2011-04-16 45 views



- (void)onTimer 
    // build a view from our flake image 
    flakeView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:flakeImage]; 
    flakeView.backgroundColor=[UIColor blueColor]; 
    // use the random() function to randomize up our flake attributes 
    int startX =round(random() % 460); 
    printf("\n ===== startX :%d",startX); 
    int endX = round(random() % 460); 
    printf("\n ===== endX :%d",endX); 
    double scale = 1/round(random() % 100) - 1.0; 
    double speed = 1/round(random() %100) + 1.0; 
    // set the flake start position 
    flakeView.frame = CGRectMake(startX, -100.0, 25.0 * scale, 25.0 * scale); 
    flakeView.alpha = 1.0; 
    // put the flake in our main view 
    [mView addSubview:flakeView]; 
    [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:flakeView]; 
    [UIView setAnimationDuration:20 * speed]; 
    // code to get current position of image on view 
    CALayer mainLayer = flakeView.layer.presentationLayer; 
    CGRect layerFrame = mainLayer.frame; 
    BOOL intersects = CGRectIntersectsRect(layerFrame, dragger.frame); 
    // end position on screen 
    flakeView.frame = CGRectMake(endX, 500.0, 15.0 * scale, 15.0 * scale); 
    // set a stop callback so we can cleanup the flake when it reaches the 
    // end of its animation 
    [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(onAnimationComplete:finished:context:)]; 
    [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; 
    [UIView commitAnimations]; 


- (id)init 

    if(self = [super init]) 
     mView = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0,0,320,440)]; 
     mView.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor]; 
     mainLayer =[CALayer layer]; 
     // load our flake image we will use the same image over and over 
     flakeImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"apple.png"]; 
     [mView.layer addSublayer:mainLayer]; 
     // start a timet that will fire 20 times per second 
     [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(0.8) target:self selector:@selector(onTimer) userInfo:nil repeats:YES]; 
    return self; 

我用这个得到那个从顶部动画到屏幕的底部的图像的位置。 但我得到了动画的图像的x和y的一致值。

任何人都可以帮忙。 感谢U.


当你想要那些坐标?在每个循环之后(调用onTimer)? – Ravin 2011-04-16 07:02:51


是的,我想在每个循环之后进行坐标。 – Lakshmi 2011-04-16 09:05:50




- (void)onTimer 

    int startX =round(random() % 460); 
    printf("\n ===== startX :%d",startX); 
    int endX = round(random() % 460); 
    printf("\n ===== endX :%d",endX); 
    double scale = 1/round(random() % 100) - 1.0; 
    double speed = 1/round(random() %100) + 1.0; 
    if(flakeView == nil) 
    // build a view from our flake image 
    flakeView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:flakeImage]; 
    flakeView.backgroundColor=[UIColor blueColor]; 
    // use the random() function to randomize up our flake attributes 

    // set the flake start position 
    flakeView.frame = CGRectMake(startX, -100.0, 25.0 * scale, 25.0 * scale); 
    flakeView.alpha = 1.0; 
    // put the flake in our main view 
    [mView addSubview:flakeView]; 
    [UIView beginAnimations:nil context:flakeView]; 
    [UIView setAnimationDuration:20 * speed]; 
    // code to get current position of image on view 
    CALayer mainLayer = flakeView.layer.presentationLayer; 
    CGRect layerFrame = mainLayer.frame; 
    BOOL intersects = CGRectIntersectsRect(layerFrame, dragger.frame); 
    // end position on screen 
    flakeView.frame = CGRectMake(endX, 500.0, 15.0 * scale, 15.0 * scale); 
    // set a stop callback so we can cleanup the flake when it reaches the 
    // end of its animation 
    [UIView setAnimationDidStopSelector:@selector(onAnimationComplete:finished:context:)]; 
    [UIView setAnimationDelegate:self]; 
    [UIView commitAnimations]; 

    NSLog(@"Co-ordinates of imageview : (%f, %f, %f, %f) %@",flakeView.frame.origin.x,flakeView.frame.origin.y,flakeView.frame.size.width,flakeView.frame.size.height); 



  1. 我不知道为什么你可以使用点符号来访问presentationLayer。这是一种方法,而不是CALayer的属性。
  2. 注意:“在iPhone OS 4.0及更高版本中不鼓励使用[UIView beginAnimations:context:],您应该使用基于块的动画方法。” (Apple Docs)。如果你不知道什么是基于块的动画是,阅读:What are block-based animation methods in iPhone OS 4.0?
