2014-12-03 70 views



// Class constructor 
    public AnimatedSprite(Texture2D texture, int lines, int columns, Vector2 position) 
     : base (texture, position) 
     this.texture = texture; 
     this.position = position; 
     Lines = lines; // How many lines the sprite-sheet have 
     Columns = columns; How many columns the sprite-sheet have 
     totalFrames = Lines * Columns; 


public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) 

     // Depending on the direction the sprite is moving 
     // it will use different parts of the sprite-sheet 

     if (west == true) 
      initialFrame = 0; 
      finalFrame = 4; 

     if (east == true) 
      initialFrame = 5; 
      finalFrame = 9; 

     if (north == true) 
      initialFrame = 10; 
      finalFrame = 14; 

     if (south == true) 
      initialFrame = 15; 
      finalFrame = 19; 

     // When to update the current frame 
     timeSinseLastFrame += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; 
     if (timeSinceLastFrame > milisecondsPerFrame) 
      timeSinceLastFrame -= milisecondsPerFrame; 

     // Reset the frame to complete the loop 
      if (currentFrame == finalFrame) 
       currentFrame = initialFrame; 


public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch) 
     int width = texture.Width/Columns; 
     int height = texture.Height/Lines; 
     int line = (int)((float)currentFrame/(float)Columns); 
     int column = currentFrame % Columns; 

     Rectangle originRectangle = new Rectangle(width * column, height * line, width, height); 
     Rectangle destinationRectangle = new Rectangle((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, width, height); 

     // Heres what i think it's not correct, how to detect the direction 
     // I tried to calculate it by the last X and Y position 
     // So if the current Y value is smaller the last Y value 
     // The sprite moved south 
     Rectangle lastPosition = originRectangle; 
     Rectangle destinationPosition = destinationRectangle; 

     if (lastPosition.Y < destinationPosition.Y) 
      north = true; 
      south = false; 
      east = false; 
      west = false; 

     if (destinationRectangle.Y > lastPosition.Y) 
      north = false; 
      south = true; 
      east = false; 
      west = false; 

     if (destinationRectangle.X > lastPosition.X) 
      north = false; 
      south = false; 
      east = true; 
      west = false; 

     if (destinationRectangle.X < lastPosition.X) 
      north = false; 
      south = false; 
      east = false; 
      west = true; 

     spriteBatch.Draw(texture, destinationRectangle, originRectangle, Color.White); 


你还没有真正问了一个问题在这里;并且有很多代码(比没有代码好!)。你能缩小一切吗?根据给定的输入指出没有做到你想要的行/部分(提供实际/预期的输出)? – BradleyDotNET 2014-12-03 18:18:29


如果此代码是与此问题相关的所有内容,那么您似乎需要设计具有FacingDirection的角色概念。似乎没有任何关系。一旦你设计好了,你可以更新Draw方法来根据这些数据来操作图像/绘图。 – 2014-12-03 18:54:11


我更新了这个问题,并在代码上加了几条评论来澄清。 – ViNi 2014-12-03 19:35:22





  if (lastPosition.Y < position.Y) 
       initialFrame = 15; 
       lastFrame = 19; 

      if (position.Y < lastPosition.Y) 
       initialFrame = 10; 
       lastFrame = 14; 

      if (position.X > lastPosition.X) 
       initialFrame = 5; 
       lastFrame = 9; 

      if (position.X < lastPosition.X) 
       initialFrame = 0; 
       lastFrame = 4; 

      currentFrame = initialFrame; 
      totalFrame = lastFrame; 

      timeSinceLastFrame += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; 
      if (timeSinceLastFrame > milisecondsPerFrame) 
       timeSinceLastFrame -= milisecondsPerFrame; 
       if (currentFrame == totalFrame) 
        currentFrame = 0; 


if (lastPosition.Y < destinationPosition.Y) 
    north = true; 
    south = false; 
    east = false; 
    west = false; 

if (destinationRectangle.Y > lastPosition.Y) 
    north = false; 
    south = true; 
    east = false; 
    west = false; 

的(lastPosition.Y < destinationPosition.Y)和(destinationRectangle.Y> lastPosition.Y) 是相同的条件,所以你的在两种情况下都会有南=真。


enum Direction 
    None = 0, // default 
    North = 1, 
    South = 2, 
    East = 3, 
    West = 4 


最后。 我无法正确理解你如何移动你的精灵?我的意思是如何在更换坐标之前检测方向? 在我看来,它应该通过这样的:

  1. 在更新()在你所需要的方向移动,并改变方向varialbe和基础上改变和更新精灵状态检测。
  2. 在Draw()中,在当前状态下绘制精灵。

嘿,谢谢你的回答。我已经解决了这个问题,并且让我更简单,没有变数。 – ViNi 2014-12-04 16:53:10