2012-08-05 56 views


// Define constrants and variables 
    // Constrants 
    int MAX_RESPONSE = 5; 
    int MIN_RESPONSE = 1; 
    int MAX_QUESTIONS = 50; 
    string scale5 = "5 - STRONGLY AGREE"; 
    string scale4 = "4 - AGREE"; 
    string scale3 = "3 - NEITHER AGREE NOT DISAGREE"; 
    string scale2 = "2 - DISAGREE"; 
    string scale1 = "1 - STRONGLY DISAGREE"; 
    string scale0 = "0 - UNABLE TO ANSWER"; 
    string Question = "Question : C# is better than C++. Do you\n"; 

     // Variables 
     int Response = 0; 
     int ValidResponseCount = 5; 
     int NonResponseCount = 2; 
     int QuestionCount = 7; 
     int MaximumResponse = MIN_RESPONSE; 
     int MinimumResponse = MAX_RESPONSE; 
     int TotalResponse = 1; 
     var AverageResponse = 0; 

     AverageResponse = TotalResponse/ValidResponseCount; 

     // Output results 
     Console.WriteLine("SURVEY RECORDING SYSTEM "); 
     Console.WriteLine(Question + "\n" + 
      "\t" + scale5 + "\n" + 
      "\t" + scale4 + "\n" + 
      "\t" + scale3 + "\n" + 
      "\t" + scale2 + "\n" + 
      "\t" + scale1 + "\n" + 
      "\t" + scale0 + "\n\n"); 
     Console.WriteLine("response value"); 
     Console.WriteLine("RESULTS " + 
      "\n Number of valid responses  : " + ValidResponseCount + 
      "\n Number of non responses  : " + NonResponseCount + 
      "\n Number of times question asked: " + QuestionCount + 
      "\n Maximum response    : " + MaximumResponse + 
      "\n Minimum response    : " + MinimumResponse + 
      "\n Average response value  : " + AverageResponse); 


double AverageResponse = (double)TotalResponse/(double)ValidResponseCount; 

会这样做 - 因为您使用的是整数,所以/会返回一个整数并可能向上/向下舍入结果,投射到double会将此结果更改为有效的结果