2016-09-22 291 views

我检查并确保谷歌放置android的API已启用。Android Java谷歌地点GET(拉)评论JSONException对评论没有任何评论




https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json? reference=REFERENCE_STRING_OF_THE_PLACE&sensor=true&key=YOUR_PLACE_API_KEY 


Android - Google Places API - No "reviews" Array





后来我读到了stackoverflow,在2012年谷歌地方的API没有功能来拉评语。这适用于现在吗? 2016年?如果没有,请帮我在我的代码下面解释我做错了什么。



W/System.err: org.json.JSONException: No value for reviews 

W/System.err:  at org.json.JSONObject.get(JSONObject.java:389) 

W/System.err:  at org.json.JSONObject.getJSONArray(JSONObject.java:584) 

W/System.err: at DownloadReviewsTask.doInBackground(DownloadReviewsTask.java:69) 

W/System.err:  at DownloadReviewsTask.doInBackground(DownloadReviewsTask.java:19) 

W/System.err:  at android.os.AsyncTask$2.call(AsyncTask.java:292) 

W/System.err:  at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237) 

W/System.err:  at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$1.run(AsyncTask.java:231) 

W/System.err:  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1112) 

W/System.err:  at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:587) 

W/System.err:  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:818) 


public class JSONParser { 

    String charset = "UTF-8"; 
    HttpURLConnection conn; 
    DataOutputStream wr; 
    StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); 
    URL urlObj; 
    JSONObject jObj = null; 

    StringBuilder sbParams; 
    String paramsString; 

    public JSONObject makeHttpRequest(String url, String method, 
             HashMap<String, String> params) { 

     sbParams = new StringBuilder(); 
     int i = 0; 
     for (String key : params.keySet()) { 
      try { 
       if (i != 0){ 
         .append(URLEncoder.encode(params.get(key), charset)); 

      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { 

     if (method.equals("POST")) { 
      // request method is POST 
      try { 
       urlObj = new URL(url); 

       conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj.openConnection(); 



       conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", charset); 



       paramsString = sbParams.toString(); 

       wr = new DataOutputStream(conn.getOutputStream()); 

      } catch (IOException e) { 
     else if(method.equals("GET")){ 
      // request method is GET 

      if (sbParams.length() != 0) { 
       url += "?" + sbParams.toString(); 

      try { 
       urlObj = new URL(url); 

       conn = (HttpURLConnection) urlObj.openConnection(); 



       conn.setRequestProperty("Accept-Charset", charset); 



      } catch (IOException e) { 


     try { 
      //Receive the response from the server 
      InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); 
      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); 

      String line; 
      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { 

      Log.d("JSON Parser", "result: " + result.toString()); 

     } catch (IOException e) { 


     // try parse the string to a JSON object 

     try { 
      jObj = new JSONObject(result.toString()); 
     } catch (JSONException e) { 
      Log.e("JSON Parser", "Error parsing data " + e.toString()); 

     // return JSON Object 
     return jObj; 


public class DownloadReviewsTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, HashMap<String, List<MyModel>>> { 
    private Context mContext; 
    public Exception mException; 
    private OnEventListener<HashMap<String, List<MyModel>>> mCallBack; 
    JSONArray reviews; 
    String author_name; 
    String text; 
    public DownloadReviewsTask(Context context, OnEventListener callback) { 
     mCallBack = callback; 
     mContext = context; 
    //sets and passes the review author and text for each review and sets them in the My Model 
    public MyModel setPlace(JSONObject thisObject) throws JSONException { 
     JSONObject results = thisObject.getJSONObject("results"); 
     MyModel thisMyModel = new MyModel(); 
     if (!results.isNull("reviews")) { 
      reviews = results.getJSONArray("reviews"); 
      Log.e("reviews array setPlace", String.valueOf(reviews)); 
      for (int i = 0; i < reviews.length(); i++) { 
       //if(i==reviews.length()) break; 
       // if (thisObject.getJSONArray("reviews").getJSONObject(i).has("author_name")) //{ 
        author_name = results.getJSONArray("reviews").getJSONObject(i).getString("author_name");//reviews.getJSONObject(i).getString("author"); 
        Log.e("review_author in setup", results.getJSONArray("reviews").getJSONObject(i).getString("author_name")); 
       // } 
       //if (thisObject.getJSONArray("reviews").getJSONObject(i).has("text")) { 
        Log.e("review text in setup", results.getJSONArray("reviews").getJSONObject(i).getString("text")); 
        text = results.getJSONArray("reviews").getJSONObject(i).getString("text");//} 

