2016-11-20 118 views



void analyse(struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const unsigned char *packet, int verbose) { 

    // Define headers and payload 
    const struct ether_header *ethernet = NULL; 
    const struct ether_arp *arp = NULL; 
    const struct ip *ip = NULL; 
    const struct tcphdr *tcp = NULL; 
    const char *payload = NULL; 

    /* Ethernet header is the first data block of packet **/ 
    ethernet = (struct ether_header*) packet; 

    // ARP packet following 
    if(ntohs(ethernet->ether_type) == ETHERTYPE_ARP) { 

     arp = (struct ether_arp*) (packet + ETH_HLEN); 

     // If the operation performed by the sender is a reply, we increment the ARP Response Counter 
     if(ntohs(arp->ea_hdr.ar_op) == 2) { 



    } else { // IP packet following 

     ip = (struct ip*) (packet + ETH_HLEN); 


    // ARP header and IP header don't have the same size 
    if(arp == NULL) { 

     u_int shift_size = (ip->ip_hl)*4; 

    } else { 



根据http://unix.superglobalmegacorp.com/BSD4.4/newsrc/netinet/ip.h.htmlhttp://unix.superglobalmegacorp.com/Net2/newsrc/netinet/if_ether.h.html,IP报头的大小由(ip->ip_hl)*4;给出,但我无法弄清楚如何获得ARP头的大小。 我需要它来正确定义TCP头指针。



ARP与TCP无关。您不会在ARP数据包中找到TCP段。 –



我觉得你很困惑。 ARP包的ARP包头。 ARP本身就是一个协议,它不像IP那样包含其他协议作为其数据包中的有效载荷。在ICMP是网络层协议的方式中,它恰当地是链路层协议。两者都是顶层协议,并且都不承载其他协议。


Hardware Type is two octets 
Protocol Type is two octets 
Hardware Address Length is one octet 
Protocol Address Length is one octet 
Operation is two octets 
Sender Hardware Address is Hardware Address Length octets 
Sender Protocol Address is Protocol Address Length octets 
Destination Hardware Address is Hardware Address Length octets 
Destination Protocol Address is Protocol Address Length octets 


对于以太网上的IPv4,这意味着(8 + (2 * 6) + (2 * 4)) = 28


好,但什么是以太网,IP和ARP之间的关系?因为在这个头文件http://unix.superglobalmegacorp.com/Net2/newsrc/netinet/if_ether.h.html在两个定义: '的#define \t \t ETHERTYPE_IP值为0x0800 \t \t/* IP协议* /' '#定义ETHERTYPE_ARP \t 0x0806 \t \t/*地址。解析协议* /' 我有点糊涂 –


2层协议,它需要的目的地的2层地址将使用ARP从目的主机获得第2层目的地址。以太网将使用ARP来得到目的MAC地址,所以ARP分组将以太网帧的有效载荷。这是网络堆栈在使用ARP时启动和停止的地方。 –