2015-04-03 37 views


| --- r1 ---- | --- r2 ---- | ccs |
| 0106T | 0110T | 7 |

| --code- | ccs |
| 0106T | 7 |
| 0107T | 7 |
| 0108T | 7 |
| 0109T | 7 |
| 0110T | 7 |



告诉我们你试过的东西。 – 2015-04-03 15:56:19


我真的被难住了,这就是我问这个问题的原因。我正在考虑一个SQL游标(* gasp *),但R3uK在下面有一个很好的解决方案。我正在修改它以获得所需的特定结果 - 将结果拆分为两列,保持前导零,并处理不同的值(00305,A6047,0023C等)。将完成后发布解决方案,谢谢。 – user3285188 2015-04-03 16:34:46


如果你有解决方案,这是没问题的。确保接受你认为有用的答案。 – 2015-04-03 17:02:36




Sub Alpha() 
Dim WsS As Worksheet 
Set WsS = Worksheets("Source") 
Dim WsR As Worksheet 
Set WsR = DeleteAndAddSheet("Results") 

For i = 2 To WsS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 

    For k = Val(WsS.Cells(i, 1)) To Val(WsS.Cells(i, 2)) 
     WsR.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = k & "T " & WsS.Cells(i, 3) 
    Next k 

Next i 

End Sub 


Public Function DeleteAndAddSheet(ByVal SheetName As String) As Worksheet 

For Each aShe In Sheets 
    If aShe.Name <> SheetName Then 
     Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
     Application.DisplayAlerts = True 
     Exit For 
    End If 
Next aShe 

Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) 
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = SheetName 

Set DeleteAndAddSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) 

End Function 

伟大的地方开始,感谢您的帮助!完成后会发布最终解决方案。 – user3285188 2015-04-03 16:35:51


很高兴我可以帮忙,我很匆忙,所以我没有完成,但为了使它灵活(关于这封信),你可以在'IsNumeric(mid(wss.cells(i, 1),MovingStart,1))''你会得到你的第一个字母的地址来使用'Right(wss.cells(i,1),Len(wss.Cells(i,1)) - MovingStart +或者 - 1)'获取非数字部分。对于以“0”开始,您可以简单地将其添加到文本中或使用Format()。 – R3uK 2015-04-03 16:45:25


综观提供的解决方案通过R3uK,Set DeleteAndAddSheet语句中的DeleteAndAddSheet函数看起来有错误。下标超出范围错误的语句错误。不确定预期的结果是否为图纸编号。你可以澄清一下吗? 谢谢。


它不是直接创建表单的数字,因此可以在进一步编码中将其设置为对象。仍然奇怪的是,你有一个错误...你试图影响结果的数值?或者,也许可以将ThisWorkbook更改为ActiveWorkbook ... – R3uK 2015-04-03 16:51:52


查看该函数行的结尾,它被声明为工作表,因此结果必须是工作表;) – R3uK 2015-04-03 16:53:24



r1 | r2 | ccs
0001T | 0002T | 52
0003T | 0003T | 130
0005T | 0006T | 59
0007T | 0007T | 211
0008T | 0008T | 93
0009T | 0009T | 125
00100 | 00104 | 232
0010T | 0010T | 40
00120 | 00126 | 232
0012T | 0013T | 162
00140 | 00148 | 232
0014T | 0014T | 176
17999 | 17999 | 175
19000 | 19001 | 165
19020 | 19020 | 175
19030 | 19103 | 165
C2018 | C2018 | 243
C2019 | C2019 | 243
C2020 | C2020 | 243
C2021 | C2021 | 243
C2022 | C2022 | 243
C2023 | C2023 | 243

Public Function DeleteAndAddSheet(ByVal SheetName As String) As Worksheet 

For Each aShe In Sheets 
    If aShe.Name <> SheetName Then 
     Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
     Application.DisplayAlerts = True 
     Exit For 
    End If 
Next aShe 

Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) 
Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = SheetName 

Set DeleteAndAddSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) 

End Function 

Sub Popluate_Ranges() 

Dim WsS As Worksheet 
Set WsS = Worksheets("Sheet1") 
Dim WsR As Worksheet 
Set WsR = DeleteAndAddSheet("Results") 
Dim sc As Integer 
Dim sr As Integer 
Dim rc As Integer 
Dim rr As Long 
Dim rr2 As Long 
Dim rc2 As Integer 
Dim a As String 
Dim b As String 
Dim c As String 
Dim v1 As String 
Dim v2 As String 
Dim d As String 
Dim e As String 
Dim f As String 
Dim i As Integer 

'break string into 3 parts for handling 

rr = 1 
rc = 1 
sr = 2 
sc = 1 

For sr = 2 To WsS.Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row 

    For sc = 1 To 2 
    'write the first digit to first result column 
    WsR.Cells(rr, rc) = Left(Format(WsS.Cells(sr, sc), "00000"), 1) 
    rc = rc + 1 
    'write the middle 3 digits to the second result column 
    WsR.Cells(rr, rc) = Right(Left(Format(WsS.Cells(sr, sc), "00000"), 4), 3) 
    rc = rc + 1 
    'write the last digit to the third result column 
    WsR.Cells(rr, rc) = Right(Format(WsS.Cells(sr, sc), "00000"), 1) 
    rc = rc + 1 
    Next sc 

    'write ccs 
    WsR.Cells(rr, rc) = WsS.Cells(sr, sc) 
    rr = rr + 1 
    rc = 1 

Next sr 
WsR.Range("B:B").NumberFormat = "000" 
WsR.Range("E:E").NumberFormat = "000" 

rr = 1 
rc = 1 
rr2 = 1 
rc2 = 8 

For rr = 1 To WsR.Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row 
     'write/rejoin range start value 

     a = WsR.Cells(rr, rc).Value 
     b = WsR.Cells(rr, rc + 1).Value 
     c = WsR.Cells(rr, rc + 2).Value 
     WsR.Cells(rr2, rc2) = Format(a, "0") & Format(b, "000") & Format(c, "0") 
     WsR.Cells(rr2, rc2 + 1) = WsR.Cells(rr, 7).Value 
     rr2 = rr2 + 1 

     'check if at the end of the range 
     d = WsR.Cells(rr, rc + 3).Value 
     e = WsR.Cells(rr, rc + 4).Value 
     f = WsR.Cells(rr, rc + 5).Value 

     Do Until (a = d And b = e And c = f) 

       If IsNumeric(a) = False Then 
        i = a 
        i = i + 1 
        v1 = a 
        c = Right(i, 1) 
        v2 = a 
        If v1 = 9 And v2 = 0 Then 
         b = b + 1 
        End If 

       ElseIf IsNumeric(c) = False Then 

        b = b + 1 

       i = c 
        i = i + 1 
        v1 = c 
        c = Right(i, 1) 
        v2 = c 
        If v1 = 9 And v2 = 0 Then 
         b = b + 1 
        End If 

       End If 

       WsR.Cells(rr2, rc2) = Format(a, "0") & Format(b, "000") & Format(c, "0") 
       WsR.Cells(rr2, rc2 + 1) = WsR.Cells(rr, 7).Value 
       'WsR.Cells(rr2, rc2 + 2) = rr 
       rr2 = rr2 + 1 


Next rr 
WsR.Range("H:H").NumberFormat = "00000" 
End Sub 