2014-11-22 127 views



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<title>Harry Felton | Welcome</title> 

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    function toggleContact(){ 

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           <li><a onclick="loadPage('SecuritySP', 'body');" ><span>HbombOS Security Suite</span></a></li> 
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     <div id="center"> 
      <h1 id="title1">Welcome</h1> 
      <h2 id="title2">Harry Felton</h2> 
      <h2 id="subTitle">Auckland | New Zealand</h2> 
      <div id="about" style="display: none;"> 
       <p>Hi, My name is Harry and I am an amateur programmer, I just do it as a hobby until I can actually take it as a course, I have created many programs, and love doing it, I am also into ComputerCraft which is a mod for Minecraft that adds programmable computers.<br><br>This website domain was initially created around September 2014, It took about a week to create, It was awesome, As it was the first time I had ever used HTML, CSS or JavaScript. On the 20th November I chose to completely recreate the website, So I deleted all files, And now... Here we are.<br><br>My absolute favorite thing to do in this world is code, I enjoy making, distributing and using my programs, And the feedback is always awesome, If you feel like leaving feedback, then click HERE</p> 
     <div id="contactForm" class="hidden hardHide"> 
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      <title>Contact Us</title> 
      <div id="mainPageCont"> 
      <?php error_reporting(0); ?> 
      <?php if(isset($_POST['Email'])): ?> 
         // This is where you process the email and display the thank you page 
         $to  = '[email protected]'; 
         $subject = 'ALERT! Website Form Submission'; 
         $message = 'Users Name: '.strip_tags($_POST['Name'])."\n"; 
         $message .= 'Users Email: '.strip_tags($_POST['Email'])."\n"; 
         $message .= 'Submitted Message: '.strip_tags($_POST['Comment'])."\n"; 
         $message .= 'Message Type: '; 
         $message .= ($_POST['Type'] !== 'Other')? $_POST['Type']."\n": strip_tags($_POST['option'])."\n"; 
         $headers = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" . 
          'Reply-To: '.strip_tags($_POST['Email']) . "\r\n"; 
         // If the mail is successful, display thanks else display failed 
         <?php if(mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)): ?> 
           $replyTo = strip_tags($_POST['Email']); 
           $replySubject = 'Thank You For Leaving A Comment '; 
           $replySubject .= strip_tags($_POST['Name']); 
           $replyMess = 'Thanks for leaving a message on www.harryfelton.host56.com' . "\n\n"; 
           $replyMess .= 'If you didnt use the email of: '.strip_tags($_POST['Email']) . ' then please contact us by replying to this email' ."\n\n"; 
           $replyMess .= 'Although if you did then you can expect a reply to your comment in two working days if the comment requires a reply' ."\n"; 
           $replyHeaders = 'From: [email protected]' . "\r\n" . 
          'Reply-To: ' . '[email protected]' . "\r\n"; 
           mail($replyTo, $replySubject, $replyMess, $replyHeaders); 
                 <div id="comments_form"> 
          <!--Message Sent! Slide Email Up! --> 
        <?php else: ?> 
         <div id="comments_form"> 
         <!--There was an error, let then know that it couldnt be sent--> 
         <script>alert("Your message can not be sent at this time, Please try again later and ensure your internet connection is active");</script> 
        <?php endif ?> 
      <?php else: ?> 
      <form method="post" id="comments_form"> 
       <h2>Please Leave Some Feedback, It Helps!</h2> 
       <div class="row"> 
        <div class="label"> 
         Your Name 
        <!--.label end--> 
        <div class="input"> 
         <input type="text" id="fullname" class="detail" name="Name" 
          value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Name'])? $_POST['Name'] : ''; ?>" /> 
         <?php if(in_array('Name', $validation)): ?> 
         <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Name']; ?></span> 
         <?php endif; ?> 
        <!--.input end--> 
        <div class="context"> 
         e.g. John Smith or Jane Doe 
        <!--end .context--> 
       <!--.row end--> 

