2013-07-24 47 views

嗨,我有以下代码在FF和IE中运行fien,但是当日历图标在Chrome中单击时,日历横跨整个屏幕并且不显示任何日期。请帮助Extjs Datefield不会显示日历中的日历


newDDEform = new Ext.form.FormPanel({ 
    formId: 'newDDEform', 
    enableColumnMove: false, 
    autoScroll: Ext.isGecko ? false : true, // true if IE 
    monitorValid: true, 
    frame: true, 
    items: [ 
      xtype: 'textfield', 
      fieldLabel: 'Form', 
      width: 117, 
      name: 'form_id', 
      readOnly: true, 
      value: formId 
      xtype: 'textfield', 
      fieldLabel: 'Rev', 
      width: 117, 
      name: 'revision', 
      readOnly: true, 
      value: rev 
      xtype: 'textfield', 
      fieldLabel: 'Site', 
      name: 'site_id', 
      id: 'site_id', 
      width: 117, 
      readOnly: true, 
      value: siteId 
      xtype: 'textfield', 
      fieldLabel: 'Specimen ID', 
      name: 'subject_id', 
      id: 'subject_id', 
      width: 117, 
      allowBlank: false 
      xtype: 'datefield', 
      fieldLabel: 'Visit Date', 
      name: 'visit_dt', 
      id: 'visit_dt', 
      format: 'M-d-Y',  // Mon-dd-yyyy 
      autoHeight: true, 
      width: 117, 
      allowBlank: false, 
      maxLength: 11 
      xtype: 'textfield', 
      fieldLabel: 'Visit#', 
      name: 'visit_nbr', 
      id: 'visit_nbr', 
      width: 117, 
      allowBlank: false 
      xtype: 'textfield', 
      fieldLabel: 'Sequence', 
      name: 'seq_nbr', 
      id: 'seq_nbr', 
      width: 117, 
      allowBlank: false 
    ],  // end of panel items 
    buttons: [ 
      xtype: 'button', 
      text: 'Submit', 
      id: 'submitbutton', 
      formBind: true, 
      handler: processAddDDEform 
});   // end of panel 

newDDEformWindow = new Ext.Window({ 
    animateTarget: Ext.getBody(), 
    height: 260, 
    width: 260, 
    id: 'newDDEformWindow', 
    plain: true, 
    resizable: true, 
    title: 'Add New DDE Visit Form', 
    items: newDDEform 

什么版本的ExtJS是这样的? – kevhender


Extjs3.4和铬28 – user2246577


这适用于我在Chrome 28和ExtJS 3.4中很好http://jsfiddle.net/ydJud/ – radtad



后面的代码添加到您的样式表。 也许它的工作原理。

.x-date-menu { 
    width: 175; 