; 
    res->destinationHigh = ((uintptr_t)(destination) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF; 
    res->ret = 0xC3; 

//Macros to save and restore the rdi register, which is used to pass an address to readline (standard amd64 calling convention) 
typedef unsigned long SavedParameter; 
#define SAVE_PARAMETERS SavedParameter savedParameters; __asm__("mov %%rdi, %0": "=r"(savedParameters)); 
#define RESTORE_PARAMETERS __asm__("mov %0, %%rdi": : "r"(savedParameters)); 

#error only implmented for amd64... 

//Simulates the effect of the POP instructions, popping from a passed "stack pointer" and returning the popped value 
static void * pop(void** stack){ 
    void* temp = *(void**)(*stack); 
    *stack += sizeof(void*); 
    return temp; 

//Disables the write protection of an address, so we can override it 
static int unprotect(void * POINTER){ 
    const int PAGESIZE = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);; 
    if (mprotect((void*)(((uintptr_t)POINTER & ~(PAGESIZE-1))), PAGESIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC)) { 
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set permission on %p\n", POINTER); 
    return 1; 
    return 0; 

//Debug stuff 
static void fprintfhex(FILE* f, void * hash, int len) { 
    for (int i=0;i<len;i++) { 
    if ((uintptr_t)hash % 8 == 0 && (uintptr_t)i % 8 == 0 && i) fprintf(f, " "); 
    fprintf(f, "%.2x", ((unsigned char*)(hash))[i]); 
    fprintf(f, "\n"); 


//Address of the original readline function 
static char* (*real_readline)(const char*)=0; 

//The wrapper around readline we want to inject. 
//It replaces() with [], if the command line starts with "C " 
static char* readline_wrapper(const char* prompt){ 
    if (!real_readline) return 0; 
    char* result = real_readline(prompt); 
    char* temp = result; while (*temp == ' ') temp++; 
    if (temp[0] == 'C' && temp[1] == ' ') 
    for (int len = strlen(temp), i=0;i<len;i++) 
     if (temp[i] == '(') temp[i] = '['; 
     else if (temp[i] == ')') temp[i] = ']'; 
    return result; 

//Backup of the changed readline part 
static unsigned char oldreadline[2*sizeof(LongJump)] = {0x90}; 
//A wrapper around the readline wrapper, needed on amd64 (see below) 
static LongJump* readline_wrapper_wrapper = 0; 

static void readline_initwrapper(){ 
    if (readline_wrapper_wrapper) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR!\n"); return; } 

    //restore readline 
    memcpy(real_readline, oldreadline, 2*sizeof(LongJump)); 

    //find call in yy_readline_get 
    void * frame; 
    __asm__(MOV_EBP_OUT: "=r"(frame)); //current stackframe 
    pop(&frame); //pop current stackframe (??) 
    void * returnToFrame = frame; 
    if (pop(&frame) != real_readline) { 
    //now points to current return address 
    fprintf(stderr, "Got %p instead of %p=readline, when searching caller\n", frame, real_readline); 
    void * caller = pop(&frame); //now points to the instruction following the call to readline 
    caller -= RELATIVE_CALL_INSTRUCTION_SIZE; //now points to the call instruction 
    //fprintf(stderr, "CALLER: %p\n", caller); 
    //caller should point to 0x00000000004229e1 <+145>: e8 4a e3 06 00 call 0x490d30 <readline> 
    if (*(unsigned char*)caller != 0xE8) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected CALL, got: "); fprintfhex(stderr, caller, 16); return; } 

    if (unprotect(caller)) return; 

    //We can now override caller to call an arbitrary function instead of readline. 
    //However, the CALL instruction accepts only a 32 parameter, so the called function has to be in the same 32-bit address space 
    //Solution: Allocate memory at an address close to that CALL instruction and put a long jump to our real function there 
    void * hint = caller; 
    readline_wrapper_wrapper = 0; 
    do { 
    if (readline_wrapper_wrapper) munmap(readline_wrapper_wrapper, 2*sizeof(LongJump)); 
    readline_wrapper_wrapper = mmap(hint, 2*sizeof(LongJump), PROT_EXEC | PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS|MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); 
    if (readline_wrapper_wrapper == MAP_FAILED) { fprintf(stderr, "mmap failed: %i\n", errno); return; } 
    hint += 0x100000; 
    } while (IS64BIT && ((uintptr_t)readline_wrapper_wrapper >= 0xFFFFFFFF + ((uintptr_t) caller))); //repeat until we get an address really close to caller 
    //fprintf(stderr, "X:%p\n", readline_wrapper_wrapper); 
    makeLongJump(readline_wrapper, readline_wrapper_wrapper); //Write the long jump in the newly allocated space 

