2017-04-18 121 views

你好家伙我发现了一个html代码,它使用scss.when我试图转换它我有很多错误任何人都可以将它转换为我。我是一个在html中的初学者,我没有在SCSS this is the code from the website如何转换scss到css

@function rndNumber($limit) { 
    @return random($limit); 

$globalSize: 400%; 
$colorsList: ($white, $white, $white); 



$randomSize: 0; 

@for $i from 1 through 16 { 
    $thisColor: nth($colorsList, rndNumber(3)); 
    $bgDots: append($bgDots, radial-gradient($thisColor, $thisColor 70%, transparent 71%), 'comma'); 

    $resultPosList: append($resultPosList, (rndNumber(100) * 1%) (rndNumber(100) * 1%), 'comma'); 
    $prevPosList: append($prevPosList, 50% 50%, 'comma'); 

    $randomSize: rndNumber(3) * 2%; 
    $resultSizeList: append($resultSizeList, $randomSize $randomSize, 'comma'); 
    $prevSizeList: append($prevSizeList, .25em .25em, 'comma'); 

.sparks { 
    &:before { 
     content: ''; 
     position: absolute; 
     pointer-events: none; 
     z-index: 1; 
     left: 50%; 
     top: 50%; 
     transform: translate(-50%, -50%); 
     width: $globalSize; 
     height: $globalSize; 

     background-image:  $bgDots; 
     background-size:  $prevSizeList; 
     background-position: $prevPosList; 
     background-repeat:  no-repeat; 

     transition: all 0s ease-out; 
     transition-delay: 0; 

.card { 
    height: 15em; 
    border-radius: 15em 15em 0 0; 
    display: flex; 
    align-items: flex-end; 
    justify-content: center; 
    background-color: rgba($white, .2); 

.rating { 
    &__label { 
     cursor: pointer; 
     padding: 1em; 
     display: flex; 
     box-sizing: border-box; 
     transition: all $fastDuration ease-in-out; 
     border: 1px solid rgba($white, .2); 
     margin-left: -1px; 
     &__icon { 
      z-index: 2; 
      transition: fill $fastDuration ease-in-out; 
     @for $i from 1 through 5 { 
      &:nth-of-type(#{5-$i}) .rating__label__icon { 
       transition-delay: ($fastDuration/4) * $i; 
    &__background { 
     width: 100%; 
     height: 100%; 
     min-width: 20%; 
     position: absolute; 
     border-radius: 3em; 
     z-index: -1; 
     bottom: 0; 
     left: 0; 
     transition: width $fastDuration $bezier; 
     background-color: $white; 
    [type='radio'] { 
     display: none; 
    &__fx { 
     &--0 { 
      perspective: 20em; 
      .rating__label { 
       transform-style: preserve-3d; 
       @for $i from 1 through 5 { 
        &:nth-of-type(#{5-$i}) { 
         transition-delay: ($fastDuration/4) * $i; 
      [type='radio'] { 
       display: none; 
       &:checked ~ .rating__label { 
        background-color: $white; 
        transform: rotateY(180deg); 
        .rating__label__icon { 
         fill: $coral; 
       &:first-of-type:checked + .rating__label:before { 
        background-size: $resultSizeList; 
        background-position: $resultPosList; 
        transition-duration: $slowDuration; 
        transition-delay: $fastDuration * 1.3; 
        opacity: 0; 
     &--1 { 
      position: relative; 
      @for $i from 1 through 24 { 
       $thisColor: nth($colorsList, rndNumber(3)); 
       $bgDots: append($bgDots, radial-gradient($thisColor, $thisColor 70%, transparent 71%), 'comma'); 

       $resultPosList: append($resultPosList, (rndNumber(100) * 1%) (rndNumber(100) * 1%), 'comma'); 
       $prevPosList: append($prevPosList, 50% 50%, 'comma'); 

       $randomSize: rndNumber(3) * 2%; 
       $resultSizeList: append($resultSizeList, $randomSize $randomSize, 'comma'); 
       $prevSizeList: append($prevSizeList, .25em .25em, 'comma'); 
      .rating__label { 
       transform-style: preserve-3d; 
       border-left-color: transparent; 
       border-right-color: transparent; 
       &:first-of-type { 
        border-radius: 0 3em 3em 0; 
        border-right-color: rgba($white, .2); 
        position: relative; 
       &:last-of-type { 
        border-radius: 3em 0 0 3em; 
        border-left-color: rgba($white, .2); 
      [type='radio'] { 
       display: none; 
       @for $j from 5 through 1 { 
        &:nth-of-type(#{$j}):checked ~ { 
         .rating__label { 
          .rating__label__icon { 
           fill: $coral; 
         .rating__background { 
          $thisColor: hsl((340 - ($j * 20)), 56%, 66%); 
          $thisPos: 20% * (6 - $j); 
          // background-color: saturate($thisColor, 55%); 
          width: $thisPos; 
       &:first-of-type:checked + .rating__label:before { 
        background-size: $resultSizeList; 
        background-position: $resultPosList; 
        transition-duration: $slowDuration; 
        transition-delay: $fastDuration; 
        opacity: 0; 
     &--2 { 
      position: relative; 
      @for $i from 1 through 18 { 
       $thisColor: nth($colorsList, rndNumber(3)); 
       $bgDots: append($bgDots, radial-gradient($thisColor, $thisColor 70%, transparent 71%), 'comma'); 

       $resultPosList: append($resultPosList, (rndNumber(100) * 1%) (rndNumber(100) * 1%), 'comma'); 
       $prevPosList: append($prevPosList, 50% 50%, 'comma'); 

       $randomSize: rndNumber(3) * 2%; 
       $resultSizeList: append($resultSizeList, $randomSize $randomSize, 'comma'); 
       $prevSizeList: append($prevSizeList, .25em .25em, 'comma'); 
      .rating__label { 
       transform-style: preserve-3d; 
       .rating__label__icon { 
        fill: $coral; 
      [type='radio'] { 
       display: none; 
       @for $j from 5 through 1 { 
        &:nth-of-type(#{$j}):checked ~ { 
         .rating__label { 
          .rating__label__icon { 
           fill: $white; 
       &:first-of-type:checked + .rating__label:before { 
        background-size: $resultSizeList; 
        background-position: $resultPosList; 
        transition-duration: $slowDuration; 
        transition-delay: $fastDuration; 
        opacity: 0; 







我收到一个错误,说Undefined变量:“$ fastDuration”。 – Amal


@Amal这意味着,你需要更多的.scss文件,它的定义。 – Zydnar


您链接的CodePen示例包含了可能用于定义某些变量的其他SCSS文件。另外,您可以随时访问CodePen上的CSS窗格并直接查看编译后的CSS。 – Terry