2011-01-14 110 views




TableLayout newTable = new TableLayout(DisplayContext); 
int rowIndex = 0; 

// First Row (3 buttons) 
TableRow newRow1 = new TableRow(DisplayContext); 
newRow1.addView(new Button(DisplayContext), 0); 
newRow1.addView(new Button(DisplayContext), 1); 
newRow1.addView(new Button(DisplayContext), 2); 
newTable.addView(newRow1, rowIndex++); 

// Second Row (2 buttons, last one spans 2 columns) 
TableRow newRow2 = new TableRow(DisplayContext); 
newRow2.addView(new Button(DisplayContext), 0); 
Button newButton = new Button(DisplayContext); 

// Create the layout to span two columns 
TableRow.LayoutParams params = new TableRow.LayoutParams(); 
params.span = 2; 
newRow2.addView(newButton, 1, params); 

newTable.addView(newRow2, rowIndex++);