2013-02-25 69 views

我正在使用Laravel 4(beta)框架,我的新应用程序被设计为开源下载并运行此安装脚本(例如,博客,时间追踪等)类型的应用程序。应用主题和作曲家?

我想让接口成为主题,我可以通过几种方法做到这一点,但我不确定选择哪一个。因为我正在使用作曲家,所以我应该将主题引擎设置为期望主题是包,或者我应该在内部管理主题? (又名他们坐在主题目录)。

| Internally Managed Themes    | Packaged Themes      | 
| Easy for me to manage     | Easy for theme developers to manage | 
| Manual updates, or needs external  | Automatic updates via composer update | 
| theme repo built      |          | 
| Can do external theme with one click | Users need to update and manage  | 
| install and removal for themes  | composer.json for all theme installs | 
|          | and removals       | 
| Assets must be static - Although this | Theme developers are free to use pre | 
| shouldn't be a as the assets couldn't | compilers and asset managers allowing | 
| really be dynamic when using this  | for dynamic css etc based on a  | 
| method        | configuration or similar.    | 
| Need to write the code to publish all | Assets get put into the public  | 
| the assets to the public directory | directory via artisan's asset:publish | 
| duplicating what already exists in | command or via the chosen asset  | 
| the laravel framework     | pre compiler       | 
| Easy to install themes both in the | Can't think of an easy way to manage | 
| custom theme repository and just zip | themes that will not be registered on | 
| archive themes      | a composer repository     | 



如果目标观众人数众多,我会选择第二条路线。即包装的一个。 – itachi 2013-02-25 22:29:14


itachi,你能详细说明为什么,我的意思是看wordpress,他们有一个大的目标受众,但他们使用内部管理的主题。 – Hailwood 2013-02-25 22:42:18


我想说,如果“普通人”会制作主题,请转到路线1.如果主题只会来自PHP开发人员(不是网页设计师),请考虑走路线2。 – 2013-02-28 18:27:14



