2016-02-27 47 views

我正在练习一些VBA代码,并且我正在尝试编写一个代码,它将在消息框中显示适当的价格,价钱。我也想确保我为此代码使用If语句。VBA输入框和If语句 - 捕捉用户拼写错误


盒$ 75

亭$ 30

草坪$ 21



Option Explicit 
    Public Sub ConcertPricing() 
    'declare variables 
    Dim strSeat As String 
    Dim curTicketPrice As Currency 

    'ask user for desired seat location 
    strSeat = InputBox("Enter seat location", "Seat Location") 
    'if statement that assigns appropriate pricing according to seat selection 
    If strSeat = "Box" Then 
    curTicketPrice = 75 
     If strSeat = "Pavilion" Then 
     curTicketPrice = 30 
      If strSeat = "Lawn" Then 
      curTicketPrice = 21 
      If strSeat = "Other" Then 
      curTicketPrice = 0 
      End If 
      End If 
     End If 
    End If 

    'pricing results based on seat selection 
    MsgBox ("The ticket price for a seat in the " & strSeat & " location is: " & Format(curTicketPrice, "$0.00")) 

    End Sub 





Option Explicit 
Option Compare Text 

Public Sub ConcertPricing() 
'declare variables 
Dim strSeat As String 
Dim curTicketPrice As Currency 

'ask user for desired seat location 
strSeat = InputBox("Enter seat location", "Seat Location") 
'if statement that assigns appropriate pricing according to seat selection 
Select Case LCase(Left(Trim(strSeat), 1)) 
Case "b" 
    curTicketPrice = 75 
Case "p" 
    curTicketPrice = 30 
Case "l" 
    curTicketPrice = 21 
Case "o" 
    curTicketPrice = 0 
Case Else 
    MsgBox "The location you entered cannot be recognised." & Chr(10) & "Assuming 'Other' as location...." 
    curTicketPrice = 0 
End Select 

'pricing results based on seat selection 
MsgBox ("The ticket price for a seat in the " & strSeat & " location is: " & Format(curTicketPrice, "$0.00")) 

End Sub 



这更多的是我在想什么,只是不知道如何开始。谢谢。 – Rosario



or strSeat = "pavillion" 



而不是一个复杂的如果其他建筑我建议使用选择案例建设。使它更易读,更简单。 –



Public Function stringSimilarity(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Variant 
'Simple version of the algorithm that computes the similiarity metric 
'between two strings. 
'NOTE: This verision is not efficient to use if you're comparing one string 
'with a range of other values as it will needlessly calculate the pairs for the 
'first string over an over again; use the array-optimized version for this case. 

    Dim sPairs1 As Collection 
    Dim sPairs2 As Collection 

    Set sPairs1 = New Collection 
    Set sPairs2 = New Collection 

    WordLetterPairs str1, sPairs1 
    WordLetterPairs str2, sPairs2 

    stringSimilarity = SimilarityMetric(sPairs1, sPairs2) 

    Set sPairs1 = Nothing 
    Set sPairs2 = Nothing 

End Function 

Public Function strSimA(str1 As Variant, rRng As Range) As Variant 
'Return an array of string similarity indexes for str1 vs every string in input range rRng 
    Dim sPairs1 As Collection 
    Dim sPairs2 As Collection 
    Dim arrOut As Variant 
    Dim l As Long, j As Long 

    Set sPairs1 = New Collection 

    WordLetterPairs CStr(str1), sPairs1 

    l = rRng.Count 
    ReDim arrOut(1 To l) 
    For j = 1 To l 
     Set sPairs2 = New Collection 
     WordLetterPairs CStr(rRng(j)), sPairs2 
     arrOut(j) = SimilarityMetric(sPairs1, sPairs2) 
     Set sPairs2 = Nothing 
    Next j 

    strSimA = Application.Transpose(arrOut) 

