2016-10-11 42 views




Cathy (CEO) 2007 
-Karl (VP) 2009 
--Fred (Technician) 2010 
-Vince (Technician) 2010 

在顶部的CEO,每个下属应当根据自己的优越。所以不管第二个名字是什么,那就是主管。诀窍是,如果一名员工有两名主管,他们需要两次缩进“ - ”与他们的直属主管。

我已经尝试遍历列表并解析通过“ - ”和逗号,但我正在努力与结构本身。这是我迄今为止所拥有的。

with open('org_chart_sample.in', 'r') as reader: # Open the input file 
with open('output.out', 'w') as writer: # Make output file writable 
    reader.readline() # Ignore first line 
    lines = reader.readlines() # Read input lines 

    for line in lines:  # Parse out input by the -- which separated attributes of people in the org 
     employees = line.split('--') 
     hierarchy = []  # Exterior list to aid in hierarchy 

     for employee in employees: # Logic that adds to the hierarchy list as algorithm runs 
      info = employee.split(',') 



你能完成这个例子吗? nancy和bob合适? – mitoRibo


我的歉意@rbierman,我修正了这个例子 – ozbrancov





#Input data cleaned a bit# 
lines = ["Fred,Karl,Technician,2010", 

#Worker class to make things neat# 
class Worker(object): 
    #Variables assigned to this worker 
    __slots__ = ["name","boss","job","year","employees","level"] 

    #Initialize this worker with a string in the form of: 
    def __init__(self,line): 
     self.name,self.boss,self.job,self.year = line.split(",") 
     self.level = 0 if self.boss == "NULL" else -1 #If boss is NULL, they are '0' level 
     self.employees = [] 

    #A function to add another worker as this worker's employee 
    def employ(self,worker): 
     worker.level = self.level+1 

    #This is a recursive function which returns a string of this worker 
    #and all of this workers employees (depth first) 
    def __repr__(self): 
     rep_str = "" 
     rep_str += "-"*self.level 
     rep_str += str(self.name)+" works for "+str(self.boss) 
     rep_str += " as a "+str(self.job)+" since "+str(self.year)+"\n" 
     for employee in self.employees: 
      rep_str += str(employee) 
     return rep_str 

#Prepare to assign the bosses employees# 
#1. Turn all of the lines into worker objects 
workers = [Worker(line) for line in lines] 

#2. Start from the top level bosses (the ones that had NULL as boss) 
boss_level = 0 

#3. Get a list of all the workers that have a boss_level of 0 
bosses = [w for w in workers if w.level == boss_level] 

#While there are still boses looking to employ then keep going 
while len(bosses) > 0: 
    #For each boss look through all the workers and see if they work for this boss 
    #If they do, employ that worker to the boss 
    for boss in bosses: 
     for worker in workers: 
      if worker.level == -1 and boss.name == worker.boss: 

    #Move down a tier of management to sub-bosses 
    #If there are no sub-bosses at this level, then stop, otherwise while loop again 
    boss_level += 1 
    bosses = [w for w in workers if w.level == boss_level] 

#Printing out the workers# 
#1. Loop through the top bosses and 
# print out them and all their workers 
top_bosses = [w for w in workers if w.level == 0] 
for top_boss in top_bosses: 
    print top_boss 


Cathy works for NULL as a CEO since 2007 
-Karl works for Cathy as a VP since 2009 
--Fred works for Karl as a Technician since 2010 
-Vince works for Cathy as a Technician since 2010 

Mary works for NULL as a CEO since 2010 
-Steve works for Mary as a IT since 2013 

谢谢!这是一个很好的解决方案! – ozbrancov