2013-04-26 87 views



struct DLink { 
    TYPE value;   /* value of the link */ 
    struct DLink * next; /* pointer to the next link */ 
    struct DLink * prev; /* pointer to the previous link */ 


struct cirListDeque { 
    int size;     /* number of links in the deque */ 
    struct DLink *Sentinel;   /* pointer to the sentinel */ 

/* internal functions prototypes */ 
struct DLink* _createLink (TYPE val); 
void _addLinkAfter(struct cirListDeque *q, struct DLink *lnk, struct DLink *newLnk); 

/* Initialize deque. 

    param: q  pointer to the deque 
    pre: q is not null 
    post: q->backSentinel is allocated and q->size equals zero 
void _initCirListDeque (struct cirListDeque *q) 
    assert(q != 0); 

    //allocate the sentinel 
    q->Sentinel = malloc(sizeof(struct DLink)); 
    assert(q->Sentinel != 0); 

    //the start point and end point are equal to each other 
    //q->Sentinel->next = q->Sentinel; 
    q->Sentinel->next = q->Sentinel->prev; 

    //set the size of the deque 
    q->size = 0; 

create a new circular list deque 


struct cirListDeque *createCirListDeque() 
    struct cirListDeque *newCL = malloc(sizeof(struct cirListDeque)); 

//Create a link for a value. 
struct DLink * _createLink (TYPE val) 
    /* FIXME: you must write this */ 
    /*temporary return value..you may need to change it*/ 
    //Create a new link to store the value 
    struct DLink *new_lnk = malloc(sizeof(struct DLink)); 
    assert(new_lnk != 0); 
    new_lnk->value = val; 

    return new_lnk; 

//Adds a link after another link 
void _addLinkAfter(struct cirListDeque *q, struct DLink *lnk, struct DLink *newLnk) 
    assert(q != 0); 
    assert(lnk != 0); 
    assert(newLnk != 0); 

    //The existing link is before the new link 
    lnk->next = newLnk; 
    newLnk->prev = lnk; 

    //The link that was originally after the existing link is after the new link 
    newLnk->next = q->Sentinel->next; 

    //The new link is the last link 
    //q->Sentinel->prev = newLnk; 

    //update the size field 

// Adds a link to the back of the deque 
void addBackCirListDeque (struct cirListDeque *q, TYPE val) 
    /* FIXME: you must write this */ 
    assert(q != 0); 

    //Create the new back link 
    struct DLink *new_backLnk = _createLink(val); 
    struct DLink *tmp = q->Sentinel->prev; 

    q->Sentinel->prev = new_backLnk; 
    new_backLnk->prev = tmp; 
    new_backLnk->next = q->Sentinel->next; 


// Adds a link to the front of the deque 
void addFrontCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q, TYPE val) 
    /* FIXME: you must write this */ 
    assert(q != 0); 

    //create a temp link for the link that is originally after the sentinel 
    struct DLink *tmp = q->Sentinel->next; 

    //allocate the new front link 
    struct DLink *new_frontLnk = _createLink(val); 

    //add the new front link after the Sentinel 
    _addLinkAfter(q, q->Sentinel, new_frontLnk); 

    //Put the old front link after the new front link 
    new_frontLnk->next = tmp; 

    //new_frontLnk->prev = q->Sentinel->prev; 


// Get the value of the front of the deque 
TYPE frontCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q) 
    /* FIXME: you must write this */  
    /*temporary return value..you may need to change it*/ 
    assert(q != 0); 
    assert(q->size > 0); 

    return q->Sentinel->next->value; 

// Get the value of the back of the deque 
TYPE backCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q) 
    /* FIXME: you must write this */  
    /*temporary return value..you may need to change it*/ 
    assert(q != 0); 
    assert(q->size > 0); 

    return q->Sentinel->prev->value; 


// Check whether the deque is empty 
int isEmptyCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q) { 
    /* FIXME: you must write this */ 
    /*temporary return value..you may need to change it*/ 
    assert(q != 0); 

    if (q->size == 0) 
     return 1; 

    return 0; 

// Print the links in the deque from front to back 
void printCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q) 
    assert(q != 0); 

    for (int i = 0; i < q->size; i++) 
     printf("The value is %g\n", q->Sentinel->next->value); 
     q->Sentinel->next = q->Sentinel->next->next; 


注意:你不应该'assert()''malloc'的返回值。您应该优雅地处理失败,因为即使在完美的代码中,运行时也可能发生错误。 – Elazar 2013-04-26 01:20:48


以下划线'_'开头的名称保留给编译器。它似乎也没有给你买任何东西。 – 2013-04-26 01:21:29


在addBackCirListDeque或addFrontCirListDeque之后是否有大小++? – ggbranch 2013-04-26 01:21:46



在此代码malloc不初始化q->Sentinel,你不初始化q->Sentinel->prev所以q->Sentinel->nextq->Sentinel->prev的价值是不确定的。所以,你应该取消注释q->Sentinel->prev = q->Sentinel;行。

void _initCirListDeque (struct cirListDeque *q) 
    assert(q != 0); 

    //allocate the sentinel 
    q->Sentinel = malloc(sizeof(struct DLink)); 

     printf("out of memory\n"); 

    //the start point and end point are equal to each other 
    q->Sentinel->prev = q->Sentinel->next = q->Sentinel; 

    //set the size of the deque 
    q->size = 0; 


void _addLinkAfter(struct cirListDeque *q, struct DLink *lnk, struct DLink *newLnk) 
    // preserve current linkage 

    newLnk->prev = lnk; 
    newLnk->next = lnk->next; 

    // link in new record 

    lnk->next = newLnk; 
    newLnk->next->prev = newLnk; 



void addBackCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q, TYPE val) 
    _addLinkAfter(q, q->Sentinel->prev, _createLink(val)); 


void addFrontCirListDeque(struct cirListDeque *q, TYPE val) 
    _addLinkAfter(q, q->Sentinel, _createLink(val)); 

非常感谢!我有3个打印语句。第一个是使用我之前发布的打印方法。我整理了所有的数字。但是,当我想在前面打印号码时,我没有收到第一个号码。我在中间收到了一个号码。我不明白为什么。我会发布我的更新代码。非常感谢您的帮助! – user2203774 2013-04-26 03:15:52


嗨。我发现问题出在我的打印方法中。问题解决了。谢谢! – user2203774 2013-04-26 04:08:32


您可以请您展示您的打印方法吗?我有类似的问题。它的打印效果很好,直到我完成相反的操作后,它会打印所有值,但会挂起,程序不会结束/退出打印功能。 – antman1p 2017-02-05 15:00:58