2009-09-10 88 views

有没有人知道我能在ASP.net MVC中找到html helper(LinkExtensions)的定义?我正在尝试为ActionLink创建自己的扩展,并且我想根据已经存在的内容来构建它。 LinkExtensions(来自元数据)只给我:ASP.net MVC html助手扩展?

public static string ActionLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string actionName); 
    // Summary: 
    //  Returns an anchor tag containing the virtual path to the specified action. 
    // Parameters: 
    // htmlHelper: 
    //  The HTML helper. 
    // linkText: 
    //  The inner text of the anchor tag. 
    // actionName: 
    //  The name of the action. 
    // routeValues: 
    //  An object containing the parameters for a route. The parameters are retrieved 
    //  via reflection by examining the properties of the object. Typically created 
    //  using object initializer syntax. 
    // Returns: 
    //  An anchor tag. 