     return thisMyModel; 

    protected HashMap<String, List<MyModel>> doInBackground(String... args) { 
     try { 
      JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); 
      JSONObject json; 
      String reviewUrl = args[0]; 
      //Use a HashMap instead with the varargs: 
      HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); 
      json = jsonParser.makeHttpRequest(reviewUrl, "GET", params); 
      HashMap<String, List<MyModel>> myResults = new HashMap<>(); 
      if(json != null) { 
       Log.e("reviews result", json.toString()); 
       JSONArray parentArray = json.getJSONArray("reviews"); 
       List<MyModel> allEventsList = new ArrayList<>(); 
       //loops through json array 
       for (int i = 0; i < parentArray.length(); i++) { 
        JSONObject finalObject = parentArray.getJSONObject(i); 
        Log.e("allEventsList", String.valueOf(allEventsList)); 
       myResults.put("reviews", allEventsList); 
       return myResults; 

       return null; 
     catch (JSONException e){ 
     return null; 


    protected void onPostExecute(HashMap<String, List<MyModel>> result) { 
     if (mCallBack != null) { 
      if (mException == null) { 
      } else { 
public class MyModel{ 
     private String reference; 
     public void setReference(String reference) { 
      this.reference = reference; 
     public String getReference() { 
      return reference; 
public class MainActivity{ 

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
       String reviewsUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?reference="+reference+sensor+key; 
        DownloadReviewsTask rev = new DownloadReviewsTask(this, new OnEventListener<HashMap<String, List<MyModel>>>() { 

       public void onSuccess(HashMap<String, List<MyModel>> result) { 
        if(result != null && result.size() > 0) { 
         for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++){ 
          Log.e("review SingleVewInit",result.get("reviews").get(0).getAuthor_name()); 
          Log.e("review SingleVewInit",result.get("reviews").get(0).getText()); 

       public void onFailure(Exception e) { 
        //Toast.makeText(this, "ERROR: " + e.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
        Log.e("ERROR: " ,e.getMessage()); 


我认为你只能获得评论,但仍不可能提交评论。因为在这种情况下,每个人都可以自动发送的评论和@Hrabosch代码是拉(GET)的评论,而不是张贴评论评论将失去其严重性 – Hrabosch


。通过在Android应用程序中显示,我的意思是把拉动的评论放在textView中。上面的代码不会生成评论。它们已经存在于谷歌 – iOSAndroidWindowsMobileAppsDev


@Hrabosch如果你有,你觉得这份工作的,即得到谷歌的评论相当不错的Android的Java代码,请随意张贴它的答案。也许我错了 – iOSAndroidWindowsMobileAppsDev




new Thread(new Runnable() { 
     public void run() { 

      try { 

       URL url = new URL("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?placeid=ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4&key=AIzaSyAAkK3AyE8Cbqb9H5MYqptjJwRhRgltoZM"); 
       HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 
       InputStream in = connection.getInputStream(); 

       int ch = -1; 
       StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); 
       while((ch = in.read()) != -1){ 

       JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(buffer.toString()); 
       JSONObject jResult = jObj.getJSONObject("result"); 
       JSONArray jReviewArray = jResult.getJSONArray("reviews"); 

       for(int i=0; i<jReviewArray.length(); i++){ 
        JSONObject jReview = jReviewArray.getJSONObject(i); 
        System.out.println(jReview.getString("author_name") +"\n"+ jReview.getString("text") +"\n\n"); 

      } catch (MalformedURLException e) { 
      } catch (IOException e) { 
      } catch (JSONException e) { 




  1. DownloadReviewsTask -

变化JSONArray parentArray = json.getJSONArray("reviews");

JSONArray parentArray = json.getJSONArray("result");

  • 变化setPlace()为如下─

    public MyModel setPlace(JSONObject thisObject) throws JSONException { 
    MyModel thisMyModel = new MyModel(); 
    author_name = thisObject.getString("author_name"); 
    text = thisObject.getString("text"); 
    return thisMyModel; 
  • 我没有发现setAuthor_name()的setText()内MyModal方法所以更改它作为如下─

    public class MyModel{ 
    private String reference; 
    private String author_name; 
    private String text; 
    public void setAuthor_name(String author_name) { 
        this.author_name = author_name; 
    public String getAuthor_name() { 
        return author_name; 
    public void setText(String text) { 
        this.text = text; 
    public String getText() { 
        return text; 
    public void setReference(String reference) { 
        this.reference = reference; 
    public String getReference() { 
        return reference; 
  • 最后更改日志语句作为MainActivity为如下─

    Log.e("review SingleVewInit",result.get(i).getAuthor_name()); 
    Log.e("review SingleVewInit",result.get(i).getText()); 
  • +0

    所以我把这个放在MainActivity.java中? – iOSAndroidWindowsMobileAppsDev


    请问我有完整的课程代码吗?我以前从未使用过线程。 – iOSAndroidWindowsMobileAppsDev


    @JqueryNinja:检查我更新的答案:) – kevz




    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" 


    import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; 
    import android.os.Bundle; 
    import android.util.Log; 
    import android.view.View; 
    import android.widget.Button; 
    import org.json.JSONArray; 
    import org.json.JSONException; 
    import org.json.JSONObject; 
    import java.io.IOException; 
    import java.io.InputStream; 
    import java.net.MalformedURLException; 
    import java.net.URL; 
    public class Places extends AppCompatActivity { 
        Button button; 
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
         button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button_id); 
         button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { 
          public void onClick(View v) { 
           // Perform action on click 
           new Thread(new Runnable() { 
            public void run() { 
             try { 
              URL url = new java.net.URL("https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?placeid=ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4&key=AIzaSyAAkK3AyE8Cbqb9H5MYqptjJwRhRgltoZM"); 
              //HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); 
              InputStream in = url.openStream(); 
              int ch = -1; 
              StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); 
              while ((ch = in.read()) != -1) { 
               buffer.append((char) ch); 
              JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(buffer.toString()); 
              JSONObject jResult = jObj.getJSONObject("result"); 
              JSONArray jReviewArray = jResult.getJSONArray("reviews"); 
              //Float rating = (float)jResult.getDouble("rating"); 
              for (int i = 0; i < jReviewArray.length(); i++) { 
               JSONObject jReview = jReviewArray.getJSONObject(i); 
               Log.e("review",jReview.getString("author_name") + "\n" + jReview.getString("text") + "\n\n"); 
               Log.e("rating", jResult.getString("rating") + "\n"); 
             } catch (MalformedURLException e) { 
             } catch (IOException | JSONException e) { 


