2015-08-28 59 views


的numberss是一个txt文件UND它包含此: Txt file source




string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("SourceFile.txt"); 

String from File

第一4线均达到线[3]。 我怎样才能控制不同的线在同一个位置? 它就像一个二维数组或我必须做其他事情?


每个数字都有其独特的模式不是?你可以计算行数[0]中有多少个空格,并且看到第一行中有多少个数字。接下来的0到4行来形成数字,然后再计数5 – SamY


,因为你知道有多少数字,你可以检查每个模式 – SamY


@SamY是的,每个数字都有其独特的模式。我如何在Code中做你的logik? (要计算和控制模式?) –




public class AsciiNumber 
    private readonly char[][] _data; 

    public AsciiNumber(char character, char[][] data) 
     this._data = data; 
     this.Character = character; 

    public char Character 
     private set; 

    public int Width 
      return this._data[0].Length; 

    public int Height 
      return this._data.Length; 

    public bool Match(string[] source, int startRow, int startColumn) 
     if (startRow + this.Height > source.Length) 
      return false; 

     for (var i = startRow; i < startRow + this.Height; i++) 
      var row = source[i]; 
      if (startColumn + this.Width > row.Length) 
       return false; 

      for (var j = startColumn; j < startColumn + this.Width; j++) 
       if (this._data[i - startRow][j - startColumn] != row[j]) 
        return false; 

     return true; 


public static class Alphabet 
    private static readonly AsciiNumber Number1 = new AsciiNumber('1', new[]{ 
     new []{'|'}, 
     new []{'|'}, 
     new []{'|'}, 
     new []{'|'}, 

    private static readonly AsciiNumber Number3 = new AsciiNumber('3', new[]{ 
     new []{'-','-','-'}, 
     new []{' ',' ','/'}, 
     new []{' ',' ','\\'}, 
     new []{'-','-','-'}, 

    public static readonly IEnumerable<AsciiNumber> All = new[] { Number1, Number3 }; 


 string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines("SourceFile.txt"); 
     var lineHeight = 4; 

     var text = new StringBuilder(); 
     for (var i = 0; i < lines.Length; i += lineHeight) 
      var j = 0; 
      while (j < lines[i].Length) 
       var match = Alphabet.All.FirstOrDefault(character => character.Match(lines, i, j)); 
       if (match != null) 
        j += match.Width; 
     Console.WriteLine("Recognized numbers: {0}", text.ToString()); 



不知何故,我只能得到1的代码 –


你有没有在字母表中加入其他数字?你是否理解我的代码的作用?虽然它与我的测试输入完全一致,但它可能会因输入而失败。使用调试器来了解错误。 –



---  ---  | | |  ----- 
/  _|  | |__|  |___  
\  |  |  |   | 
--  ---  |  |  ____| 


$---$---$|$| |$-----$ 
$/$ _|$|$|__|$|___ $ 
$ \ $| $|$ |$ |$ 
$-- $---$|$ |$____|$ 


让我们看看如何用代码来做到这一点。鉴于解析string[] lines文本,我们将创建一个扩展方法来去除不必要的空格,把一个separator字符/字符串,而不是:

public static class StringHelperClass 
    // Extension method to remove any unnecessary white-space and put a separator char instead. 
    public static string[] ReplaceSpacesWithSeparator(this string[] text, string separator) 
     // Create an array of StringBuilder, one for every line in the text. 
     StringBuilder[] stringBuilders = new StringBuilder[text.Length]; 

     // Initialize stringBuilders. 
     for (int n = 0; n < text.Length; n++) 
      stringBuilders[n] = new StringBuilder().Append(separator); 

     // Get shortest line in the text, in order to avoid Out Of Range Exception. 
     int shorterstLine = text.Min(line => line.Length); 

     // Temporary variables. 
     int lastSeparatorIndex = 0; 
     bool previousCharWasSpace = false; 

