2016-12-06 53 views


function planogram(node, pt, gridpt) { 
     avoidNodeOverlap(node, pt, gridpt); 
     stayInGroup(node, pt, gridpt); 

     // a Part.dragComputation function that prevents a Part from being dragged to overlap another Part 
    function avoidNodeOverlap(node, pt, gridpt) { 

     // this assumes each node is fully rectangular 
     var bnds = node.actualBounds; 
     var locate = node.location; 

     // see if the area at the proposed location is unoccupied 
     // use PT instead of GRIDPT if you want to ignore any grid snapping behavior 
     var x = gridpt.x - (locate.x - bnds.x); 
     var y = gridpt.y - (locate.y - bnds.y); 
     var r = new go.Rect(x, y, bnds.width, bnds.height); 

     // maybe inflate R if you want some space between the node and any other nodes 
     if (isUnoccupied(r, node)) return pt; // OK 
     return locate; // give up -- don't allow the node to be moved to the new location  

    function stayInGroup(part, pt, gridpt) { 
     // don't constrain top-level nodes 
     var grp = part.containingGroup; 
     if (grp === null) return pt; 
     // try to stay within the background Shape of the Group 
     var back = grp.findObject("rack"); 
     if (back === null) return pt; 
     // allow dragging a Node out of a Group if the Shift key is down 
     if (part.diagram.lastInput.shift) return pt; 
     var p1 = back.getDocumentPoint(go.Spot.TopLeft); 
     var p2 = back.getDocumentPoint(go.Spot.BottomRight); 
     var b = part.actualBounds; 
     var loc = part.location; 
     // find the padding inside the group's placeholder that is around the member parts 
     var m = (grp.placeholder !== null ? grp.placeholder.padding : new go.Margin(0)); 
     // now limit the location appropriately 
     var x = Math.max(p1.x + m.left, Math.min(pt.x, p2.x - m.right - b.width - 1)) + (loc.x-b.x); 
     var y = Math.max(p1.y + m.top, Math.min(pt.y, p2.y - m.bottom - b.height - 1)) + (loc.y-b.y); 
     return new go.Point(x, y); 



@Satpal为什么会执行并行? – Mahi


@Satpal仍然没有工作 –







你会给我几个样本?我可以同时使用(平行或线性)。我只想让我的函数起作用 –


来自您的代码 'function planogram(node,pt,gridpt){ avoidNodeOverlap(node,pt,gridpt); stayInGroup(node,pt,gridpt); }' 这两个函数被称为异步。通过查看代码,'stayInGroup'不会产生预期结果的唯一原因是行号为'if'的条件。 3你的方法'stayInGroup'。您是否验证过要传递的值,以确保方法调用不会早于第no行。 3? 此外,如果有任何错误,您是否可以提供有关正在生成的错误的更多详细信息? –


错误是'Can not read property'x'of undefined'。在'stayInGroup'函数内部,我在'if(grp === null)return pt;'line'之后给出警报,但是我的警报没有执行。如果我在'var grp = part.containingGroup;'之前发出警报,它就会起作用。 注意:该功能实际上工作。但如果我加入他们,我会遇到麻烦。 –