2015-02-10 70 views





<!--- script to search and parse out items in order of xml doc ---> 


listInXml = XmlSearch(cleanedXml,"//node()[ local-name()='listColumns' or local-name()='combinationChart' or local-name()='dataSource'] ");  

    for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(listInXml); i = i + 1) 
    try{ elementsList[i][1] = (listInXml[i].XmlName); } catch (any e) {elementsList[i][1] = 'noName';} 

     for (i = 1; i LTE ArrayLen(listInXml); i = i + 1) 
    try{ elementsList[i][2] = (listInXml[i].XmlAttributes['name']); } catch (any e) {elementsList[i][2] = 'noXmlAttrib-Name';} 


<!--- loop to output pngs based on the elementsList ---> 

<cfset thumbsBuckets = arrayNew(1)> 

<cfloop index=i from="1" to="#arrayLen(elementsList)#" > 

       <cfloop index=j from=1 to=2> 
        <cfset myArray[i][1] = #elementsList[i][1]# > 
        <cfset myArray[i][2] = #elementsList[i][2]# > 

        <cfif Find("listColumns",myArray[i][1])> 

         <cfset thumbsBuckets[i] = '<img tabindex="0" class="image" src="#Application.basepath#/images/list-icon.png" style="height: 46px; width:46px;">' > 

         <!--- labels for icons 
         <cfif Find("noXmlAttrib-Name",myArray[i][2])> 
         </cfif> ---> 

        <cfelseif Find("combinationChart",myArray[i][1])> 

         <cfset thumbsBuckets[i] = '<img tabindex="0" class="image" src="#Application.basepath#/images/Bar-chart-icon.png" style="height: 46px; width:46px;">' > 

         <cfif Find("noXmlAttrib-Name",myArray[i][2])> 


         <cfset thumbsBuckets[i] = 'no icon'> 

         <!--- I didn't find a icon for #name# </br> ---> 



<!--- div bucket to put the thumbs into ---> 
              <div > 

                <cfloop index=i from="1" to="#arrayLen(thumbsBuckets)#" > 

                 <cfif #thumbsBuckets[i]# NEQ 'no icon'> 




<!--- index.cfm where the div thumbs bucket comes back to get displayed ---> 

                   <div style="width:50%; height:30%"><!------ thumbs section - under construction ---------------------> 

                      <div class="thumbsItemRow"> 

                       <cfset xmlToParse = #reportResults.REPORT_XML# > 


                       <cfinvoke component="#thumbObj#" method="makeXML" reportTitle="#reportResults.COG_REPORT_TITLE#" numVersion="#numVersion#" xmlToParse="#xmlToParse#" returnvariable="thumbs"> 

                       <cfcatch>No thumbs!</cfcatch> 



                   <!------ end thumbs section ---------------------> </div> 





<div class="chart-container num-charts-#arrayLen(myData.charts)#"> 

    <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(myData.charts)#" index="i"> 

    <div class="chart-item-container"> 
     <img src="#myData.charts[i].imgPath#"> 




.chart-item-container { 
    width: 100%; /* default width */ 

.num-charts-1 .chart-item-container { 
    width: 100%; 

.num-charts-2 .chart-item-container { 
    width: 50%; 

.num-charts-3 .chart-item-container { 
    width: 33.3333%; 

.chart-item-container img { 
    max-width: 100%; /* ensure image stretches to fill available space */ 

很有意思;我将不得不尝试一下,并让你知道。 – ASheppardWork 2015-02-11 22:26:18


这个很好用!我有一个明确的问题 - 如果它需要一个新的职位就这么说;我该如何保持.chart-item-conatiner不像列一样排队,而不是包装到下一行?在容器和内部的num-charts类中,我将margin设置为0%;仍然没有快乐。 – ASheppardWork 2015-02-12 16:26:26


所以我明白......你是说你想在一行上显示所有图表,还是希望他们在一列中垂直堆叠? – 2015-02-12 19:00:32


另一样有效,甚至可能更容易一些答案,我发现是使用Bootstrap.js。我知道我问过css,但在尝试让对象正确排列后,我决定采用引导。在bootstrapt Im做以下几点:

<div class="table-responsive"> 
             <div class="container-fluid"> 
              <div class="row-fluid"> 
               <!--- notes: 
                Bootstrap allows for the classes container-fluid, row-fluid,and col-md-# 
                to combine to allow the icons to resize based on how many there are and 
                to wrap onto a row of 1-12 evenly sized images. The mdSize is taking the 
                total count of thumbs and transforming it to a even divisor of 12. 
                In order for the wrapping to work each image width must be the same. 

                <cfset thumbArraySize = #arrayLen(thumbsBuckets)# > 

                <cfset mdSize = (Int(round(#thumbArraySize#*12)/12)/12) > 

                <cfloop index=i from="1" to="#arrayLen(thumbsBuckets)#" > 

                 <div class="col-md-#mdSize# chart-item-container" > 
                  <cfif #thumbsBuckets[i]# NEQ 'no icon'> 






现在唯一的麻烦越来越未知数量的拇指图标甚至表达出来12,使得任何数量少于12将被转换为1-12代表它需要多少空间。 1是最少的,12是最多的。这与拇指的数量相反。如果只有一个拇指,则该数字需要为12,但如果有12个或更多,则该数字将需要为1.但是,这是另一个帖子/日期的问题。希望这可以帮助!