2015-02-08 35 views







* Test Cases: 
* 1) 1 person has 1 wallet and 3 cards (1 Visa, 1 MC 1 Discover) – Each  Card has a balance of $100 – calculate the total interest (simple interest) for this person and per card. 
* 2) 1 person has 2 wallets  Wallet 1 has a Visa and Discover , wallet 2 a MC -  each card has $100 
* balance - calculate the total interest(simple interest) for this person and interest per wallet 

* Formula Key: 
* Algebraic Symbols: 
* A = Total Accrued Amount (principal + interest) 
* P = Principal Amount 
* I = Interest Amount 
* r & R = Rate of Interest per year in percentage & decimal 
* t = Time Period involved in months or years(duration pertaining to this equation) 
* Rate of Interest, Percentage To Decimal Equations: 
* R = r * 100 
* r = R/100 
* Simple Interest Equation: 
* A = P(1 + (r * t)) 

* Card: 
* VISA 10% 
* Equation: 
* Accrued Amount(A) = Principle Amount(P) * (1 +(Interest Rate(r) * Time Period(t))) 
* Calculation: 
* First, converting Interest Rate(R) of 10%, to, Interest Rate(r) of 0.1 
* r = R/100 = 10%/100 = 0.1 per year, 
* put Time Period(t) of 1 month into years, 
* months/year(1 month ÷ 12) = 0.08 years 
* Solving Equation: 
* A = 100(1 + (0.1 × 0.08)) = 100.8 
* A = $ 100.80 
* Solution: 
* The total Amount Accrued(A), Principal(P) plus Interest(I), 
* from Simple Interest on a Principal(P) of $ 100.00 
* at a Rate(r = R/100(convert a percentage to a decimal)) of 10% or 0.1 per year 
* for 0.08 years, 1 month(t) is $ 100.80. 

* Card: 
* MC(Master Card) 5% 
* Equation: 
* Accrued Amount(A) = Principle Amount(P) * (1 +(Interest Rate(r) * Time Period(t))) 
* Calculation: 
* First, converting Interest Rate(R) of 5%, to, Interest Rate(r) of 0.05 
* r = R/100 = 5%/100 = 0.05 per year, 
* put Time Period(t) of 1 month into years, 
* months/year(1 month ÷ 12) = 0.08 years 
* Solving Equation: 
* A = 100(1 + (0.05 × 0.08)) = 100.4 
* A = $ 100.40 
* Solution: 
* The total Amount Accrued(A), Principal(P) plus Interest(I), 
* from Simple Interest on a Principal(P) of $ 100.00 
* at a Rate(r = R/100(convert a percentage to a decimal)) of 5% or 0.05 per year 
* for 0.08 years, 1 month(t) is $ 100.40. 

* Card: 
* Discover 1% 
* Equation: 
* Accrued Amount(A) = Principle Amount(P) * (1 +(Interest Rate(r) * Time Period(t))) 
* Calculation: 
* First, converting Interest Rate(R) of 1%, to, Interest Rate(r) of 0.01 
* r = R/100 = 1%/100 = 0.01 per year, 
* put Time Period(t) into years, 
* months/year(1 month ÷ 12) = 0.08 years 
* Solving Equation: 
* A = 100(1 + (0.01 × 0.08)) = 100.08 
* A = $ 100.08 
* Solution: 
* The total Amount Accrued(A), Principal(P) Plus Interest(I), 
* from Simple Interest on a Principal(P) of $ 100.00 
* at a Rate(r = R/100(convert a percentage to a decimal)) of 1% or 0.01 per year 
* for 0.08 years, 1 month(t) is $ 100.08. 

public class CreditCard 
    private BrandOfCard brandOfCard; 
    private static final double PRINCIPAL_AMOUNT = 100.00; 
    private static final double TIME_PERIOD = 0.08; 

    public CreditCard(BrandOfCard brandOfCard) 
     this.brandOfCard = brandOfCard; 

    * A = P(1 + (r * t)) 
    public double getAccruedAmount() 
     double accruedAmount; 
     accruedAmount = PRINCIPAL_AMOUNT * (1 + (brandOfCard.getInterestRate() * TIME_PERIOD)); 
     return accruedAmount; 

    public enum BrandOfCard 
     VISA(0.1), MASTER_CARD(0.05), DISCOVER(0.01); 

     private final double interestRate; 

