2016-05-17 59 views

我想在注册用户之前发送由GCM抓取的令牌 - 有没有办法写回调,以便注册等待,直到GCM以令牌ID返回...GCM推送通知为Android,如何获得回调成功?


InstanceID instanceID = InstanceID.getInstance(this); 
     String token = null; 
     try { 
      token = instanceID.getToken(this.getString(R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId), GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE, null); 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
     Log.d(Constants.DEBUG, "SignupActivity - RegularApiSignup - Token being passed to api is " + token); 



你们是不是要注册GCM并取回的注册ID? –


你确定在一段时间后你会在'token'中获得一些价值吗? –




GCMClientManager pushClientManager = new GCMClientManager(this, getString(R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId)); 
    pushClientManager.registerIfNeeded(new GCMClientManager.RegistrationCompletedHandler() { 
     public void onSuccess(String registrationId, boolean isNewRegistration) { 

      if (isNewRegistration) 
       //Do your stuffs here! 

     public void onFailure(String ex) { 


import android.app.Activity; 
import android.content.Context; 
import android.content.SharedPreferences; 
import android.content.pm.PackageInfo; 
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException; 
import android.os.AsyncTask; 
import android.util.Log; 

import com.google.android.gms.common.ConnectionResult; 
import com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil; 
import com.google.android.gms.gcm.GoogleCloudMessaging; 
import com.google.android.gms.iid.InstanceID; 

import java.io.IOException; 

public class GCMClientManager { 
    // Constants 
    public static final String TAG = "GCMClientManager"; 
    public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "message"; 
    public static final String PROPERTY_REG_ID = "registration_id"; 
    private static final String PROPERTY_APP_VERSION = "appVersion"; 
    private final static int PLAY_SERVICES_RESOLUTION_REQUEST = 9000; 
    // Member variables 
    private GoogleCloudMessaging gcm; 
    private String regid; 
    private String projectNumber; 
    private Activity activity; 

    public GCMClientManager(Activity activity, String projectNumber) { 
     this.activity = activity; 
     this.projectNumber = projectNumber; 
     this.gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(activity); 

    * @return Application's version code from the {@code PackageManager}. 
    private static int getAppVersion(Context context) { 
     try { 
      PackageInfo packageInfo = context.getPackageManager() 
        .getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0); 
      return packageInfo.versionCode; 
     } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { 
      // should never happen 
      throw new RuntimeException("Could not get package name: " + e); 

    // Register if needed or fetch from local store 
    public void registerIfNeeded(final RegistrationCompletedHandler handler) { 
     if (checkPlayServices()) { 
      regid = getRegistrationId(getContext()); 
      if (regid.isEmpty()) { 
      } else { // got id from cache 
       Log.i(TAG, regid); 
       handler.onSuccess(regid, false); 
     } else { // no play services 
      Log.i(TAG, "No valid Google Play Services APK found."); 

    * Registers the application with GCM servers asynchronously. 
    * <p/> 
    * Stores the registration ID and app versionCode in the application's 
    * shared preferences. 
    private void registerInBackground(final RegistrationCompletedHandler handler) { 
     new AsyncTask<Void, Void, String>() { 
      protected String doInBackground(Void... params) { 
       try { 
        if (gcm == null) { 
         gcm = GoogleCloudMessaging.getInstance(getContext()); 
        InstanceID instanceID = InstanceID.getInstance(getContext()); 
        regid = instanceID.getToken(projectNumber, GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE, null); 
        Log.i(TAG, regid); 
        // Persist the regID - no need to register again. 
        storeRegistrationId(getContext(), regid); 
       } catch (IOException ex) { 
        // If there is an error, don't just keep trying to register. 
        // Require the user to click a button again, or perform 
        // exponential back-off. 
        handler.onFailure("Error :" + ex.getMessage()); 
       return regid; 

      protected void onPostExecute(String regId) { 
       if (regId != null) { 
        handler.onSuccess(regId, true); 
     }.execute(null, null, null); 

    * Gets the current registration ID for application on GCM service. 
    * <p/> 
    * If result is empty, the app needs to register. 
    * @return registration ID, or empty string if there is no existing 
    * registration ID. 
    private String getRegistrationId(Context context) { 
     final SharedPreferences prefs = getGCMPreferences(context); 
     String registrationId = prefs.getString(PROPERTY_REG_ID, ""); 
     if (registrationId.isEmpty()) { 
      Log.i(TAG, "Registration not found."); 
      return ""; 
     // Check if app was updated; if so, it must clear the registration ID 
     // since the existing regID is not guaranteed to work with the new 
     // app version. 
     int registeredVersion = prefs.getInt(PROPERTY_APP_VERSION, Integer.MIN_VALUE); 
     int currentVersion = getAppVersion(context); 
     if (registeredVersion != currentVersion) { 
      Log.i(TAG, "App version changed."); 
      return ""; 
     return registrationId; 

    * Stores the registration ID and app versionCode in the application's 
    * {@code SharedPreferences}. 
    * @param context application's context. 
    * @param regId registration ID 
    private void storeRegistrationId(Context context, String regId) { 
     final SharedPreferences prefs = getGCMPreferences(context); 
     int appVersion = getAppVersion(context); 
     Log.i(TAG, "Saving regId on app version " + appVersion); 
     SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit(); 
     editor.putString(PROPERTY_REG_ID, regId); 
     editor.putInt(PROPERTY_APP_VERSION, appVersion); 

    private SharedPreferences getGCMPreferences(Context context) { 
     // This sample app persists the registration ID in shared preferences, but 
     // how you store the regID in your app is up to you. 
     return getContext().getSharedPreferences(context.getPackageName(), 

    * Check the device to make sure it has the Google Play Services APK. If 
    * it doesn't, display a dialog that allows users to download the APK from 
    * the Google Play Store or enable it in the device's system settings. 
    private boolean checkPlayServices() { 
     int resultCode = GooglePlayServicesUtil.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(getContext()); 
     if (resultCode != ConnectionResult.SUCCESS) { 
      if (GooglePlayServicesUtil.isUserRecoverableError(resultCode)) { 
       GooglePlayServicesUtil.getErrorDialog(resultCode, getActivity(), 
      } else { 
       Log.i(TAG, "This device is not supported."); 
      return false; 
     return true; 

    private Context getContext() { 
     return activity; 

    private Activity getActivity() { 
     return activity; 

    public static abstract class RegistrationCompletedHandler { 
     public abstract void onSuccess(String registrationId, boolean isNewRegistration); 

     public void onFailure(String ex) { 
      // If there is an error, don't just keep trying to register. 
      // Require the user to click a button again, or perform 
      // exponential back-off. 
      Log.e(TAG, ex); 