2015-12-02 53 views


public Guid UserRelationshipId { get; set; } 
public string Id { get; set; } 
public string SecondUserId { get; set; } 

// 0 for Request pending 
// 1 for Request Accepted 
// 2 for Declined 
// 3 For Blocked 
public int Status { get; set; } 
public string ActionUserId { get; set; } // who have taken action against the status 

public virtual ApplicationUser Users { get; set; } 


string LoginId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); 
var Searchuser = from u in db.UserRelationships where u.Id == LoginId && u.Status == 1        
       select new UserViewModel 
        Fname = u.Users.FirstName, 
        Lname = u.Users.LastName, 
        Gender = u.Users.Gender, 
        Id = u.Id, 
        CurrentCity = u.Users.CurrentCity 



请你可以让你的问题更清楚,我很困惑。 – Luke


@Coulton我在模型中提到请检查是否有属性seconduserID这是谁发送给我friendRequest或Vice-versa的身份证。所以你想得到的名单在我的搜索id将是loginuserId –


对不起,我错过了。我仍然不明白的问题虽然:( – Luke




string LoginId = User.Identity.GetUserId(); 

// Get the user relationship entity 
var userRelationship = (from u in db.UserRelationships 
         where u.Id == LoginId && u.Status == 1 
         select u).FirstOrDefault(); 

// Get the second user, using the values in the user relationship entity 
var secondUser = db.Users.Find(userRelationship.SecondUserId); 

// Generate the view model 
var viewModel = new UserViewModel() 
        Fname = userRelationship.Users.FirstName, 
        Lname = userRelationship.Users.LastName, 
        Gender = userRelationship.Users.Gender, 
        Id = userRelationship.Id, 
        CurrentCity = userRelationship.Users.CurrentCity 

我得到相同的结果视图模型返回loginuser ID的详细信息ony –