     BrandOfCard(double interestRate) 
      this.interestRate = interestRate; 

     public double getInterestRate() 
      return interestRate; 

    //bottom of class 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
     CreditCard visa = new CreditCard(BrandOfCard.VISA); 
     CreditCard masterCard = new CreditCard(BrandOfCard.MASTER_CARD); 
     CreditCard discover = new CreditCard(BrandOfCard.DISCOVER); 

     double accruedAmount; 

     accruedAmount = visa.getAccruedAmount(); 
     System.out.println("Visa card, with a principle amount of $100.00, & an interest rate of 10%, " + 
          "has accrued $" + (accruedAmount - PRINCIPAL_AMOUNT) + " in interest, " + 
          "over the last monthly term."); 
     System.out.println("The total amount due on this card is now $" + accruedAmount); 

     accruedAmount = masterCard.getAccruedAmount(); 
     System.out.println("Master Card card, with a principle amount of $100.00, & an interest rate of 5%, " + 
          "has accrued $" + (accruedAmount - PRINCIPAL_AMOUNT) + " in interest, " + 
          "over the last monthly term."); 
     System.out.println("The total amount due on this card is now $" + accruedAmount); 

     accruedAmount = discover.getAccruedAmount(); 
     System.out.println("Discover card, with a principle amount of $100.00, & an interest rate of 1%, " + 
       "has accrued $" + (accruedAmount - PRINCIPAL_AMOUNT) + " in interest, " + 
       "over the last monthly term."); 
     System.out.println("The total amount due on this card is now $" + accruedAmount); 

W¯¯帽子是'钱包'的用途? – 2015-02-08 00:53:38


好吧,我想首先,对我来说,这似乎是有道理的,“试图让你的代码更好地代表生活世界的方式。”因此,我开始试图确定一个钱包为什么有用以及它真正做了什么。为了将其降低到更多的代码级别,我会说钱包拥有一组类似的对象,在这种情况下是卡片。如果一个人有两个钱包,那么这些钱包就会存放物品,并在两组之间提供分离/区别。这就是我想在我的钱包中实现的。 – ReedWilliams19842004 2015-02-08 01:11:15


虽然这是事实,但OOP的目标不是在您的设计中实现所有可能的类,而只是那些影响功能的类。卡的余额,利息等将如何取决于它保存的特定钱包? – 2015-02-08 01:22:31





  • 的人让一个对象
  • 钱包 - 这简直是一个中间键的加入卡n个一个人。
  • CC作出这样的,因为每个CC的对象定义的付款,费用,利率等


  • 表用户。
  • 表卡。



for owners{ 
for cards with card.ownerID = owners.ID{ 
    card.balance=card.balance-payments ; 
    card.balance=card.balance+calcInterest(card.balance, card.rate)+GetSumOfFees(card); 



public static String chargeThis(String CCData, Double AMT){ 

    CCNum = GetCCNum(CCData) ; 
    boolean isValid = validateCC(ccData); 
    if(isValid) return chargeCC(ccNum,AMT) else return rejectedTrans ; 



  • L0高速缓存 - 1个CPU周期
  • L1高速缓存 - 2个CPU周期
  • L2高速缓存 - 5至10个CPU周期
  • 系统内存1000的的CPU周期
  • 以太网(获得通过线路数据)K周期
  • 磁盘的10的 - 50〜100 K时周期

否定一点。当我们的程序员在这里写两三个班的时候,计数周期会让你继续前进? – Aitch 2015-02-08 02:20:53


@Aitch我甚至不知道那个评论的意思。顺便说一句,我也是一个OOP程序员。定义数据FIRST,其次是对象。 – FlyingGuy 2015-02-08 19:45:11


这太棒了!这就是我正在谈论的。你建议一张地图,它会立即引发我的想法。我刚刚完成了对地图的简短回顾,现在我想知道为什么我没有更频繁地使用它们。在学习像Java这样的大规模语言时,我认为对像我这样的人来说,一个很大的挑战(自学,没有背景,没有网络资源)只是语言的大小(更不用说可以使用的其他语言和技术与)和所需时间来探索这一切。大多数人有背景,培训或指导,以帮助他们导航, – ReedWilliams19842004 2015-02-08 20:24:42