2015-05-19 153 views

嗨有可能运行一个VB脚本来执行搜索一个10列数组16000行,查找数据部分匹配数据从一个单元格其中C列将有24个相同的数据,但D列中每个都有与D有关的从1到24的数字,当它从G和H列中找到日期并将其输出到其他地方时,将该数字与单元格进行比较。所以我认为它是这样的。Excel VBA宏:搜索/查找/案例/查找?向下找到一列,然后再次搜索下一列,然后从第三列输出数据

Sub LookupPCI01() 

Dim pf As Worksheet, pi As Worksheet, eq As Worksheet, ei As Worksheet, WS As Worksheet, exw As Worksheet 
Dim Rws As Long, I As Long, Rng As Range, c As Range, cr 
Dim FindPCI As String, OT As String, CT As String 
Dim vArray As Variant 

    Set pf = Sheets("PAR Form") 
    Set pi = Sheets("PAR_import") 
    Set eq = Sheets("Equipment details") 
    Set im = Sheets("IMAC Form") 
    Set ei = Sheets("Eq_import") 
    Set exw = Sheets("PCI_CW_EX") 

    Dim FirstAddress As String 

    With Application 
     .ScreenUpdating = False 
     .EnableEvents = False 
    End With 

     vArray = Array(Left(pf.Cells(cr, 13), 6)) 

     With exw 
     Rws = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row 
     Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(2, "C"), .Cells(Rws, "C")) 

     If .Offset(0, 1) = pf.Cells(38) Then 

     For I = LBound(vArray) To UBound(vArray) 

      Set Rng = .Find(What:=vArray(I), _ 
          After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _ 
          LookIn:=xlFormula, _ 
          LookAt:=xlWhole, _ 
          SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ 
          SearchDirection:=xlNext, _ 

      If Not Rng Is Nothing Then 
       FirstAddress = Rng.Address 
        pi.Cells(cr + 14, 3).Value = Rng.Offset(0, 4).Value 
        pi.Cells(cr + 14, 4).Value = Rng.Offset(0, 5).Value 
        Set Rng = .FindNext(Rng) 
       Loop While Not Rng Is Nothing And Rng.Address <> FirstAddress 
      End If 
     Next I 
    End With 

    With Application 
     .ScreenUpdating = True 
     .EnableEvents = True 
    End With 
End Sub 

这将有助于大大给当前数据的可视化表示,和你想与数据做了什么。我个人发现这个问题的文字描述很难遵循。 – chancea


请描述你的问题。你的代码不能按你的要求工作吗?你有错误信息 - 什么,在哪一行?请仅发布与问题相关的部分代码(例如,您只提及两个工作表,但您在代码中定义了六个工作表) –


感谢您的及时答复,我现在将上传示例数据,如果代码错误if偏移量(0,1), –


Sub LookupPCI01() 

Dim pf As Worksheet, pi As Worksheet, eq As Worksheet, ei As Worksheet, WS As Worksheet, exw As Worksheet, op As Worksheet 
Dim Rws As Long, Rng As Range, c As Range, cr 
Dim ConTrue(1 To 3) As Integer 
Dim ExtractInfo() 
Dim CountArrayRow As Integer 

Set pf = Sheets("PAR Form") 
Set pi = Sheets("PAR_import") 
Set eq = Sheets("Equipment details") 
Set im = Sheets("IMAC Form") 
Set ei = Sheets("Eq_import") 
Set exw = Sheets("PCI_CW_EX") 
Set op = Sheets("OutP") 

On Error Resume Next 

ConTrue(1) = 1 
ConTrue(2) = 5 
ConTrue(3) = 9 

CountArrayRow = 0 

ReDim ExtractInfo(1 To ConTrue(3), 1 To 1) 

With exw 
    Rws = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row 
Set Rng = .Range(.Cells(2, ConTrue(1)), .Cells(Rws, ConTrue(3))) 
End With 

For i = 1 To Rws 
    If exw.Cells(i, ConTrue(1) + 2).Value Like pi.Cells(16, 3) Then 
    CountArrayRow = CountArrayRow + 1 

''Redim everytime Finds that connection 
ReDim Preserve ExtractInfo(1 To ConTrue(3), 1 To CountArrayRow) 

''Copy to the Array 
    For J = 1 To ConTrue(3) 
     ExtractInfo(J, CountArrayRow) = exw.Cells(i, J).Value 
     Next J 
    End If 
    Next i  

''result of the array 
    For i = 1 To 9 
    For J = 1 To (CountArrayRow) 
     op.Cells(i, J) = ExtractInfo(i, J) 
    Next J 

''search the value 02 

For i = 1 To CountArrayRow 
    If CInt(pf.Cells(2, 39).Value) = ExtractInfo(i, 4) Then 

    End If 

'PCI Export 

Dim PT As Integer 
PT = pi.Cells(16, 4).Value 

    pi.Cells(16, 3).Value = op.Cells(3, PT) 
    pi.Cells(50, 1).Value = op.Cells(7, PT) 
    pi.Cells(50, 2).Value = op.Cells(8, PT) 

End Sub 