2017-03-07 50 views



Msg 1776, Level 16, State 0, Line 3 There are no primary or candidate keys in the referenced table 'Schedule' that match the referencing column list in the foreign key 'FK__Personal_Trainer__38996AB5'. Msg 1750, Level 16, State 0, Line 3 Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors.

这是两个表的CREATE TABLE脚本。我正试图在私人教练中使用外键来按计划参考表格。 FitnessWebApp是数据库的名称。

use FitnessWebApp 

create table Schedule 
    day char(20), 
    time char(20), 
    name char(30), 
    gymName char(30) 
    primary key (name, gymName, day, time) 

use FitnessWebApp 

create table Personal_Trainer 
    name char(30), 
    gymName char(30) 
    primary key(name, gymName), 
    foreign key (name, gymName) REFERENCES Schedule(name, gymName) 

http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%5Bsql-server%5D+There+are+no+primary+or+candidate+keys+in +在+引用+表 –


有没有这样的东西“有多个主键的表” - 你有一个表有* *复合主键。只能有一个主键。它看起来对我像你想围绕创建FK错误的方式(不应该的时间表引用的教练,而不是相反?) –




create table Personal_Trainer (
    id int(10) not null, 
    trainerName char(30), 
    primary key (id)); 

create table gym (
    id int(10) not null, 
    gymName char(30), 
    primary key (id)); 

create table Schedule (
    id int (10) not null, 
    trainerId int(10), 
    gymId int(10), 
    gymDay Date, 
    gymTime Datetime, 
    primary key (id), 
    foreign key (trainerId) REFERENCES Personal_Trainer (id), 
    foreign key (gymId) REFERENCES gym (id));