2011-09-02 44 views


%form{:action => "/calendar", :method => "post"} 
       %label How many days in a row do you work? 
       %input#on{:name => "on", :tabindex => "1", :title => "Number of days in a row you work", :type => "text", :value => "4", :id=> "on"}/ 
       %label How many days in a row are you off? 
       %input#off{:name => "off", :tabindex => "2", :title => "Number of days in a row you're off", :type => "text", :value => "3", :id=> "off"}/ 
       %label When is the start of your next block off? 
       %input#date{:name => "date", :tabindex => "3", :title => "Start of your next block off", :type => "text", :value => "8/31/2011", :id=> "date"}/ 
      %button#button{:type => "submit"} 


<form action='/calendar' method='post'> 
      <div class='inputRow'> 
      <label>How many days in a row do you work?</label> 
      <input id='on_on' name='on' tabindex='1' title='Number of days in a row you work' type='text' value='4' /> 
      <div class='inputRow'> 
      <label>How many days in a row are you off?</label> 
      <input id='off_off' name='off' tabindex='2' title="Number of days in a row you're off" type='text' value='3' /> 
      <div class='inputRow'> 
      <label>When is the start of your next block off?</label> 
      <input id='date_date' name='date' tabindex='3' title='Start of your next block off' type='text' value='8/31/2011' /> 
      <button id='button' type='submit'></button> 


     <div class="inputRow"><label>How many days in a row do you work?</label><input type="text" name="on" value="" id="on" tabindex="1" placeholder="4" title="Number of days in a row you work" /></div> 
     <div class="inputRow"><label>How many days in a row are you off?</label><input type="text" name="off" value="" id="off" tabindex="2" placeholder="3" title="Number of days in a row you're off" /></div> 
     <div class="inputRow"><label>When's the start of your next block off?</label><input type="text" name="on" value="" id="on" tabindex="3" placeholder="8/31/2011" title="Start of your next block off" /></div> 
     <button type="submit" id="button"></button> 







这个问题是某种程度上index.html进入我的/公共目录和nginx加载,而不是模板。 (还是)感谢你的建议。 –