2017-04-21 38 views


//Request body 
      "title" : "test10", 
      "sch_start": "2017-04-3", 
     "title" : "test11", 
     "sch_start": "2017-04-4", 


 import mongoose, {Schema} from 'mongoose'; 

    * Model to store Calendar entries of Engineer 
    var EngineerScheduleSchema = new Schema({ 
     title: { type: String, default: ''},        
     available: { type: Boolean, default: false }, 
     sch_start: { type:Date, default: Date.now }, 
     sch_end: { type:Date, default: Date.now } 

    export default mongoose.model('engineer_schedule', EngineerScheduleSchema); 

// Main Model Mongoose Schema 
    schedule: [EngineerSchedule.schema] 

//API Method 
export function updateSchedulecalendar(req, res) { 
    var responseSchedule; 


    return Engineer.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: req.params.id }, { $addToSet: { schedule: req.body } }, { new: true, upsert: true, setDefaultsOnInsert: true, runValidators: true }).exec() 
     .then((entity) => { 
     if (entity) { 
      responseSchedule = entity.schedule; 
      return EngineerEvents.emit(engineerEvents.updatedSchedule, req.user, entity); 
     else { 
      return res.status(404).end(); 
     .then(()=> { return res.status(200).json(responseSchedule); }) 




      "title" : "test10", 
      "sch_start": "2017-04-3", 
     "title" : "test11", 
     "sch_start": "2017-04-4", 


如果您希望在单个请求中更新多个计划,那么您可能应该实施批量更新。看看bulk functionality,我会实现这样的事情:

export function updateSchedulecalendar(req, res) { 
    var responseSchedule; 

    var bulk = db.items.initializeUnorderedBulkOp(); 
    // Iterate over every schedule sent by client 
    for(schedule in req.body) { 
    // Generate a new update statement for that specific document 
    bulk.find({ title: schedule.title }).update({ $set: { sch_start: schedule.sch_start, ... } }); 
    // Execute all updates 
    bulk.execute().then(function() { 
    // Validation 