2015-07-12 39 views

我试图让我的头围绕数据表,但发现它很困难。 我有一个表单,用户可以粘贴1+行数据和1 +列信息。使用DataTable与PHP和动态列


a b c d e f g h i j 
443 39 70 10 38 11 161 15 477 318 
99 452 229 11 63 23 38 104 190 100 


array (size=2) 
    1 => 
    array (size=10) 
     0 => string '443' (length=3) 
     1 => string '39' (length=2) 
     2 => string '70' (length=2) 
     3 => string '10' (length=2) 
     4 => string '38' (length=2) 
     5 => string '11' (length=2) 
     6 => string '161' (length=3) 
     7 => string '15' (length=2) 
     8 => string '477' (length=3) 
     9 => string '318' (length=3) 
    2 => 
    array (size=10) 
     0 => string '99' (length=2) 
     1 => string '4s52' (length=4) 
     2 => string '22s9' (length=4) 
     3 => string '11' (length=2) 
     4 => string '63' (length=2) 
     5 => string '23' (length=2) 
     6 => string '38' (length=2) 
     7 => string '104' (length=3) 
     8 => string '190' (length=3) 
     9 => string '100' (length=3) 

array (size=2) 
    1 => 
    array (size=10) 
     'a' => string '443' (length=3) 
     'b' => string '39' (length=2) 
     'c' => string '70' (length=2) 
     'd' => string '10' (length=2) 
     'e' => string '38' (length=2) 
     'f' => string '11' (length=2) 
     'g' => string '161' (length=3) 
     'h' => string '15' (length=2) 
     'i' => string '477' (length=3) 
     'j' => string '318' (length=3) 
    2 => 
    array (size=10) 
     'a' => string '99' (length=2) 
     'b' => string '4s52' (length=4) 
     'c' => string '22s9' (length=4) 
     'd' => string '11' (length=2) 
     'e' => string '63' (length=2) 
     'f' => string '23' (length=2) 
     'g' => string '38' (length=2) 
     'h' => string '104' (length=3) 
     'i' => string '190' (length=3) 
     'j' => string '100' (length=3) 

我说“或”,因为我可以输出任何一种方式 - 如果json与列名更好,我会这样做第二种方式。



<table class="table" id="Panda1"></table> 

<script type="text/javascript"> 
    $('#{{ Panda1 }}').dataTable({ 
     "data": [{{ contentsArray | json_encode() | raw }}], 
     "columns": [ 
      {% for column in ColumnArray %} 
       { "title": "{{ column }}" }, 
      {% endfor %} 


<script type="text/javascript"> 
     "data": [{"1":{"a":"443","b":"39","c":"70","d":"10","e":"38","f":"11","g":"161","h":"15","i":"477","j":"318"},"2":{"a":"99","b":"4s52","c":"22s9","d":"11","e":"63","f":"23","g":"38","h":"104","i":"190","j":"100"}}], 
     "columns": [ 
      { "title": "a" }, 
      { "title": "b" }, 
      { "title": "c" }, 
      { "title": "d" }, 
      { "title": "e" }, 
      { "title": "f" }, 
      { "title": "g" }, 
      { "title": "h" }, 
      { "title": "i" }, 
      { "title": "j" }, 


  1. 我如何正确处理PHP数组?
  2. 我需要使用mData吗?
  3. 我需要使用columnDefs吗?
  4. 在列中,我是否需要“标题”和“数据”?




<script type="text/javascript"> 
    // Gets an array, containing an object with a single property, the property containing many objects 
    // Then, we take the object which is the first element with [0] 
    var myObj = [{{ contentsArray | json_encode() | raw }}][0]; 
    // We then iterate over the object's properties to get our rows. 
    var array = Object.keys(myObj).map(function (key) {return myObj[key]}); 

    $('#{{ Panda1 }}').dataTable({ 
     "data": array, 
     "columns": [ 
      {% for column in ColumnArray %} 
       { "title": "{{ column }}", "data": "{{ column }}" }, 
      {% endfor %} 

将自己的答案标记为已接受完全可以。也许它将在未来帮助其他人。 – davidkonrad