    //fprintfhex(stderr, readline_wrapper_wrapper, 16); 
    //fprintfhex(stderr, caller, 16); 

    //patch caller to become call <readline_wrapper_wrapper> 
    //called address is relative to address of CALL instruction 
    *(uint32_t*)(caller+1) = (uint32_t) ((uintptr_t)readline_wrapper_wrapper - (uintptr_t)(caller + RELATIVE_CALL_INSTRUCTION_SIZE)); 

    //fprintfhex(stderr, caller, 16); 

    *(void**)(returnToFrame) = readline_wrapper_wrapper; //change stack to jump to wrapper instead real_readline (or it would not work on the first entered command) 


static void _calc_init(void) __attribute__ ((constructor)); 

static void _calc_init(void){ 
    if (!real_readline) { 
    //Find readline 
    real_readline = (char* (*)(const char*)) dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "readline"); 
    if (!real_readline) return; 
    //fprintf(stdout, "loaded %p\n", real_readline); 
    //fprintf(stdout, " => %x\n", * ((int*) real_readline)); 

    if (unprotect(real_readline)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to unprotect readline\n"); return; } 
    memcpy(oldreadline, real_readline, 2*sizeof(LongJump)); //backup readline's instructions 

    //Replace readline with readline_initwrapper 
    makeLongJump(real_readline, (LongJump*)real_readline); //add a push/ret long jump from readline to readline, to have readline's address on the stack in readline_initwrapper 
    makeLongJump(readline_initwrapper, (LongJump*)((char*)real_readline + sizeof(LongJump) - 1)); //add a push/ret long jump from readline to readline_initwrapper, overriding the previous RET 



gcc -g -std=c99 -shared -fPIC -o calc.so -ldl calc.c 


gdb --batch-silent -ex "attach $BASHPID" -ex 'print dlopen("calc.so", 0x101)' 


alias C='set -f -B; Cf ' 
function Cf() { echo "[email protected]" | tr -d ', \042-\047' | tr [ '(' | tr ] ')' | bc -l; set +f; }; 


$ C 1 * 2 
$ C 2*(2+1) 
$ C (2+1)*2 


alias C='set -f -B; Cf ' 
function Cf() { echo "[email protected]" | tr -d ', \042-\047' | tr [ '(' | tr ] ')' | xargs qalc ; set +f; }; 


$ C e^(i * pi) 
    e^(i * pi) = -1 

$ C 3 c 
    3 * speed_of_light = approx. 899.37737(km/ms) 

很酷。感谢您的提示!这对我最初的解决方案是一个很大的改进。感谢帮助。 – arielf 2013-02-19 20:52:40


另一个怪癖:这个修改打破了其他表达式:'C 1 * 2'给出了0,'C 1 + 2'给出了2. – arielf 2013-02-19 21:06:38


奇怪,它对我来说工作得很好。 – BeniBela 2013-02-19 21:14:21



C() { 
    local line 
    read -p "Arithmetic: " -e line 
    echo "$line" | tr -d \"-\', | bc -l 


function C { 
    local line= 
    vared -p "Arithmetic: " line 
    echo $line | tr -d \"-\', | bc -l 

在zsh中,您可以关闭通配符用于与noglob modifier特定命令的参数。它通常隐藏在别名中。这可以防止*^()从字面上开始解释,但不会引用或$

quickie_arithmetic() { 
    echo "$*" | tr -d \"-\', | bc -l 
alias C='noglob quickie_arithmetic' 

谢谢!这是一个非常聪明的转折。事后看来很明显,但当我提出原始问题时,我完全错过了它的可能性。 – arielf 2013-04-10 01:21:37