2016-07-05 22 views



data Term ix cff where 
    Term :: (Ord ix) => ix -> cff -> Term ix cff 

data Sequence ix cff where 
    Seq :: [Term ix cff] -> Sequence ix cff 

f (Seq (Term i x:_)) (Seq (Term j y:_)) = i < j 

add :: Sequence ix cff -> Sequence ix cff -> Sequence ix cff 
add (Seq tms1) (Seq tms2) = Seq (addAlong (<) tms1 tms2) 
    where addAlong :: (ix -> ix -> Bool) -> 
         [Term ix cff] -> [Term ix cff] -> [Term ix cff] 
      addAlong ord (Term i x : tms1) (Term j y : tms2) = [] 

正如预期的那样,GHCI告诉我,f :: Sequence t t1 -> Sequence t t2 -> Bool。进行比较i < j需要Ord实例,但这由Term的定义中的约束(Ord ix)来处理。

但是,当下块没有注释时,add函数无法检测到错误No instance for (Ord ix) arising from the use of ``<''。它不应该能够从Term ix cff中找出出现在Sequence的定义中的(Ord ix)吗?




因此,在Seq (addAlong (<) tms1 tms2)中,编译器只能将<视为刚性类型ix的单形比较。要将<视为单形函数,编译器需要解析Ord实例。但是,此时Ord ix实例不可用,因为它只能与Term匹配!


{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, UnicodeSyntax #-} 

add :: Sequence ix cff -> Sequence ix cff -> Sequence ix cff 
add (Seq tms1) (Seq tms2) = Seq (addAlong (<) tms1 tms2) 
    where addAlong :: (∀ ix' . Ord ix' -> ix' -> Bool) -> 
         [Term ix cff] -> [Term ix cff] -> [Term ix cff] 
      addAlong ord (Term i x : tms1) (Term j y : tms2) = [] 

这样,<是简单的通过,因为它是(作为一个多态Ord => ...方法),因此编译器不需要在Seq (addAlong (<) tms1 tms2)上提供实例,但可以在有Term可用时稍后解决。

你当然应该考虑你是否真的需要这个。在每个Term保持一个Ord字典似乎相当浪费我 - 如果你在Seq不停的约束而问题就转不起来:

data Term ix cff where Term :: ix -> cff -> Term ix cff 

data Sequence ix cff where 
    Seq :: Ord ix => [Term ix cff] -> Sequence ix cff 

add :: Sequence ix cff -> Sequence ix cff -> Sequence ix cff 
add (Seq tms1) (Seq tms2) = Seq (addAlong (<) tms1 tms2) 
    where addAlong :: (ix -> ix -> Bool) -> 
         [Term ix cff] -> [Term ix cff] -> [Term ix cff] 
      addAlong ord (Term i x : tms1) (Term j y : tms2) = [] 

在第一'add',我想'∀九”。 ix' - > ix' - > Bool'应该是'∀ix'。 Ord ix'=> ix' - > ix' - > Bool'。此外,第二个'add'应该要求'ScopedTypeVariables'和'add :: forall ix。 ...'否则'addAlong ::(ix - > ...'中的'ix'不一样。 – chi