       <div class="row"> 
        <div class="label"> 
         Your Email 
        <!--.label end--> 
        <div class="input"> 
         <input type="text" id="email" class="detail" name="Email" value="<?php echo isset($_POST['Email'])? $_POST['Email'] : ''; ?>" /> 
         <?php if(in_array('Email', $validation)): ?> 
         <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Email']; ?></span> 
         <?php endif; ?> 
        <!--.input end--> 
        <div class="context"> 
         We wont spam you! We only need this to reply to questions you might pose 
        <!--end .context--> 
       <!--.row end--> 

       <div class="row"> 
        <div class="label"> 
         Type Of Message 
        <!--.label end--> 
        <div class="input"> 
         <input type="radio" name="Type" onChange="GetValue(this)" value="Feedback" checked="checked" /> 
         Feedback <br /> 
         <input type="radio" name="Type" onChange="GetValue(this)" value="Feature Request" <?php echo (isset($_POST['Type']) && $_POST['Type'] == 'Feature Request')? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> 
         Feature Request<br> 
         <input type="radio" name="Type" onChange="GetValue(this)" value="Bug Report" <?php echo (isset($_POST['Type']) && $_POST['Type'] == 'Bug Report')? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> 
         Bug Report<br> 
         <input type="radio" name="Type" onChange="GetValue(this)" value="Other" id="other" <?php echo (isset($_POST['Type']) && $_POST['Type'] == 'Other')? 'checked="checked"' : ''; ?> /> 
         Other<br /> 
         <input type="text" style="display:none;" id="option" name="option" <?php echo (isset($_POST['option']))? $_POST['option']: ''; ?> /> 
         <?php if(in_array('Type', $validation)): ?> 
         <span class="error"> <?php echo $error_messages['Type']; ?> </span> 
         <?php endif; ?> 
        <!--.input end--> 
        <div class="context"> 
         This is to help us better respond to your message 
        <!--end .context--> 
       <!--.row end--> 

       <div class="row"> 
        <div class="label"> 
         Your Message 
        <!--.label end--> 
        <div class="input2"> 
         <textarea id="Comment" name="Comment" class="mess"><?php echo isset($_POST['Comment'])? $_POST['Comment'] : ''; ?></textarea> 
         <?php if(in_array('Comment', $validation)): ?> 
         <span class="error"><?php echo $error_messages['Comment']; ?></span> 
         <?php endif; ?> 
        <!--.input end--> 
       <!--.row end--> 

       <div class="submit"> 
        <input type="submit" id="submit" name="Submit" value="Send Message" /> 
      <?php endif; ?> 
       // This function just checks if the 'other' gets checked 
      function GetValue(ThisVal) { 
       var Writing = $(ThisVal).val(); 
       // This just shows you what is happening via the feedback div 
       if (Writing == 'Other') { 
        // If other, disable the submit 
        $("#submit").prop("disabled", true); 
        // Fade in the message textarea 
        // Check the message area to see if there is text in it already. 
        // If there is text enable the submit button 
       } else { 
        // If not other, fade out the message 
        // Enable the submit button 
        $('#submit').prop("disabled", false); 

      function CheckVal() { 
       var SetMess = $('#option').val(); 

       if (SetMess !== '') { 
         $('#submit').prop('disabled', false); 
       else { 
         $('#submit').prop('disabled', true); 
      // As one types, check that the message is not empty 
      $('#option').keyup(function() { 
      // As one clicks into the field, see if it has content 
      $('#option').click(function() { 

        $(document).ready(function() { 
         // validate form 
          // This will allow you to extend the validator functions 
            function(form, validator) { 
             // $("#get_online").val("CHECK"); 
          rules: { 
           // For every named input that you want to validate, 
           // you create a little set of prefs 
           Name: { 
            required: true, 
           Email: { 
              required: true, 
              email: true 

           Type: { required: true }, 
           Comment: { required: true }, 
          messages: { 
            // Here are just the custom messages you can modify per field 
            Name: { 
              required: 'Please Enter Your Name', 
            Email: { 
              required: 'Please Enter An Email', 
              email: 'Email address not valid', 
            Type: { required: 'Please Select A Type' }, 
            Comment: { required: 'Please Enter A Message'}, 
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     $(document).ready(function() { 


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/*Dynamic Page Elements*/ 

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function redirectPage() { 



Ahhh,是的,谢谢,我注意到我发布这个问题后不久,谢谢:) – Harry 2014-11-22 22:37:14