2015-07-10 84 views



import java.util.Scanner; 

public class diceRoller{ 
    public static void main(String[] args){  

     Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 

     int score; 
     int sum=0; 
     int roll1 = genRanInRange(1, 6); 
     int roll2 = genRanInRange(1, 6); 
     int roll3 = genRanInRange(1, 6); 
     System.out.println("Your rolls were: " + " " + roll1 + " " + roll2 + " " + roll3);  
      if (roll1 == roll2 || roll2 == roll3 || roll1 == roll3){ // start of first loop 

       System.out.println("You had 2 matching rolls! You gain 50 points."); 
       score = 50; 
       sum += score; 
       if (roll1 == roll2 && roll2 == roll3 && roll1 == roll3){ // nested loop 

       int rollSum = roll1 + roll2 + roll3; 
        if (rollSum == 18){ // nested loop 2 

        System.out.println("You had 3 matching 6's! You gain 500 points."); 
        score = 500;       
        sum += score; 
        } // end nested loop 2 

       } // end nested loop 

      } // end of first loop 

      else { 
       System.out.println("Sorry, you had 0 matching die."); 
       score = 1; 
       sum -= score; 
       System.out.println("Your score was: " + sum); 

      if (sum > 0){ 
       System.out.println("Would you like to continue?"); 


       System.out.println("You are out of points. Would you like to restart?"); 

    } // end Main 

    public static int genRanInRange(int start, int end) 
     return (int)(Math.random()*(end-start+1.0)) + start; 
    } // end genRanInRange 

} // end Dice Roller 

'if'条件不是循环。这是一个分支。事实上,你的代码根本不包含任何循环。 – Codebender


你想让用户从键盘输入什么? – yanana




System.out.print("Would you like to continue? Y/N: "); 
String UserResp = scanner.nextLine(); 

把代码的其余部分在一个while循环。 并且在开头定义的布尔值对于第一个循环为true,然后将UserResp与Y或N进行比较以设置布尔值。



import java.util.Scanner; 

public class DiceRoller{ 
    public static void main(String[] args){  

     Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); 

     int score; 
     int sum=0; 
     char ans='y'; 
     while(ans=='Y'||ans=='y'){ //loop while user says Y 
      int roll1 = genRanInRange(1, 6); 
      int roll2 = genRanInRange(1, 6); 
      int roll3 = genRanInRange(1, 6); 
      System.out.println("Your rolls were: " + " " + roll1 + " " + roll2 + " " + roll3);  
      if (roll1 == roll2 || roll2 == roll3 || roll1 == roll3){ // start of first loop 
       System.out.println("You had 2 matching rolls! You gain 50 points."); 
       score = 50; 
       sum += score; 
       if (roll1 == roll2 && roll2 == roll3 && roll1 == roll3){ // nested loop 
       int rollSum = roll1 + roll2 + roll3; 
        if (rollSum == 18){ // nested loop 2 

        System.out.println("You had 3 matching 6's! You gain 500 points."); 
        score = 500;       
        sum += score; 
        } // end nested loop 2 

       } // end nested loop 

      } // end of first loop 

      else { 
       System.out.println("Sorry, you had 0 matching die."); 
       score = 1; 
       sum -= score; 
       System.out.println("Your score was: " + sum); 

      if (sum > 0){ 
       System.out.println("Would you like to continue?(Y/N) "); 
       System.out.println("You are out of points. Would you like to restart?(Y/N) "); 

     keyboard.close(); //Don't forget to close sccaner. 
    } // end Main 

    public static int genRanInRange(int start, int end) 
     return (int)(Math.random()*(end-start+1.0)) + start; 
    } // end genRanInRange 

} // end Dice Roller 




