2017-05-24 39 views




<div id="body"> 
    <div ng-controller="startController"> 
    <p ng-repeat="user in lists" ng-if="user.dispo == true">{{user.name}}</p> 
    Il y a {{lists.length}} membres connectées. <br> <br> 

    (Normally, whe must have only 4 members online ...) 



angular.module('app', []) 

.controller('startController', ['$scope', function($scope) { 

    $scope.lists = [{ 
    id: 0, 
    name: 'Ambre', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    lastText: 'Tu vas bien ?', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl1.jpg', 
    age: 19, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: ":p" 
    }, { 
    id: 1, 
    name: 'Mélanie', 
    lastText: 'J\'habite à Marseille !', 
    situation: 'waiting', 
    dispo: false, 
    face: 'img/girl2.jpg', 
    age: 21, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: "Vive la vie ! " 
    }, { 
    id: 2, 
    name: 'Lana', 
    lastText: 'Ça marche à demain :)', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl3.jpg', 
    age: 18, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: true, 
    description: "Je suis bavarde ! " 
    }, { 
    id: 3, 
    name: 'Vicky', 
    lastText: 'Serveuse et toi ?', 
    situation: 'waiting', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl4.jpg', 
    age: 22, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: "Snap : Vickdng " 
    }, { 
    id: 4, 
    name: 'Mina', 
    lastText: 'Je ne sais pas ...', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl5.jpg', 
    age: 26, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: 'Jeune toulousaine ne cherchant rien en particulier. ' 


setTimeout(function() { 
    angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('body'), ['app']); 



的可能的复制[如何在NG-IF和可变使用过滤器?(https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31455567/how-to-use-filter-in -ng-if-and-variable) – Mistalis



你会使用the alias_expression option of ngRepeat做到这一点。


ng-repeat="user in lists as filteredList" 



下面是使用{{(lists | filter: {dispo:true}).length}}

var myApp = angular.module('mainApp', []); 

function mainController($scope) { 
    $scope.lists = [{ 
    name: 'Ambre', 
    dispo: true 
    }, { 
    name: 'Mélanie', 
    dispo: false 
    }, { 
    name: 'Lana', 
    dispo: true 
    }, { 
    name: 'Vicky', 
    dispo: true 
    }, { 
    name: 'Mina', 
    dispo: true 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> 
<div ng-app="mainApp" ng-controller="mainController"> 
    <div>Il y a {{lists.length}} membres au total.</div> 
    <div>Il y a {{(lists|filter:{dispo:true}).length}} membres connectés :</div> 
    <li ng-repeat="user in lists | filter: {dispo: true}">{{user.name}}</li> 


angular.module('app', []) 
.controller('startController', ['$scope', function($scope) { 

    $scope.lists = [{ 
    id: 0, 
    name: 'Ambre', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    lastText: 'Tu vas bien ?', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl1.jpg', 
    age: 19, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: ":p" 
    }, { 
    id: 1, 
    name: 'Mélanie', 
    lastText: 'J\'habite à Marseille !', 
    situation: 'waiting', 
    dispo: false, 
    face: 'img/girl2.jpg', 
    age: 21, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: "Vive la vie ! " 
    }, { 
    id: 2, 
    name: 'Lana', 
    lastText: 'Ça marche à demain :)', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl3.jpg', 
    age: 18, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: true, 
    description: "Je suis bavarde ! " 
    }, { 
    id: 3, 
    name: 'Vicky', 
    lastText: 'Serveuse et toi ?', 
    situation: 'waiting', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl4.jpg', 
    age: 22, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: "Snap : Vickdng " 
    }, { 
    id: 4, 
    name: 'Mina', 
    lastText: 'Je ne sais pas ...', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl5.jpg', 
    age: 26, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: 'Jeune toulousaine ne cherchant rien en particulier. ' 


setTimeout(function() { 
    angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('body'), ['app']); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.3/angular.min.js"></script> 
<div id="body"> 
    <div ng-controller="startController"> 
    <p ng-repeat="user in filterData=(lists | filter:{dispo:true})"><span ng-if="user.dispo == true">{{user.name}}</span></p> 
    Il y a {{lists.length}} membres connectées. <br>dispo : {{filterData.length}} <br> 
    (Normally, whe must have only 4 members online ...) 


我喜欢你的方法,但如果我们想过滤一个数字(用>或<或==),我们该怎么做? – PositivProd




angular.module('app', []) 

.controller('startController', ['$scope', function($scope) { 
$scope.filteredvalue =[]; 
    $scope.lists = [{ 
    id: 0, 
    name: 'Ambre', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    lastText: 'Tu vas bien ?', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl1.jpg', 
    age: 19, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: ":p" 
    }, { 
    id: 1, 
    name: 'Mélanie', 
    lastText: 'J\'habite à Marseille !', 
    situation: 'waiting', 
    dispo: false, 
    face: 'img/girl2.jpg', 
    age: 21, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: "Vive la vie ! " 
    }, { 
    id: 2, 
    name: 'Lana', 
    lastText: 'Ça marche à demain :)', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl3.jpg', 
    age: 18, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: true, 
    description: "Je suis bavarde ! " 
    }, { 
    id: 3, 
    name: 'Vicky', 
    lastText: 'Serveuse et toi ?', 
    situation: 'waiting', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl4.jpg', 
    age: 22, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: "Snap : Vickdng " 
    }, { 
    id: 4, 
    name: 'Mina', 
    lastText: 'Je ne sais pas ...', 
    situation: 'confirmed', 
    dispo: true, 
    face: 'img/girl5.jpg', 
    age: 26, 
    gender: 'female', 
    inChat: false, 
    description: 'Jeune toulousaine ne cherchant rien en particulier. ' 

//angular foreach loop ****************************** 

angular.forEach($scope.lists, function(value , key) { 
      if(value.dispo == true){ 
///angular foreach loop ******************************   

setTimeout(function() { 
    angular.bootstrap(document.getElementById('body'), ['app']); 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> 
<div id="body"> 
    <div ng-controller="startController"> 
    <p ng-repeat="user in lists" ng-if="user.dispo == true">{{user.name}}</p> 
    Il y a {{filteredvalue.length}} membres connectées. <br> <br> 
    (Normally, whe must have only 4 members online ...) 
