2016-11-14 101 views


(a) Randomly choose two cut-off points in the string. 

(b) Copy the elements of the first parent that are found between the two 
    cutoff points in the first offspring. 

(c) Copy the elements that still have not been included in the first offspring 
    as follows: 

    (c.1) Start from the second cutoff point of the second parent. 

    (c.2) Copy the elements not included in the first offspring, respecting 
      the order in which the elements appear in the second parent. 

    (c.3) Once the list of the second parent is finished, continue with the 
      first elements (as in a circular arrangement). 

(d) The second offspring is created in a similar way (steps b and c), inverting 
    the role of the parents. 

在本文所讨论的问题是广义最小生成树问题( GMSTP),其中图被划分为顶点簇,并且MST需要仅由来自每个簇的一个顶点构建。在本文中,染色体中的每个元素表示一个簇,并且该元素的每个值是簇的选定节点以构建GMST。




Parent1 = { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 } 
Parent2 = { 3 2 8 1 4 9 6 5 7 } 

after 2 random cut-off points 

Parent1: { 1 2 | 3 4 5 6 | 7 8 9 } 
Parent2: { 3 2 | 8 1 4 9 | 6 5 7 } 

Copy genes between the two cut-off points of the 1st parent 
Child1: { x x | 3 4 5 6 | x x x } 

Copy the rest of genes of the 2nd parent starting from the 2nd cut-off point, 
excluding genes already in the child as well as preserving order 
Child1: { 1 9 | 3 4 5 6 | 7 2 8 } 

(Do the same for Child2 swapping the parents) 


Parent1: { 3 1 2 1 1 } 
Parent2: { 3 2 2 1 4 } 

I do not see a way of doing that, however, researchers said they used OX here. 

我不完全理解你实际上问这里。这些说明似乎很清楚,虽然你的标题问“如何申请”交叉你的文章的身体似乎问*为什么*研究人员这样做。你说没有保留群集顺序的含义 - 文件是否声称这是一个重要特征?这可能只是该方法的一种人造物,既不是特别需要的也不是有问题的。无论哪种方式,我不认为StackOverflow是适合的地方,因为我没有看到任何编程问题。 –


@Chris H说明非常明确,因为它是实施OX的典型代表。我的问题是他们是如何做到的,而不是为什么。他们如何设法在这条染色体上应用OX? –


也许最后一行是造成混淆的原因,我会试着重新修饰它。 –





Parent1 = { 3 1 2 1 1 } 
Parent2 = { 3 2 2 1 4 } 

after 2 random cut-off points 

Parent1: { 3 | 1 2 | 1 1 } 
Parent2: { 3 | 2 2 | 1 4 } 

Copy genes between the two cut-off points of the 1st parent 
Child1: { x | 1 2 | x x } 

Copy the rest of genes of the 2nd parent starting from the 2nd cut-off point, 
excluding genes already in the child as well as preserving order 
Child1: { x | 1 2 | 4 3 } 

Copy original values to the missing elements 
child1: { 3 | 1 2 | 4 3 } 

The same for Child2 swapping the rules of the parents 
child2: { 3 | 2 2 | 1 3 }