2012-03-01 151 views


ondblClickRow: function(rowid, iRow, iCol, e) 
    jQuery('#jqGrid').setGridParam({cellEdit: true}); 
    jQuery('#jqGrid').editCell(iRow, iCol, true); 
    jQuery('#jqGrid').setGridParam({cellEdit: false}); 

,工作正常,但我不知道如何(自动)关闭细胞编辑器,当用户点击编辑元素之外,或按ESC TABENTER等..




为了展示如何解决它使用下面的代码,我创建the demo问题:

cellsubmit: 'clientArray', 
ondblClickRow: function (rowid, iRow, iCol) { 
    var $this = $(this); 

    $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: true}); 
    $this.jqGrid('editCell', iRow, iCol, true); 
    $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: false}); 
afterEditCell: function (rowid, cellName, cellValue, iRow) { 
    var cellDOM = this.rows[iRow], oldKeydown, 
     $cellInput = $('input, select, textarea', cellDOM), 
     events = $cellInput.data('events'), 
     $this = $(this); 
    if (events && events.keydown && events.keydown.length) { 
     oldKeydown = events.keydown[0].handler; 
     $cellInput.unbind('keydown', oldKeydown); 
     $cellInput.bind('keydown', function (e) { 
      $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: true}); 
      oldKeydown.call(this, e); 
      $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: false}); 


beforeSelectRow: function (rowid, e) { 
    var $this = $(this), 
     $td = $(e.target).closest('td'), 
     $tr = $td.closest('tr'), 
     iRow = $tr[0].rowIndex, 
     iCol = $.jgrid.getCellIndex($td); 

    if (typeof lastRowIndex !== "undefined" && typeof lastColIndex !== "undefined" && 
      (iRow !== lastRowIndex || iCol !== lastColIndex)) { 
     $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: true}); 
     $this.jqGrid('restoreCell', lastRowIndex, lastColIndex, true); 
     $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: false}); 
    return true; 

The new demo示出结果。

更新2:或者,您可以使用focusout放弃或保存上次编辑更改。见one more demo它使用的代码:

ondblClickRow: function (rowid, iRow, iCol) { 
    var $this = $(this); 

    $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: true}); 
    $this.jqGrid('editCell', iRow, iCol, true); 
    $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: false}); 
afterEditCell: function (rowid, cellName, cellValue, iRow, iCol) { 
    var cellDOM = this.rows[iRow].cells[iCol], oldKeydown, 
     $cellInput = $('input, select, textarea', cellDOM), 
     events = $cellInput.data('events'), 
     $this = $(this); 
    if (events && events.keydown && events.keydown.length) { 
     oldKeydown = events.keydown[0].handler; 
     $cellInput.unbind('keydown', oldKeydown); 
     $cellInput.bind('keydown', function (e) { 
      $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: true}); 
      oldKeydown.call(this, e); 
      $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: false}); 
     }).bind('focusout', function (e) { 
      $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: true}); 
      $this.jqGrid('restoreCell', iRow, iCol, true); 
      $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: false}); 

更新12:用jQuery 1.8酮原料应使用$._data($cellInput[0], 'events');,而不是$cellInput.data('events')得到的$cellInput所有事件的列表。


看起来不错,但是当用户点击活动单元格外部或网格组件外部时,该活动内联编辑器会自动关闭吗? – 2012-03-02 01:19:34


@stackoverflow:这也是可能的。请参阅答案和新演示的“已更新”部分。 – Oleg 2012-03-02 08:10:10


伟大的进步!但是当我单击单元格或行外(例如网格工具栏,网格列标题等)或网格外部时,内嵌编辑器仍处于活动状态并且不会关闭。也可以添加这样的功能吗?谢谢。 – 2012-03-02 12:28:23


声明公共变量: -

var lastRowId=-1; 

    $(document).ready(function() { 
      // put all your jQuery goodness in here. 

    ondblClickRow: function(rowid, iRow, iCol, e) 
     $("#jqGrid").saveRow(lastRowId, true, 'clientArray'); 
     $('#jqGrid').setGridParam({cellEdit: true}); 
     $('#jqGrid').editCell(iRow, iCol, true); 
     lastRowId= rowid; 



  $("#jqGrid").saveRow(jqMFPLastRowId, true, 'clientArray'); 


==================== ================================================== =====

声明公共变量: -

var lastRowId=-1; 
    $(document).ready(function() { 
      // put all your jQuery goodness in here. 
    ondblClickRow: function (rowid, iRow, iCol) { 
     var $this = $(this); 
     $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: true}); 
     $this.jqGrid('editCell', iRow, iCol, true); 
     $this.jqGrid('setGridParam', {cellEdit: false}); 

    afterEditCell: function (rowid, cellName, cellValue, iRow) { 
     $("#jqGrid").saveRow(lastRowId, true, 'clientArray'); 
// This worked Perfectly fine for me, hope will work for you as well. 
var selectedCellId; 
    var $gridTableObj = $('#jqGridTable'); 
     datatype : "jsonstring", 
     datastr : gridJSON, 
     height : ($(window).height() - 110), 
     width : ($(window).width() - 80), 
     gridview : true, 
     loadonce : false, 
     colNames : columnNames, 
     colModel : columnModel, 
     rowNum : gridJSON.length, 
     viewrecords : true, 
     subGrid : false, 
     autoheight : true, 
     autowidth : false, 
     shrinkToFit : true, 
     cellsubmit : 'clientArray', 
     cellEdit : true, 
     jsonReader : { 
      root : "rows", 
      repeatitems : false 
     onCellSelect : function(id, cellidx, cellvalue) { // use this event to capture edited cellID 
      selectedCellId = cellidx; // save the cellId to a variable 
     loadComplete : function(data) { 


var gridCellWasClicked = false; 
window.parent.document.body.onclick = saveEditedCell; // attach to parent window if any 
document.body.onclick = saveEditedCell; // attach to current document. 
function saveEditedCell(evt) { 
    var target = $(evt.target); 
    var isCellClicked = $gridTableObj.find(target).length; // check if click is inside jqgrid 
    if(gridCellWasClicked && !isCellClicked) // check if a valid click 
     var rowid = $gridTableObj.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow'); 
    $gridTableObj.jqGrid("saveCell", rowid, selectedCellId); 
    gridCellWasClicked = false; 
     gridCellWasClicked = true; // flat to check if there is a cell been edited. 