     // Start processing the text, char after char. 
     for (int n = 0; n < shorterstLine; ++n) 
      // Look for white-spaces on the same position on 
      // all the lines of the text. 
      if (text.All(line => line[n] == ' ')) 
       // Go to next char if previous char was also a white-space, 
       // or if this is the first white-space char of the text. 
       if (previousCharWasSpace || n == 0) 
        previousCharWasSpace = true; 
        lastSeparatorIndex = n + 1; 
       previousCharWasSpace = true; 

       // Append non white-space chars to the StringBuilder 
       // of each line, for later use. 
       for (int i = lastSeparatorIndex; i < n; ++i) 
        for (int j = 0; j < text.Length; j++) 

       // Append separator char. 
       for (int j = 0; j < text.Length; j++) 

       lastSeparatorIndex = n + 1; 
       previousCharWasSpace = false; 

     for (int j = 0; j < text.Length; j++) 
      text[j] = stringBuilders[j].ToString(); 

     // Return formatted text. 
     return text; 


lines = lines.ReplaceSpacesWithSeparator("$"); 

ASCIINumbersParser parser = new ASCIINumbersParser(lines, "$"); 


public class ASCIINumbersParser 
    // Will store a list of all the possible numbers 
    // found in the text. 
    public List<string[]> CandidatesList { get; } 

    public ASCIINumbersParser(string[] text, string separator) 
     CandidatesList = new List<string[]>(); 

     string[][] candidates = new string[text.Length][]; 

     for (int n = 0; n < text.Length; ++n) 
      // Split each line in the text, using the separator char/string. 
      candidates[n] = 
       text[n].Split(new[] { separator }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 

     // Put the strings in such a way that each CandidateList item 
     // contains only one possible number found in the text. 
     for (int i = 0; i < candidates[0].Length; ++i) 
      CandidatesList.Add(candidates.Select(c => c[i]).ToArray()); 


public static class ASCIINumberHelper 
    // Get an ASCII art representation of a number. 
    public static string[] GetASCIIRepresentationForNumber(int number) 
     switch (number) 
      case 1: 
       return new[] 
      case 2: 
       return new[] 
        " _|", 
        "| ", 
      case 3: 
       return new[] 
        @" \ ", 
        "-- " 
      case 4: 
       return new[] 
        "| |", 
        " |", 
        " |" 
      case 5: 
       return new[] 
        "|___ ", 
        " |", 
       return null; 

    // See if two numbers represented as ASCII art are equal. 
    public static bool ASCIIRepresentationMatch(string[] number1, string[] number2) 
     // Return false if the any of the two numbers is null 
     // or their lenght is different. 

     // if (number1 == null || number2 == null) 
     //  return false; 
     // if (number1.Length != number2.Length) 
     //  return false; 

     if (number1?.Length != number2?.Length) 
      return false; 

      for (int n = 0; n < number1.Length; ++n) 
       if (number1[n].CompareTo(number2[n]) != 0) 
        return false; 
     catch (Exception ex) 
      Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex); 
      return false; 

     return true; 


static void Main() 
     string ASCIIString = @" 
      ---  ---  | | |  ----- 
      /  _|  | |__|  |___  
      \  |  |  |   | 
      --  ---  |  |  ____| "; 

     string[] lines = 
      ASCIIString.Split(new[] {"\n","\r\n"}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); 

     lines = lines.ReplaceSpacesWithSeparator("$"); 

     ASCIINumbersParser parser = new ASCIINumbersParser(lines, "$"); 

     // Try to find all numbers contained in the ASCII string 
     foreach (string[] candidate in parser.CandidatesList) 
      for (int i = 1; i < 10; ++i) 
       string[] num = ASCIINumberHelper.GetASCIIRepresentationForNumber(i); 
       if (ASCIINumberHelper.ASCIIRepresentationMatch(num, candidate)) 
        Console.WriteLine("Number {0} was found in the string.", i); 

    // Expected output: 
    // Number 3 was found in the string. 
    // Number 2 was found in the string. 
    // Number 1 was found in the string. 
    // Number 4 was found in the string. 
    // Number 5 was found in the string. 
