2010-11-22 67 views


Bundler docs为“与Capistrano的自动部署”,我试图让一个任务的详细信息,但由于某种原因,“不存在” ...

$ cap -e bundle:install 
The task `bundle:install' does not exist. 

Capistrano酒店( 2.5.19)安装了gem,我试图从我的项目的根目录(不是服务器)上执行该命令。


$ cap -T 
cap deploy    # Deploys your project. 
cap deploy:check   # Test deployment dependencies. 
cap deploy:cleanup  # Clean up old releases. 
cap deploy:cold   # Deploys and starts a `cold' application. 
cap deploy:migrate  # Run the migrate rake task. 
cap deploy:migrations # Deploy and run pending migrations. 
cap deploy:pending  # Displays the commits since your last deploy. 
cap deploy:pending:diff # Displays the `diff' since your last deploy. 
cap deploy:restart  # Restarts your application. 
cap deploy:rollback  # Rolls back to a previous version and restarts. 
cap deploy:rollback:code # Rolls back to the previously deployed version. 
cap deploy:setup   # Prepares one or more servers for deployment. 
cap deploy:start   # Start the application servers. 
cap deploy:stop   # Stop the application servers. 
cap deploy:symlink  # Updates the symlink to the most recently deployed ... 
cap deploy:update  # Copies your project and updates the symlink. 
cap deploy:update_code # Copies your project to the remote servers. 
cap deploy:upload  # Copy files to the currently deployed version. 
cap deploy:web:disable # Present a maintenance page to visitors. 
cap deploy:web:enable # Makes the application web-accessible again. 
cap invoke    # Invoke a single command on the remote servers. 
cap shell    # Begin an interactive Capistrano session. 





require "bundler/capistrano" 

就是这样!根据`deploy.rb`中的内容,我没有意识到'cap -T'将会*变化*。我想我更多地把它看作是一个荣耀的男人页面。任何可能帮助我将这个概念化得更好一些的文档? – Meltemi 2010-11-22 18:41:24