2014-11-14 71 views



# Create graph 
graph= graph.formula(
    R --+ P1, 
    P1 --+ M1, 
    R --+ P2, 
    P2 --+ M2, 
    P1 --+ P3, 
    P2 --+ P3, 
    P3 --+ M2, 
    R --+ P4, 
    P3 --+ P5, 
    P4 --+ P5, 
    P5 --+ M3, 
    P5 --+ M4 

# Change colors for pretty plot 
V(graph)$color= "gray" 
V(graph)[name== "R"]$color= "cyan" 
V(graph)[grepl(x= name, pattern= "M")]$color= "green" 
V(graph)[name %in% c("P1", "P2", "P4")]$color= "red" 

# Add sales volume as attribute and add to edge label in plot 
E(graph)[4]$sales= 100 
E(graph)[4]$label= paste("Sales:\n", E(graph)[4]$sales, "tons") 
E(graph)[6]$sales= 200 
E(graph)[6]$label= paste("Sales:\n", E(graph)[6]$sales, "tons") 
E(graph)[8]$sales= 500 
E(graph)[8]$label= paste("Sales:\n", E(graph)[8]$sales, "tons") 
E(graph)[11]$sales= 1000 
E(graph)[11]$label= paste("Sales:\n", E(graph)[11]$sales, "tons") 
E(graph)[12]$sales= 2000 
E(graph)[12]$label= paste("Sales:\n", E(graph)[12]$sales, "tons") 

# Add bill of material share as attribute and add to edge label in plot 
E(graph)[1:3]$share= 1.0 
E(graph)[1:3]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[1:3]$share*100, "%") 
E(graph)[7]$share= 0.8 
E(graph)[7]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[7]$share*100, "%") 
E(graph)[5]$share= 1 - 0.8 
E(graph)[5]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[5]$share*100, "%") 
E(graph)[9]$share= 0.4 
E(graph)[9]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[9]$share*100, "%") 
E(graph)[10]$share= 1 - 0.4 
E(graph)[10]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[10]$share*100, "%") 

# Add preliminary NA vol attribute to nodes and add label in plot 
V(graph)$vol= NA 
V(graph)$label= paste(V(graph)$name, "\nVolume:\n", V(graph)$vol, "tons") 

# Plot 
layout= layout.reingold.tilford(graph, root=1) 
plot(graph, layout= layout) 

enter image description here


  • R:制成产品所需的青色原料P1, P2, P4
  • P1...P5:红色产品直接从RP1, P2, P4)或多级制造产品(P3, P5)中一步完成。每种产品都有一份配方材料清单。
  • M...:产品P1...5销往的绿色市场。唯一的例外是P4这是没有出售,它只是作为P5(组合其中P3)的前身。


  • Sales:销量吨P1, P2, P3, P5市场M1, M2, M3, M4
  • 配方Share:制造特定产品所需的前体量(%)。例如:要制造1吨的P1, P2, P4需要1吨原材料(因此需要100%)。要制造10吨P3 8吨(= 80%)P2和2吨(= 20%)需要P1

我要寻找一个解决方案来计算体积为节点产品P1 ... P5和原材料R属性vol。目前它们设置为NAvol应与销售量和产品配方的份额保持一致。







# Create graph 
graph= graph.formula(
    R --+ P1, 
    P1 --+ M1, 
    R --+ P2, 
    P2 --+ M2, 
    P1 --+ P3, 
    P2 --+ P3, 
    P3 --+ M2, 
    R --+ P4, 
    P3 --+ P5, 
    P4 --+ P5, 
    P5 --+ M3, 
    P5 --+ M4 

# Change colors for pretty plot 
V(graph)$color= "gray" 
V(graph)[name== "R"]$color= "cyan" 
V(graph)[grepl(x= name, pattern= "M")]$color= "green" 
V(graph)[name %in% c("P1", "P2", "P4")]$color= "red" 

