2013-05-05 56 views

我们使用自定义的Hibernate UserType在一行中存储一组字符串。当UserType表示单行对象集时。如何用类似条件查询Hibernate自定义的UserType?

当试图查询此组与标准,使用JPA CriteriaBuilder休眠抛出抛出:IllegalArgumentException

Parameter value String did not match expected type java.util.Set



public class SetStringType implements UserType, LiteralType<Set<String>> { 

final private static String SEPARATOR = "|"; 
final private static String SEPARATOR_REGEXP = "\\|"; 

public int[] sqlTypes() { 
    return new int[] { Types.VARCHAR }; 

public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet rs, String[] names, SessionImplementor session, Object owner) throws HibernateException, 
     SQLException { 
    HashSet<String> resultValues = new HashSet<String>(); 

    String value = rs.getString(names[0]); 
    if (value == null) 
     return resultValues; 

    String[] values = value.split(SEPARATOR_REGEXP); 
    return resultValues; 

public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement st, Object value, int index, SessionImplementor session) throws HibernateException, 
     SQLException { 
    st.setString(index, StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString((Collection<String>) value, SEPARATOR)); 

public Class returnedClass() { 
    return Set.class; 

public boolean equals(Object x, Object y) throws HibernateException { 
    return ObjectUtils.equals(x, y); 

public int hashCode(Object x) throws HibernateException { 
    assert x != null; 
    return x.hashCode(); 

public Object deepCopy(Object value) throws HibernateException { 
    if (value == null) 
     return null; 

    if (value instanceof HashSet) 
     return ((HashSet<String>) value).clone(); 

    return new HashSet<String>((Collection<String>) value); 

public boolean isMutable() { 
    return true; 

public Serializable disassemble(Object value) throws HibernateException { 
    return (Serializable) deepCopy(value); 

public Object assemble(Serializable cached, Object owner) throws HibernateException { 
    return deepCopy(cached); 

public Object replace(Object original, Object target, Object owner) throws HibernateException { 
    return original; 

public String objectToSQLString(Set<String> value, Dialect dialect) throws Exception { 
    return StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(value, SEPARATOR); 





public static String collectionToDelimitedString(Collection coll, 
              String delim) 

Convenience method to return a Collection as a delimited (e.g. CSV) String. E.g. useful for toString() implementations. 

    coll - the Collection to display 
    delim - the delimiter to use (probably a ",") 
    the delimited String 


st.setString(index, StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString((Collection<String>) value, SEPARATOR));