End Function 

Public Function strSimLookup(str1 As Variant, rRng As Range, Optional returnType) As Variant 
'Return either the best match or the index of the best match 
'depending on returnTYype parameter) between str1 and strings in rRng) 
' returnType = 0 or omitted: returns the best matching string 
' returnType = 1   : returns the index of the best matching string 
' returnType = 2   : returns the similarity metric 

    Dim sPairs1 As Collection 
    Dim sPairs2 As Collection 
    Dim metric, bestMetric As Double 
    Dim i, iBest As Long 
    Const RETURN_STRING As Integer = 0 
    Const RETURN_INDEX As Integer = 1 
    Const RETURN_METRIC As Integer = 2 

    If IsMissing(returnType) Then returnType = RETURN_STRING 

    Set sPairs1 = New Collection 

    WordLetterPairs CStr(str1), sPairs1 

    bestMetric = -1 
    iBest = -1 

    For i = 1 To rRng.Count 
     Set sPairs2 = New Collection 
     WordLetterPairs CStr(rRng(i)), sPairs2 
     metric = SimilarityMetric(sPairs1, sPairs2) 
     If metric > bestMetric Then 
      bestMetric = metric 
      iBest = i 
     End If 
     Set sPairs2 = Nothing 
    Next i 

    If iBest = -1 Then 
     strSimLookup = CVErr(xlErrValue) 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    Select Case returnType 
     strSimLookup = CStr(rRng(iBest)) 
     strSimLookup = iBest 
    Case Else 
     strSimLookup = bestMetric 
    End Select 

End Function 

Public Function strSim(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Variant 
    Dim ilen, iLen1, ilen2 As Integer 

    iLen1 = Len(str1) 
    ilen2 = Len(str2) 

    If iLen1 >= ilen2 Then ilen = ilen2 Else ilen = iLen1 

    strSim = stringSimilarity(Left(str1, ilen), Left(str2, ilen)) 

End Function 

Sub WordLetterPairs(str As String, pairColl As Collection) 
'Tokenize str into words, then add all letter pairs to pairColl 

    Dim Words() As String 
    Dim word, nPairs, pair As Integer 

    Words = Split(str) 

    If UBound(Words) < 0 Then 
     Set pairColl = Nothing 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

    For word = 0 To UBound(Words) 
     nPairs = Len(Words(word)) - 1 
     If nPairs > 0 Then 
      For pair = 1 To nPairs 
       pairColl.Add Mid(Words(word), pair, 2) 
      Next pair 
     End If 
    Next word 

End Sub 

Private Function SimilarityMetric(sPairs1 As Collection, sPairs2 As Collection) As Variant 
'Helper function to calculate similarity metric given two collections of letter pairs. 
'This function is designed to allow the pair collections to be set up separately as needed. 
'NOTE: sPairs2 collection will be altered as pairs are removed; copy the collection 
'if this is not the desired behavior. 
'Also assumes that collections will be deallocated somewhere else 

    Dim Intersect As Double 
    Dim Union As Double 
    Dim i, j As Long 

    If sPairs1.Count = 0 Or sPairs2.Count = 0 Then 
     SimilarityMetric = CVErr(xlErrNA) 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    Union = sPairs1.Count + sPairs2.Count 
    Intersect = 0 

    For i = 1 To sPairs1.Count 
     For j = 1 To sPairs2.Count 
      If StrComp(sPairs1(i), sPairs2(j)) = 0 Then 
       Intersect = Intersect + 1 
       sPairs2.Remove j 
       Exit For 
      End If 
     Next j 
    Next i 

    SimilarityMetric = (2 * Intersect)/Union 

End Function 


If stringSimilarity(strSeat, "Box") >= 0.8 
    'do stuff 
End If 


stringSimilarity("Vox", "Box") = 0.5 
stringSimilarity("Boxx", "Box") = 0.8 
stringSimilarity("Pavilion", "Pavillion") = 0.93 
stringSimilarity("Box", "Pavillion") = 0 
