2015-04-14 42 views











import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree 
import json 
import requests 

def get_area_id(level_type, postcode): 
    """ Get the area id for the pos 

    :param level_type: The resolution you are interested in. 14 = ward level data. 
    :param postcode: A UK postcode 
    :return: string area identifier 
    base_url = "http://neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/NDE2/Disco/FindAreas" 
    payload = {'HierarchyId': '27', 'Postcode': postcode} 
    response = requests.get(base_url, params=payload) 
    xml = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) 
    namespaces = {'ns1': 'http://neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/nde/v1-0/discoverystructs'} 
    xpath_for_area = './/ns1:Area' 
    areas = xml.findall(xpath_for_area, namespaces) 
    ward_area_id = '' 
    for area in areas: 
     level_type_id = area.find('ns1:LevelTypeId', namespaces).text 
     if level_type_id == str(level_type): # find the Ward (=14) 
      ward_area_id = area.find('ns1:AreaId', namespaces).text 
    return ward_area_id 

def get_ext_code(area_id): 
    """ Get the ext code (whatever that is) from an area id 

    :param area_id: the area id for a postcode 
    :return: the ext code for an area (I think is the GSS code) 
    base_url = "http://neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/NDE2/Disco/GetAreaDetail" 
    payload = {'AreaId': area_id} 
    response = requests.get(base_url, params=payload) 
    xml = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) 
    namespaces = {'ns1': 'http://neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/nde/v1-0/discoverystructs', 
       'structure': 'http://www.SDMX.org/resources/SDMXML/schemas/v2_0/structure'} 
    xpath_for_ext_code = './/ns1:ExtCode' 
    ext_code = xml.find(xpath_for_ext_code, namespaces).text 
    return ext_code 

def get_data(data_set, geog_code): 
    """ Get the data for a geographical code 

    :param data_set: string identifier from http://www.nomisweb.co.uk/census/2011 /quick_statistics 
    :param geog_code: the ext code for the geographical area 
    :return: a json object with the data 
    base_url = "http://data.ons.gov.uk/ons/api/data/dataset/" 
    payload = {'apikey': API_KEY, 'context': 'Census', 'geog': '2011WARDH', 'dm/2011WARDH': geog_code, 
       'totals': 'false', 'jsontype': 'json-stat'} 
    r = requests.get(base_url + "/" + data_set + ".json", params=payload) 
    obj = json.loads(r.text) 
    return obj 

def process(json_object, data_set): 
    data = {} 
    values = json_object[data_set]['value'] 
    index = json_object[data_set]['dimension'][json_object[data_set]['dimension']['id'][1]]['category']['index'] 
    labels = json_object[data_set]['dimension'][json_object[data_set]['dimension']['id'][1]]['category']['label'] 
    for l in labels: 
     num = index[l] 
     count = values[str(num)] 
     data[labels[l]] = count 
    return data 

area_id = get_area_id(14, "SW1A 0AA") 
gss_code = get_ext_code(area_id) 
data_returned = get_data("QS208EW", gss_code) # QS208EW = religion 

print(process(data_returned, "QS208EW")) 

您是否试过在VBA example中查看代码?

Function RunAreas() 
    Dim txtResponse 
    Dim postcode As String 
    Dim extCode 
    Set rootSheet = GetSheet("Query") 
    Set areaSheet = GetSheet("Areas") 
    endPoint = "http://neighbourhood.statistics.gov.uk/NDE2/Disco/FindAreas?HierarchyId=27&Postcode=" 
    postcode = rootSheet.Range("A2").Value 
    Application.StatusBar = "Getting areas for " + postcode 
    txtResponse = GetAreas(postcode) 
    delim = "<delim>" 
    data = GetElements(txtResponse, "Area") 

    If UBound(data) < 0 Then 
     Application.StatusBar = False 
     MsgBox "Postcode " + postcode + " not found", vbExclamation 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    For i = 0 To UBound(data) 
     curLevelType = GetValue(data(i), "LevelTypeId") 
     curHierarchy = GetValue(data(i), "HierarchyId") 
     curId = GetValue(data(i), "AreaId") 
     curName = GetValue(data(i), "Name") 

     Select Case curLevelType 
     Case 15 
      extCode = UpdateArea("Output Area", 2, curId, curName, curHierarchy) 
     Case 14 
      extCode = UpdateArea("Ward", 3, curId, curName, curHierarchy) 
     Case 13 
      extCode = UpdateArea("LA", 4, curId, curName, curHierarchy) 
     Case 11 
      extCode = UpdateArea("Region", 5, curId, curName, curHierarchy) 
     Case 10 
      extCode = UpdateArea("Country", 6, curId, curName, curHierarchy) 
     End Select 


    MsgBox ("Areas Found") 
    Application.StatusBar = "Get Areas completed" 

End Function 

感谢您的建议。 – Joe