2016-12-04 104 views

我试图用this spinner来重写字符串。TypeError:'instancemethod'对象不可迭代(Content Spinner)



108: from spinner import spinner 
109: s = spinner() 
110: spintax = s.getSpintax('Everything in moderation, including moderation.') 
111: spun = s.spin(spintax) 
112: print spintax, spun 


Traceback (most recent call last): 
    File "C:\Python27\Scripts\Reddit\bot.py", line 110, in <module> 
    spintax = s.getSpintax('Everything in moderation, including moderation.') 
    File "C:\Python27\Scripts\Reddit\spinner.py", line 56, in getSpintax 
    n, syn = self.getSynonyms(stem) 
    File "C:\Python27\Scripts\Reddit\spinner.py", line 36, in getSynonyms 
    for lemma in syn.lemmas: 
TypeError: 'instancemethod' object is not iterable 



32: def getSynonyms(self, word): 
    33: # include the original word 
    34:  synonyms = [word] 
    35:  for syn in wordnet.synsets(word): 
    36:   for lemma in syn.lemmas: 
    37:    if lemma.name != word: 
    38:    # since wordnet lemma.name will include _ for spaces, we'll replace these with spaces 
    39:     w, n = re.subn("_", " ", lemma.name) 
    40:     synonyms.append(w) 
    41:  s = list(set(synonyms)) 
    42:  return len(s), s 
    44: # transform text into spintax with the folowing steps 
    45: # 1. split the text to sentences 
    46: # 2. loop through the sentences and tokenize it 
    47: # 3. loop thorugh each token, find its stem and assemble all the synonyms of it into the spintax 
    48: def getSpintax(self, text): 
    49:  sentences = self.splitToSentences(text) 
    50:  stemmer = PorterStemmer() 
    51:  spintax = "" 
    52:  for sentence in sentences: 
    53:   tokens = regexp_tokenize(sentence, "[\w']+") 
    54:   for token in tokens: 
    55:    stem = stemmer.stem(token) 
    56:    n, syn = self.getSynonyms(stem) 
    57:    spintax += "{" 
    58:    spintax += token 
    59:    spintax += "|" 
    60:    for x in range(n): 
    61:     spintax += syn[x] 
    62:     if x < n-1: 
    63:      spintax += "|" 
    64:     else: 
    65:      spintax += "} " 
    66:  return spintax 

我在Python 3都尝试和2


synonyms = [word] 



尝试:'为引理syn.lemmas()' - 注意括号 –



@ hai-vu是对的。您需要将getSynonyms功能更改为:

#  get all synonyms of a word from the wordnet database 
    def getSynonyms(self, word): 
#   include the original word 
     synonyms = [word] 
     for syn in wordnet.synsets(word): 
      for lemma in syn.lemmas(): 
       if lemma.name() != word: 
#      since wordnet lemma.name will include _ for spaces, we'll replace these with spaces 
        w, n = re.subn("_", " ", lemma.name()) 
     s = list(set(synonyms)) 
     return len(s), s 

这个工作,我很欣赏的帮助。 你能告诉我什么是“同义词= [单词]”行吗?我真的不知道该如何看待这个问题,是否像将单词变量作为列表或其他东西一样投入? – Lightja


它创建同义词作为列表。并将单词的内容放在该列表中。 –