2012-04-01 41 views



s = "This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely and all that. No mishaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good too. That's the problem!" 


sub_str_left = 0 
pos = 0 
next_pos = s.find(" ", pos) 
while next_pos > -1: 
    if next_pos - sub_str_left > 80: 
     print s[sub_str_left:pos-sub_str_left] 
     sub_str_left = pos + 1 

    pos = next_pos 
    next_pos = s.find(" ", pos) 

print s[sub_str_left:] 

words = s.split(" ") 
line = "" 
for w in words: 
    if len(line) + len(w) <= 80: 
     line += "%s " % w 
     print line 
     line ="%s " % w 

print line 

同样我可以在一段时间循环使用s.find(" ")反复

这些都不是非常优雅,所以我的问题是如果有更酷的pythonic方式做这个? (也许用正则表达式左右。)


你的问题看起来类似问题,我问前几天。 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9894983/wrapping-a-text-file-so-that-each-line-contain-a-maximum-of-80-characters – 2012-04-01 20:53:09


我错过了那个寻找旧帖子的人,因为我在_wrapping_上讨论时寻找_splitting_,但是他们是相似的。 – deinonychusaur 2012-04-01 21:05:48


好吧,从技术上讲这叫做包装。 – 2012-04-01 21:10:26





print '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(s, 80)) 

print textwrap.fill(s, 80) 
import re 
re.findall('.{1,80}(?:\W|$)', s) 

与基本的单词换行算法相比,这是一个糟糕的玩笑。 – delnan 2012-04-01 20:50:40


不在速度方面。只是将其与textwrap进行了基准测试,速度提高了约50倍。 (n.b.我知道速度不是一切,只是有趣而已) – bluepnume 2012-04-01 21:06:08


速度是(几乎 - 你仍然可以尝试改变需求)没有功能是缺乏的;) – delnan 2012-04-01 21:09:40

import re 

s = "This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely and all that. No misshaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good too. That's the problem!" 

print '\n'.join(line.strip() for line in re.findall(r'.{1,80}(?:\s+|$)', s)) 


This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be 
split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely 
and all that. No misshaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good 
too. That's the problem! 


import os, sys, re 
s = "This is a long string that is holding more than 80 characters and thus should be split into several lines. That is if everything is working properly and nicely and all that. No misshaps no typos. No bugs. But I want the code too look good too. That's the problem!" 
limit = 83 
n = int(len(s)/limit) 
b = 0 
j= 0 
for i in range(n+2): 

    while 1: 
     if s[limit - j] not in [" ","\t"]: 
      j = j+1 
      limit = limit - j 
    st = s[b:i*limit] 
    print st 
    b = i*limit 