# Add sales volume as attribute and add to edge label in plot 
E(graph)$vol= NA # prefill 
E(graph)[4]$vol= 100 
E(graph)[6]$vol= 200 
E(graph)[8]$vol= 500 
E(graph)[11]$vol= 1000 
E(graph)[12]$vol= 2000 

# Add bill of material share as attribute and add to edge label in plot 
E(graph)[1:3]$share= 1.0 
E(graph)[7]$share= 0.8 
E(graph)[5]$share= 1 - 0.8 
E(graph)[9]$share= 0.4 
E(graph)[10]$share= 1 - 0.4 

# Add preliminary NA vol attribute to nodes and add label in plot 
V(graph)$vol= 0 

# Plot 
update.labels= function(graph){ 
    E(graph)[4]$label= paste("Vol:\n", E(graph)[4]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[6]$label= paste("Vol:\n", E(graph)[6]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[8]$label= paste("Vol:\n", E(graph)[8]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[11]$label= paste("Vol:\n", E(graph)[11]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[12]$label= paste("Vol:\n", E(graph)[12]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[1:3]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[1:3]$share*100, "%", "\nVol:\n", E(graph)[1:3]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[7]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[7]$share*100, "%", "\nVol:\n", E(graph)[7]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[5]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[5]$share*100, "%", "\nVol:\n", E(graph)[5]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[9]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[9]$share*100, "%", "\nVol:\n", E(graph)[9]$vol, "tons") 
    E(graph)[10]$label= paste("Share:\n", E(graph)[10]$share*100, "%", "\nVol:\n", E(graph)[10]$vol, "tons") 
    V(graph)$label= paste(V(graph)$name, "\nVolume:\n", V(graph)$vol, "tons") 
graph= update.labels(graph) 
layout= layout.reingold.tilford(graph, root=1) 
plot(graph, layout= layout) 

enter image description here


# Aggregate sales volumes to markets 
this.vertices.names= V(graph)[grepl(x=name, pattern = "M")]$name 
for (i in this.vertices.names) { 
    V(graph)[name== i]$vol= sum(E(graph)[to(i)]$vol, na.rm=T) 

# Calculate volumes along the network 
# do stepwise from farthest nodes to nearest (origin is "R") 
# 1.step: aggregate "from" edge vol attributes to product node vol attribute 
# 2.step: distribute node vol attribute to "to" edge vol attribute by vol of node * share of edge 

# Function to sort nodes even if they have same distance from root 
max.out.edges= function(graph, from.node.name) { 
    max(shortest.paths(graph= graph, v= V(graph)[name==from.node.name], mode="out") 
     [is.finite(shortest.paths(graph= graph, v= V(graph)[name==from.node.name], mode="out"))]) 

# Function to create a list of nodes lists sorted with decending distance from root 
list.farthest.nodes= function(graph, from.node.name) { 
    ans= list() 
    sp= shortest.paths(graph= graph, v= V(graph)[name==from.node.name], mode="out") 
    max.distance= max(sp[is.finite(sp)]) 
    for (i in 0:max.distance-1) { 
    nodes= sapply(dimnames(sp)[[2]][which(sp==max.distance-i)], function(x) max.out.edges(graph, x), simplify= T) 
    ans= c(ans, list (names(nodes[order(nodes)]))) 
    ans[[1]]= NULL 
    ans[[max.distance+1]]= "R" 

farthest.nodes= list.farthest.nodes(graph, "R") 

for (i in farthest.nodes) { 
    print(paste("Levels:", i)) 
    for (j in i) { 
    print(paste("Single Level",j)) 
    if (!grepl(x=j, pattern="M")) { 
     V(graph)[name== j]$vol= V(graph)[name== j]$vol + sum(E(graph)[from(j)]$vol, na.rm=T) 
     if (!grepl(x=j, pattern="R")) { 
     E(graph)[to(j)]$vol= E(graph)[to(j)]$share * V(graph)[name== j]$vol   

graph= update.labels(graph); plot(graph, layout=layout) 

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