2011-05-24 42 views

我试图将一个节点添加到名为ClusterA的现有集群中。 在引导此节点之前,它正在运行一个名为“Test”的单个节点cassandra集群,并使用旧版本0.7.4。 ClusterA运行0.7.5,我也升级了要添加到0.7.5的节点。我正确配置了YAML,但是当我运行卡桑德拉我太多的垃圾邮件有以下几点:Cassandra clustername不匹配

INFO 20:04:24,262 Logging initialized 
INFO 20:04:24,275 Heap size: 5156896768/5156896768 
INFO 20:04:24,276 JNA not found. Native methods will be disabled. 
INFO 20:04:24,284 Loading settings from file:/usr/local/bin/apache-cassandra-0.7.5/conf/cassandra.yaml 
INFO 20:04:24,380 DiskAccessMode 'auto' determined to be mmap, indexAccessMode is mmap 
INFO 20:04:24,511 Creating new commitlog segment /var/lib/cassandra/commitlog/CommitLog-1306267464511.log 
INFO 20:04:24,525 Couldn't detect any schema definitions in local storage. 
INFO 20:04:24,525 Found table data in data directories. Consider using JMX to call org.apache.cassandra.service.StorageService.loadSchemaFromYaml(). 
INFO 20:04:24,535 No commitlog files found; skipping replay 
INFO 20:04:24,553 Upgrading to 0.7. Purging hints if there are any. Old hints will be snapshotted. 
INFO 20:04:24,556 Cassandra version: 0.7.5 
INFO 20:04:24,556 Thrift API version: 19.4.0 
INFO 20:04:24,556 Loading persisted ring state 
INFO 20:04:24,558 Starting up server gossip 
INFO 20:04:24,588 Enqueuing flush of [email protected](233 bytes, 4 operations) 
INFO 20:04:24,589 Writing [email protected](233 bytes, 4 operations) 
INFO 20:04:24,794 Completed flushing /var/lib/cassandra/data/system/LocationInfo-f-1-Data.db (341 bytes) 
INFO 20:04:24,822 Joining: getting load information 
INFO 20:04:24,823 Sleeping 90000 ms to wait for load information... 
WARN 20:04:24,885 ClusterName mismatch from / Test !=ClusterA 
WARN 20:04:24,886 ClusterName mismatch from / Test !=ClusterA 
WARN 20:04:24,886 ClusterName mismatch from / Test !=ClusterA 
WARN 20:04:24,886 ClusterName mismatch from / Test !=ClusterA 
WARN 20:04:24,887 ClusterName mismatch from / Test !=ClusterA 

这个IP没有在新的YAML任何地方存在。这是我以前尝试实现的旧配置,但我是而不是尝试使用此ip进行群集。 我试着删除所有的存储,数据库文件和旧的配置,但它仍然以某种方式检测到旧的种子IP。








“为了防止操作失误,卡珊德拉 存储在其 系统表的集群的名称。如果你需要重命名 集群出于某种原因,它是安全 删除系统/ LocationInfo *后 迫使压实所有 ColumnFamilies(与旧的群集 名),如果您所指定的节点 令牌在配置文件中,或者如果你 不在乎保留节点 令牌(例如,在单个节点 群集。)“


是的,我已经删除了整个cassandra/data目录。系统目录完全是空的,但旧的config/ip在启动过程中仍然显示。 – suhprano 2011-05-24 21:30:41



  1. 转到卡桑德拉/ bin目录
  2. 说 “nodetool -h ip_creating_issue disablegossip”

尝试使用类似 “退役” 的nodetool
