2016-10-05 119 views

所以我一直在试图把一个简单的基于文本的简单RPG放在一起,我刚刚完成了为按钮和不同类型的字符创建对象。当我停下来休息一天并保存时,我没有任何错误,但是我今天又回来了,并收到错误“Can not read property'x'of undefined。”该错误没有列出任何代码行,并且除此之外我没有列出任何错误。我只有在按钮对象使用“X”,所以我认为这个问题是在这个代码块的地方:无法读取属性'x'的undefined

//selection buttons 
var Button = function(config) { 
    this.x = config.x || 5; 
    this.y = config.y || 2; 
    this.width = config.width || 390; 
    this.height = config.height || 96; 
    this.vrtx = config.vrtx || 50; //curve on the corners 
    this.lable = config.lable || "Click Here"; 
    this.r = config.r || 100; 
    this.b = config.b || 100; 
    this.g = config.g || 100; 

Button.prototype.draw = function() { 
    stroke(this.r/2, this.b/2, this.g/2); 
    fill(this.r, this.b, this.g); 
    rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.vrtx); 
    fill(0, 0, 0); 
    textAlign(LEFT, TOP); 
    text(this.label, this.x + 10, this.y + this.height/4); 

var btn1 = new Button(/*customize button*/);


var mage; 
var warrior; 
var rogue; 
var cleric; 
var manaLvl; 
var strengthLvl; 
var stealthLvl; 
var xpLvl = 10; 
var enemyCount = 0; //# of enemies defeted 
var lvl; //player's level 

//player stats and level up 
var character = function(health, armour, packSize, packItems, mana, strength, stealth, xp) { 
    this.health = health; 
    this.defArmour = armour; 
    this.packSize = packSize; 
    this.packItems = packItems; 
    this.mana = mana; 
    this.strength = strength; 
    this.stealth = stealth; 
    this.xp = xp; 

Character.prototype.lvlUp = function() { 
    this.health += 2; 
    this.packSize += 1; 
    this.mana += manaLvl; 
    this.strength += strengthLvl; 
    this.stealth += stealthLvl; 
    enemyCount = 0; 

character.prototype.xpGain = function() { 
    this.xp = enemyCount * xpLvl; 
    if (this.xp === 100) { 

character.prototype.packStorage = function() { 
    if (this.packItems < this.packSize) { 
    //allow player to store items 

//selection buttons 
var Button = function(config) { 
    this.x = config.x || 5; 
    this.y = config.y || 2; 
    this.width = config.width || 390; 
    this.height = config.height || 96; 
    this.vrtx = config.vrtx || 50; //curve on the corners 
    this.lable = config.lable || "Click Here"; 
    this.r = config.r || 100; 
    this.b = config.b || 100; 
    this.g = config.g || 100; 

Button.prototype.draw = function() { 
    stroke(this.r/2, this.b/2, this.g/2); 
    fill(this.r, this.b, this.g); 
    rect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height, this.vrtx); 
    fill(0, 0, 0); 
    textAlign(LEFT, TOP); 
    text(this.label, this.x + 10, this.y + this.height/4); 

var btn1 = new Button(/*customize button*/); 

//class selection 
if (mage === true) { 
    var lvl = new character(10, 5, 10, 20, 5, 5); 
    manaLvl = 3; 
    strengthLvl = 1; 
    stealthLvl = 1; 
} else if (warrior === true) { 
    var lvl = new character(20, 20, 5, 20, 5, 5); 
    manaLvl = 1; 
    strengthLvl = 3; 
    stealthLvl = 1; 
} else if (rogue === true) { 
    var lvl = new character(15, 10, 10, 20, 5, 5); 
    manaLvl = 1; 
    strengthLvl = 2; 
    stealthLvl = 2; 
} else if (cleric === true) { 
    var lvl = new character(15, 10, 15, 5, 10, 15); 
    manaLvl = 2; 
    strengthLvl = 2; 
    stealthLvl = 1; 

var draw = function() { 



当我运行你的第一个片段,并检查浏览器的控制台,错误显示为上“Button”函数的第一行,因为它认为'config'是未定义的 - 在该代码段中,它是未定义的。您的第二个较长的代码段不起作用,因为您有时会使用大写的'C'拼写'Character',有时使用小写字母,所以它甚至没有得到“Can not read property'x'of undefined”。错误。 – nnnnnn


什么代码进入'/ *自定义按钮* /'行? – Oberon




var btn1 = new Button(/*customize button*/);



var btn1 = new Button({x : 1, y : 2}); //等


甚至'var btn1 = new Button({})'为了使用默认设置,尽管将'if(!config)config = {}'作为Button的第一行添加会更好。 '功能。 – nnnnnn