2011-09-01 61 views

鉴于webtest似乎没有3.x版本(或任何开发一个的计划),是否有解决方案来自动化系统测试WSGI应用程序?我知道单元测试的单元测试 - 我对整个系统测试的时刻更感兴趣。Python 3.x WSGI测试框架

我不是在寻找工具来帮助开发一个应用 - 只需测试它。


只是让你知道情况是什么。 webtest依赖于webob。目前webob上正在进行一些工作,使其能够在python 3上运行。想象一下,当webob上的工作完成时,webtest应该只能在python 3上工作,或者应该尽可能少地工作。所以说“或者有什么开发计划”并不完全正确,但现在你知道情况了。 –


这很好听。可能是WebTest wiki的好信息。我发现的唯一一篇文章就是[这篇文章](http://groups.google.com/group/paste-users/browse_thread/thread/af25d39867d4cbe1),其中有人提到了Python 3支持,但从未收到回复。 – threewestwinds


这个问题现在已经过了几年了,而且事情可能已经改变了。在没有指出任何更改日志或什么的情况下,我只能说我正在使用'webtest'和一个Python 3.4应用程序(基于'Falcon'框架)。 – Dirk



下面是我使用的一个非常简单的类 - 我只是从WSGIBaseTest而不是TestCase继承而来,并获得可以将请求传入的方法self.request()

import unittest 
from wsgiref import util 
import io 

class WSGIBaseTest(unittest.TestCase): 
    '''Base class for unit-tests. Provides up a simple interface to make requests 
    as though they came through a wsgi interface from a user.''' 
    def setUp(self): 
     '''Set up a fresh testing environment before each test.''' 
     self.cookies = [] 
    def request(self, application, url, post_data = None): 
     '''Hand a request to the application as if sent by a client. 
     @param application: The callable wsgi application to test. 
     @param url: The URL to make the request against. 
     @param post_data: A string.''' 
     self.response_started = False 
     temp = io.StringIO(post) 
     environ = { 
      'PATH_INFO': url, 
      'REQUEST_METHOD': 'POST' if post_data else 'GET', 
      'CONTENT_LENGTH': len(post), 
      'wsgi.input': temp, 
     if self.cookies: 
      environ['HTTP_COOKIE'] = ';'.join(self.cookies) 
     self.response = '' 
     for ret in application(environ, self._start_response): 
      assert self.response_started 
      self.response += str(ret) 
     return response 
    def _start_response(self, status, headers): 
     '''A callback passed into the application, to simulate a wsgi 

     @param status: The response status of the application ("200", "404", etc) 
     @param headers: Any headers to begin the response with. 
     assert not self.response_started 
     self.response_started = True 
     self.status = status 
     self.headers = headers 
     for header in headers: 
      # Parse out any cookies and save them to send with later requests. 
      if header[0] == 'Set-Cookie': 
       var = header[1].split(';', 1) 
       if len(var) > 1 and var[1][0:9] == ' Max-Age=': 
        if int(var[1][9:]) > 0: 
         # An approximation, since our cookies never expire unless 
         # explicitly deleted (by setting Max-Age=0). 
         index = self.cookies.index(var[0]) 
    def new_session(self): 
     '''Start a new session (or pretend to be a different user) by deleting 
     all current cookies.''' 
     self.cookies = []