    Justine OBRIEN 
                          Fabulous location. Wonderful warm welcoming reception. Excellent unique living Google wall entry. Sensational helpful kind people. Easy fast efficient help online plus with appointment on site. Super company always progressive plus innovative products and services for all businesses. Go Google Australia. Shine on! 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: James Pallett 
                          I can not understand why Google would choose Titan Digital as one their 14 Premier Partners. It was on this basis that I choose Titan to build my new web site. It is costing me dearly. All words, no action, over promise, under deliver. My second biggest complaint, of many, about Titan, after the total mismanagement of my project, is Titan's lack of communication. Days and weeks go by without a word. Inquiries are either ignored or treated with indifference. Almost eight months have passed since I signed up for a new web site and inquiries receive no urgency, only platitudes. To add insult to injury, Titan has the audacity to charge for monthly web maintenance for a web site still long overdue in production. Be warned. 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: Dorothy Ooko 
                          Cool offices.... Reception on the 5th floor. Best coffee barrista is on the 4thð 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: Taylor Hayes 
                          Absolute joke trying to find who to deal with in regards to services i have paid for. Happy to take the money and told its all easy . . . .weeks i have waited to finish verifying my coffee shop after purchasing a virtual tour pathetic aftercare 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: TheHealthRetreat 
                          I spend 250 thousand dollars a year with Google adwords.. 
                          I own a Mental Health Drug and alcohol retreat. 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: Justine OBRIEN 
                          Fabulous location. Wonderful warm welcoming reception. Excellent unique living Google wall entry. Sensational helpful kind people. Easy fast efficient help online plus with appointment on site. Super company always progressive plus innovative products and services for all businesses. Go Google Australia. Shine on! 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: James Pallett 
                          I can not understand why Google would choose Titan Digital as one their 14 Premier Partners. It was on this basis that I choose Titan to build my new web site. It is costing me dearly. All words, no action, over promise, under deliver. My second biggest complaint, of many, about Titan, after the total mismanagement of my project, is Titan's lack of communication. Days and weeks go by without a word. Inquiries are either ignored or treated with indifference. Almost eight months have passed since I signed up for a new web site and inquiries receive no urgency, only platitudes. To add insult to injury, Titan has the audacity to charge for monthly web maintenance for a web site still long overdue in production. Be warned. 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: Dorothy Ooko 
                          Cool offices.... Reception on the 5th floor. Best coffee barrista is on the 4thð 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: Taylor Hayes 
                          Absolute joke trying to find who to deal with in regards to services i have paid for. Happy to take the money and told its all easy . . . .weeks i have waited to finish verifying my coffee shop after purchasing a virtual tour pathetic aftercare 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: TheHealthRetreat 
                          I spend 250 thousand dollars a year with Google adwords.. 
                          I own a Mental Health Drug and alcohol retreat. 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: Justine OBRIEN 
                          Fabulous location. Wonderful warm welcoming reception. Excellent unique living Google wall entry. Sensational helpful kind people. Easy fast efficient help online plus with appointment on site. Super company always progressive plus innovative products and services for all businesses. Go Google Australia. Shine on! 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: James Pallett 
                          I can not understand why Google would choose Titan Digital as one their 14 Premier Partners. It was on this basis that I choose Titan to build my new web site. It is costing me dearly. All words, no action, over promise, under deliver. My second biggest complaint, of many, about Titan, after the total mismanagement of my project, is Titan's lack of communication. Days and weeks go by without a word. Inquiries are either ignored or treated with indifference. Almost eight months have passed since I signed up for a new web site and inquiries receive no urgency, only platitudes. To add insult to injury, Titan has the audacity to charge for monthly web maintenance for a web site still long overdue in production. Be warned. 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: Dorothy Ooko 
                          Cool offices.... Reception on the 5th floor. Best coffee barrista is on the 4thð 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: Taylor Hayes 
                          Absolute joke trying to find who to deal with in regards to services i have paid for. Happy to take the money and told its all easy . . . .weeks i have waited to finish verifying my coffee shop after purchasing a virtual tour pathetic aftercare 
    E/rating: 4.6 
    E/review: TheHealthRetreat 
                          I spend 250 thousand dollars a year with Google adwords.. 
                          I own a Mental Health Drug and alcohol retreat. 
    E/rating: 4.6 

    很高兴你能弄明白,并设法改变你的代码到很简单的代码:) – kevz