2009-12-11 33 views



ERM - formCheck似乎通过了AJAX技术来支持提交。这里有脚本头列举了一些选项:

submitByAjax - you can set this to true if you want to submit your form with ajax. You should use provided events to handle the ajax request (see below). By default it is false. 
ajaxResponseDiv - id of element to inject ajax response into (can also use onAjaxSuccess). By default it is false. 
ajaxEvalScripts - use evalScripts in the Request response. Can be true or false, by default it is false. 
onAjaxRequest - Function to fire when the Request event starts. 
onAjaxSuccess - Function to fire when the Request receives . Args: response [the request response] - see Mootools docs for Request.onSuccess. 
onAjaxFailure - Function to fire if the Request fails.